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Last active June 4, 2023 10:20
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Rust Configuration

Rust Configuration

Key Binds


Auto attack and duck:

bind f2 attack;duck

Duck toggle:

bind c ~duck;+duck

Auto sprint:

bind x forward;sprint

Rebind swapseats:

bind f4 swapseats


Aim with zoom:

bind mouse1 +attack2;+meta.if_true "fov 70";+meta.if_false "fov 90";+meta.if_true "graphics.vm_fov_scale 0";+meta.if_false "graphics.vm_fov_scale 1"

Quick fire weapons:

bind mousewheeldown +attack

Use with mouse wheel up, useful for picking up things:

bind mousewheelup +use

Look Radius (normal and with chat message):

bind f5 ~client.lookatradius 0.001;client.lookatradius 20

bind f5 ~meta.exec "client.lookatradius 0.001" "chat.add 0 0 \"Lookradius set to 0.001\"";meta.exec "client.lookatradius 20" "chat.add 0 0 \"Lookradius set to 20\""

Bandages (normal and with chat message):

bind 7 craft.add -2072273936

bind 7 craft.add -2072273936;chat.add 0 0 "Crafting bandage"

Tool Cupboard (normal and with chat message):

bind pageup craft.add -97956382 1"

bind pageup craft.add -97956382 1;chat.add 0 0 "Crafting TC"

Stone Barricades (normal and with chat message):

bind pagedown craft.add 15388698 10

bind pagedown craft.add 15388698 10;chat.add 0 0 "Crafting x10 Stone Barricades"


bind f9 consoletoggle;console.clear;combatlog

Combatlog outgoing:

bind f10 consoletoggle;console.clear;combatlog_outgoing

Limit FPS:

bind insert ~fps.limit 2;fps.limit 5;fps.limit -1

Toggle audio volume:

bind f12 ~audio.master 0.1;audio.master 0.5

Upgrade the block you are looking at to the next tier. Hammer must be at the sixth slot:

bind mouse4 slot6;+attack2;+attack;+slot6


Toggle noclip:

bind f11 noclip

Remove entity:

bind delete ent kill

Set time to 09:00:

bind keypadminus env.time 9

Teleport where you are looking at:

bind keypadplus teleportlos

Give start materials:

bind keypadmultiply give wood 9999999;give stones 9999999;give metal.fragments 9999999;give metal.refined 9999999;give cloth 9999999

One time commands

Stop bumping head when jumping on low ceilings:

input.autocrouch 1

Decrease time to open things that require holding the use button:

input.holdtime 0.1

Steam launch Options

Increase buffer to prevent stutter:

-gc.buffer 4096

Increase CPU Priority to increase performance (could backfire):

-cpu_priority high

Better level of detail at greater distances:

-graphics.lodbias 5

Remove breaking effects:

-effects.maxgibs 1-

Disable creation effects:

-effects.creationeffects 0

Higher visibility when aiming at stuff with interactables near (Highly recommended):

-hitnotify.notification_level 2

Quicker return to front view after alt looking:

-headlerp_inertia 0

No hit sound when invalids, except invalid headshots for some reason:

-hitnotify.notification_level 2

Full command example:

-gc.buffer 4096 -cpu_priority high -graphics.lodbias 5 -effects.maxgibs 1- -effects.creationeffects 0 -global.hideinteracttextwhileads 1 -headlerp_inertia 0 -hitnotify.notification_level 2

Adapted from:

Some of the commands have been taken and modified from this awesome Steam guide by @dog, made also with the help from @WormLover41

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