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Created January 5, 2022 12:30
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How to setup supervisor after installation on centos environment
Run mkdir /etc/supervisor/ to create a directory to save configuration files.
Go to the newly created directory and run touch laravel-worker.conf (This creates a config file called laravel-worker, you can change this to another name of your choosing).
Once the laravel-worker.conf file is created. Edit its content (use sudo vim laravel-worker.conf) and enter the configuration as shown below:
command=php /*Location to your laravel project*/artisan queue:work --tries=3
Save the laravel-worker.conf, then go to the end of supervisord.conf and change the path as shown below.
files = /etc/supervisor/laravel-worker.conf
Run supervisord -c /etc/supervisord.conf. If it is started, use ps -ef to check PID and kill to finish the task.
To listen to tasks and keep the queue running, run the following commands:
systemctl enable supervisord
systemctl start supervisord
systemctl status supervisord
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