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Last active June 26, 2022 17:41
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Why spoonfeed is bad.

  1. No one learns anything.
  • You're just giving code for someone to just copy and paste

    • The lack of effort they gave for this code doesn't help anyone.
  • It removes the value of your code.

    • The time you spent working on that file just for someone to take your code without much effort if not none at all and they won't think twice about you afterwards. Some people may not mind that, and think they're just "helping" someone when really all you did was show them the final product, instead of showing them how they made the final product.
  1. They'll probably come back to you with Basic Errors.

    • This is especially frustrating when you're working with a module which would take loads of experience with said language, for example They would copy and paste the code, and if it gives them any error such as NameError: bot is not defined when the perosn who copy and pasted the code is using client.

    • This shows that they didn't even think about the code, and just copy and pasted with not even the effor to change the variable names.

    • They'll most likely blame you for the code, that doesn't work.

  2. They probably won't ever understand what the code is doing, meaning that if they want to remake the code to do something else, they won't know, and then you're going to have to give them the code again. Here is an example

    • Bob = Person who wants to be spoonfed:

    Bob: Somoene give me the code for giveaway command.

    gets code Bob: How do I make a command select a random object from a list?

    • If you don't get it, the giveaway command selects a random user from the entries, and the question they just asked, how do they do that.
  3. You won't be able to explain the code apart from a basic explanation such as "The bot uses LIB to do that."

  • This isn't a good thing at all as you don't know what your own code is doing.
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alr this once was me lol

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