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Created February 18, 2016 12:52
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shtriped rheview

#Speling You mispeled SEPERATOR.


Try and avoid single character or abbreviated names:


Versus with another 5 characters


Much more readable


You can and should use templating strings here:

' [' + [].concat(stmt.args).join(COMPONENTS.SEPERATOR) + ']'

In addition, you shouldn't be doing that many things on one line, you should split your logic up a little more to let your code explain what that is.

function undef(obj) {
    return typeof obj === 'undefined'

This won't actually work, as when you try to pass an undefined value into a function, it'll throw a ReferenceError

#Code Formatting

Try and declare your variables on one line each, and each with the var keyword, otherwise you may run into an issue where your variables become globals:

for example

var a,

a and b are locals

var a

a is a local, b is a global.

return i

semicolons pls.

This is my preference, but I usually try to return false instead of null, because it makes for less falsy and truthy values.

if (functionResult == null)


if (functionResult)

#switch me on

Your massive switch statement can be extracted a little more if you like by assigning functions to properties in an object, and calling the function based on the value.


Overall, your code is good, just try to extract some of your logic out so that there's not so much in there, and try to extract as much of the duplicate code as you can into functions and multiuse stuff.

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