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Created May 14, 2020 16:37
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// Program: Sample Arduino code for a flying fader
// Purpose: Demonstrating how to not use blocking code when moving a motor back and forth based on a analog sensor input
// Programmer: LRTNZ
// Date: 13/05/2020
// |------------|
// | Pin Values |
// |------------|
// Motor Pins
const int ENABLE_PIN = 2;
const int DIRECTION_ONE = 3;
const int DIRECTION_TWO = 4;
// Sensor Pins
const int FADER_POT = A15;
// |--------------|
// | Motor Values |
// |--------------|
// Motor direction enum - This allows us to store multiple different states in a variable, in a more usable way.
enum motorDirection {
// Motor state
motorDirection direction = stationary;
bool running = false;
// |--------------|
// | Fader Values |
// |--------------|
// Limits for the travel, based on the potentiometer. Set to be slightly less/greater than the max/min, to allow for momentum in the moving fader.
const int MIN_FADER_VALUE = 1000; // Must be above 0, to be effective
const int MAX_FADER_VALUE = 31000; // Must be less than the maximum value, to be effective
// Fader Value
int faderValue = 0;
// If the fader is at a limit or not
bool faderAtLimit = false;
// |-----------|
// | Main Code |
// |-----------|
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
// Start the serial stream
Serial.println("Fader Demo with Limits Started");
// Tells the arduino that these pins are output pins
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
// Checks whether the fader is at it's limit or not
faderAtLimit = checkSliderLimit();
// If the fader is at a limit, stop the motor
// If the motor is not running - The fader has reached a limit
if(running == false){
// If the current direction the motor was travelling was going forwards, set it to reverse
if(direction == forwards){
Serial.println("Started the motor going backwards");
// Set direction to be the direction enum reverse value
direction = reverse;
// Call to the method to set the direction pins of the H bridge.
// Start the motor at max speed
// If the motor was going in reverse (Or is stationary as at the start of the program), change it to run forwards
} else {
Serial.println("Started the motor going forwards");
// Set direction to be the direction enum forwards value
direction = forwards;
// Call to the method to set the direction pins of the H bridge.
// Start the motor at max speed
// Returns true if the fader is at, or passed a limit in either direction
bool checkSliderLimit(){
// Get the current value of the fader position
int deadzonethrottle = 25;
faderValue = constrain(map(analogRead(FADER_POT),1023-deadzonethrottle,0+deadzonethrottle,0,32767),0,32767);
// Checks for max travel limit, and if the motor is travelling in the direction where the max limit will apply
if(faderValue >= MAX_FADER_VALUE && direction == forwards){
Serial.println("Fader Reached Max Travel Limit");
return true;
// Checks for min travel limit, and if the motor is travelling in the direction where the min limit will apply
if(faderValue <= MIN_FADER_VALUE && direction == reverse){
Serial.println("Fader Reached Min Travel Limit");
return true;
// If neither of above are true, the fader is not at a limit, so return false
return false;
// Starts the motor at the passed in speed
void startMotor(int speed){
// Starts the PWM on the enable pin
analogWrite(ENABLE_PIN, speed);
running = true;
// Method to set the direction pins of the H bridge, from the provided input
void setDirection(motorDirection directionVal){
// Switch based on the direction value. Think of this as a list of "if else" statements.
// By using the enum we have been able to use this, while still also maintaining human readability
switch (directionVal){
// If the direction is forwards
case forwards:
Serial.println("Changed motor to run forwards");
// Set the pins for the motor to run forwards
digitalWrite(DIRECTION_ONE, true);
digitalWrite(DIRECTION_TWO, false);
// Escape from the switch statement
// If the direction is reverse
case reverse:
Serial.println("Changed motor to run in reverse");
// Set the pins for the motor to run in reverse
digitalWrite(DIRECTION_ONE, false);
digitalWrite(DIRECTION_TWO, true);
// Escape
// If the direction is stationary
case stationary:
Serial.println("Changed motor to stop");
// Set the enable pin to 0, to stop the motor moving
analogWrite(ENABLE_PIN, 0);
// No longer running the motor, so need to update the running variable.
running = false;
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