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Last active August 19, 2024 21:52
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Computation Expression Stub for F#
open System
// Replace with your type
type MyType<'a> = Async<'a>
type Internal<'a> = MyType<'a>
// Replace with types that feel similar and can be converted to `MyType`
type External1<'a> = System.Threading.Tasks.Task<'a>
type External2<'a> = System.Threading.Tasks.ValueTask<'a>
type Delayed<'a> = unit -> MyType<'a>
// What is InlineIfLambda? This allows generation of high performance code which Computation Expressions have had in the past.
// See
// We also mark everything an inline to try to squeeze as much performance out of the implementation as possible.
type StubBuilder() =
/// Called for let! and do! in computation expressions.
member inline this.Bind(input: Internal<'T>, [<InlineIfLambda>] f: ('T -> Internal<'U>)) : Internal<'U> =
raise <| NotImplementedException()
/// Called for efficient let! and and! in computation expressions without merging inputs.
member inline this.Bind2
input: Internal<'T1>,
input2: Internal<'T2>,
[<InlineIfLambda>] f: ('T1 * 'T2 -> Internal<'U>)
) : Internal<'U> =
raise <| NotImplementedException()
/// Called for efficient let! and and! in computation expressions without merging inputs.
member inline this.Bind3
input: Internal<'T1>,
input2: Internal<'T2>,
input3: Internal<'T3>,
[<InlineIfLambda>] f: ('T1 * 'T2 * 'T3 -> Internal<'U>)
) : Internal<'U> =
raise <| NotImplementedException()
/// Called for return in computation expressions.
member inline this.Return(input: 'T) : Internal<'T> = raise <| NotImplementedException()
/// Called for return! in computation expressions.
member inline this.ReturnFrom(input: Internal<'T>) : Internal<'T> = input
/// Called for an efficient let! ... return in computation expressions.
member inline this.BindReturn(input: Internal<'T>, [<InlineIfLambda>] f: ('T -> 'U)) : Internal<'U> =
raise <| NotImplementedException()
/// Called for efficient let! ... and! ... return in computation expressions without merging inputs.
member inline this.Bind2Return
input: Internal<'T1>,
input2: Internal<'T2>,
[<InlineIfLambda>] f: ('T1 * 'T2 -> 'U)
) : Internal<'U> =
raise <| NotImplementedException()
/// Called for efficient let! ... and! ... return in computation expressions without merging inputs.
member inline this.Bind3Return
input: Internal<'T1>,
input2: Internal<'T2>,
input3: Internal<'T3>,
[<InlineIfLambda>] f: ('T1 * 'T2 * 'T3 -> 'U)
) : Internal<'U> =
raise <| NotImplementedException()
/// Called for and! in computation expressions.
member inline this.MergeSources(input: Internal<'T1>, input2: Internal<'T2>) : Internal<'T1 * 'T2> =
raise <| NotImplementedException()
/// Called for and! in computation expressions, but improves efficiency by reducing the number of tupling nodes.
member inline this.MergeSources3
input: Internal<'T1>,
input2: Internal<'T2>,
input3: Internal<'T3>
) : Internal<'T1 * 'T2 * 'T3> =
raise <| NotImplementedException()
/// Wraps a computation expression as a function. Delayed<'T> can be any type, commonly Internal<'T> or unit -> Internal<'T> are used.
/// Many functions use the result of Delay as an argument: Run, While, TryWith, TryFinally, and Combine
member inline this.Delay([<InlineIfLambda>] f: unit -> Internal<'T>) : Delayed<'T> =
raise <| NotImplementedException()
/// Executes a computation expression.
member inline this.Run([<InlineIfLambda>] f: Delayed<'T>) : Internal<'T> = raise <| NotImplementedException()
/// Called for sequencing in computation expressions.
member inline this.Combine(input: Internal<'T>, [<InlineIfLambda>] f: Delayed<'T>) : Internal<'T> =
raise <| NotImplementedException()
/// Called for sequencing in computation expressions.
member inline this.Combine(input: Internal<unit>, f: Internal<'T>) : Internal<'T> = raise <| NotImplementedException()
/// Called for expressions in computation expressions.
member inline this.While
[<InlineIfLambda>] guard: unit -> bool,
[<InlineIfLambda>] body: Delayed<'T>
) : Internal<'T> =
raise <| NotImplementedException()
/// Called for expressions in computation expressions.
member inline this.While
[<InlineIfLambda>] guard: unit -> bool,
[<InlineIfLambda>] body: Delayed<unit>
) : Internal<unit> =
raise <| NotImplementedException()
/// Called for expressions in computation expressions.
member inline this.For(xs: #seq<'T>, [<InlineIfLambda>] f: 'T -> Internal<'U>) : Internal<'U> =
raise <| NotImplementedException()
/// Called for expressions in computation expressions.
// Only need one of these For implementations
// member inline this.For(xs : #seq<'T>, [<InlineIfLambda>] f : 'T -> Internal<'U> ) : seq<Internal<'U>> =
// raise <| NotImplementedException()
/// Called for try...finally expressions in computation expressions.
member inline this.TryFinally
[<InlineIfLambda>] body: Delayed<'T>,
[<InlineIfLambda>] final: unit -> unit
) : Internal<'T> =
raise <| NotImplementedException()
/// Called for try...finally expressions in computation expressions.
member inline this.TryWith
[<InlineIfLambda>] body: Delayed<'T>,
[<InlineIfLambda>] failure: exn -> Internal<'T>
) : Internal<'T> =
raise <| NotImplementedException()
/// Called for use bindings in computation expressions.
member inline this.Using(resource: 'T when 'T :> IAsyncDisposable, [<InlineIfLambda>] f: 'T -> Internal<'U>) : Internal<'U> =
// This may not need to be implemented for non async-like CEs and can be replaced by the Using in the Extensions module
raise <| NotImplementedException()
/// Called for empty else branches of if...then expressions in computation expressions.
member inline _.Zero() : Internal<'a> = raise <| NotImplementedException()
/// Called to convert an External to Internal type before any others calls in computation expression.
/// This is the identity function for the internal type
member inline _.Source(identity: Internal<'a>) : Internal<'a> = identity
/// Called to convert an External to Internal type before any others calls in computation expression.
/// This is the identity function for for loops.
member inline _.Source(identity: #seq<'a>) : #seq<'a> = identity
/// Called to convert an External to Internal type before any others calls in computation expression.
member inline _.Source(other: External1<Option<'a>>) : Internal<'a> = raise <| NotImplementedException()
/// Called to convert an External to Internal type before any others calls in computation expression.
member inline _.Source(other: External2<'a>) : Internal<'a> = raise <| NotImplementedException()
/// F#'s overloading resolution prioritizes extension methods lower
/// so if you have a more Derived type like `Async<Option<'T>>` vs `Async<'T>`, it won't know
/// which one to choose. You'll want to have the more specific in the Builder itself
/// and the less specific in an extension method.
/// See:
module StubBuilderExtension =
let stub = StubBuilder()
type StubBuilder with
/// Called to convert an External to Internal type before any others calls in computation expression.
member inline _.Source(other: External1<'a>) : Internal<'a> = raise <| NotImplementedException()
/// Called for use bindings in computation expressions.
member inline this.Using(resource: 'T :> IDisposable, [<InlineIfLambda>] f: 'T -> Internal<'U>) : Internal<'U> =
// In extensions because of the priority resolution discussed above
// Otherwise you get a "Duplicate method. The method 'Using' has the same name and signature as another method in type 'StubBuilder'"
// Reason is, .NET cannot have overloaded methods based on constraints alone
// This can be moved to main builder if IAsyncDisposable is not required
raise <| NotImplementedException()
module Example =
open System.Threading.Tasks
let bindExamples () =
stub {
let! result = async { return "lol" } // string -> Used Normal Bind
let! result = task { return Some "lol" } // string -> Used Source member External1<Option<'a>>
let! result = task { return "lol" } // string -> Used Source member External1<'a> that is an extension member for lower binding resolution.
and! result4 = ValueTask<string>("lol") // string -> Used Source member Extenrnal2<'a>
return "lol"
type DisposableExample() =
interface IDisposable with
member this.Dispose() : unit = printfn "disposed"
let disposeExample () =
stub {
use d = new DisposableExample()
return "lol"
type AsyncDisposableExample() =
interface IAsyncDisposable with
member this.DisposeAsync() : ValueTask =
printfn "disposed"
let asyncDisposeExample () =
stub {
use d = new AsyncDisposableExample()
return "lol"
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