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Created July 21, 2023 10:46
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Atuin delete session history on exit
# run `nh` any time in the session to delete it's history on session exit.
alias nh="export ATUIN_DELETE_HISTORY=1"
__delete_history_on_exit() {
# echo $ATUIN_SESSION >> /tmp/debug
# stick to tomlq to get the db from config or hardcode db path here
db=$(tomlq -c .db_path < ~/.config/atuin/config.toml)
[[ "${db}" == "null" || -z "${db}" ]] && db="~/.local/share/atuin/history.db"
# echo "${db}" >> /tmp/debug
# sqlite3 "${db}" <<< "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM history WHERE session = '${ATUIN_SESSION}'" >> /tmp/debug
sqlite3 "${db}" <<< "DELETE FROM history WHERE session = '${ATUIN_SESSION}'"
trap __delete_history_on_exit EXIT
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