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Last active July 5, 2024 12:43
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This script helps in generating configuration files with unique UUIDs and allows customization of network and proxy settings. It clears the directory of all files, generates new UUIDs, replaces the UUID in a given template, and creates a zip file containing the generated configuration files.
# UUID Replacement and Configuration File Generator
This script helps in generating configuration files with unique UUIDs and allows customization of network and proxy settings. It clears the directory of all files, generates new UUIDs, replaces the UUID in a given template, and creates a zip file containing the generated configuration files.
## Features:
- Uninstalls conflicting packages.
- Installs necessary libraries.
- Clears the directory.
- Generates unique UUIDs.
- Replaces UUIDs in template content.
- Customizes network and proxy settings.
- Generates and zips configuration files.
- Triggers download of the generated zip file.
## Usage:
1. Run the script in Google Colab.
2. Follow the prompts to select network configuration and proxy settings.
3. Provide a custom name for the generated profiles.
4. Download the generated zip file containing the configuration files.
If this unlocks your cellular, please consider sharing my profile and starring the gist.
## Code
import os
import shutil
import uuid
from google.colab import files
import zipfile
# Step 1: Uninstall the conflicting pathlib package
!pip uninstall -y pathlib
# Step 2: Install necessary libraries
!pip install pyinstaller
# Function to clear the directory of all files
def clear_directory(path='.'):
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path, topdown=False):
for name in files:
os.remove(os.path.join(root, name))
for name in dirs:
shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(root, name))
# Define the generate_new_uuid function
def generate_new_uuid():
new_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4())
print(f"UUID Generator Output: {new_uuid}")
return new_uuid
# Function to replace UUID in the template content
def replace_uuid_in_file(template_content, new_uuid):
return template_content.replace('aa9c5023-3f0e-4d0f-904b-5fbc5da0c9bd', new_uuid.strip())
# Create the configuration file content
template_content = '''
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>برگشت آنتن</string>
<string>All Operators</string>
# Network configurations
network_configs = {
"All Network": {},
"Hamrah Aval": {},
"Irancel": {},
"Rightel": {},
# Select configuration
print("Please select a configuration:")
for index, config_name in enumerate(network_configs.keys(), start=1):
print(f"{index}. {config_name}")
selected_index = int(input("Enter the number of your desired configuration: "))
selected_config_name = list(network_configs.keys())[selected_index - 1]
selected_config = network_configs[selected_config_name]
# Proxy settings
need_proxy = input("Do you need proxy settings? (yes/no): ").strip().lower()
if need_proxy == "yes":
proxy_server = input("Please enter the proxy server address: ")
proxy_port = int(input("Please enter the proxy port: "))
proxy_server = ""
proxy_port = 0
# Create unique IDs using the uuid library
unique_ids = [str(uuid.uuid4()) for _ in range(5)]
# Add unique IDs to the configuration
selected_config["UniqueIDs"] = unique_ids
# Add proxy settings if needed
if need_proxy == "yes":
selected_config["ProxyServer"] = proxy_server
selected_config["ProxyPort"] = proxy_port
# Display the final configuration
print("\nFinal configuration:")
# Prompt user for a single custom profile name
custom_name = input("Enter the custom name for the generated profiles: ")
# List of template files
templates = [
output_files = []
# Process each template
for template in templates:
new_uuid = generate_new_uuid()
output_content = replace_uuid_in_file(template_content, new_uuid)
output_path = f"{custom_name}-{template}"
with open(output_path, 'w') as f:
# Print the paths of the generated configuration files
print("\nGenerated configuration files:")
for output_file in output_files:
# Create a zip file containing all the generated files
zip_filename = f"{custom_name}"
with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_filename, 'w') as zipf:
for output_file in output_files:
# Trigger file download in the Colab interface
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