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Created September 14, 2023 15:34
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Hacking with PowerShell

  • Powershell is build with .NET Framework. You can execute .NET fucntions from PS. the output of these functions are objectes (somehow object-oriented).
  • The normal format of cmdlet is Verb-Noun. Example: Get-Command. Common verbs include: Get / Start / Stop / Read / Write / New / Out.
  • learn more about verbs here:
  • Get-Help and Get-Command is your friend.
  • You can use -Example with Get-Help to give an idea of how to use any cmdlet.
  • Get-Command print out all the installed cmdlet. It has pattern match. Get-Command Verb-* *-Noun
  • Just like bash passing output between cmdlets is done with | Remember, in PS we pass an OBJECT and not TEXT.
  • Objects has methods and properties.
  • You can use Where-Object to specificy wich objects to match a very specific value. Verb-Noun | Where-Object -Property PropertyNAme -operator Value. Verb-Nound | Where-Object {$_.PropertyName -operator Value}
  • You can use -Conatins , -EQ, -GT, you know what they mean. for a list of Operators:
  • Enumerating with powershell: users, basic networking information, file permisions, registry permissions, scheduled and running tasks, insecure files.
  • Get-localuser and to get its SID we do get-localuser -Name "Guest" | Select-Object sid
  • Find the content of a backup file inside the a machine: Get-ChildItem -Path c:\ -Recurse | Where-Object {$_.Name -like '*backup*'}
  • The $_. is like -Property
  • Select-Object is used to select specific properties from a given object often passed by a pipe |
  • to exclude dll -Exclude *.dll*
  • Search for specific string in all files: Get-ChildItem -Path c:\ -Recurse -File | Select-String -Pattern "API_KEY"
  • Get-content is like type
  • Variables is PS: $VariableName = Value
  • scripting in powershell cheatsheet:
  • Powershell port scanner:
$ports = 1..1000
$ipAdresses = 1..254
foreach ($ip in $ipAdresses) {
    foreach($port in $ports){
    Test-NetConnection 127.0.0.$ip -Port $port | Select-Object -Property TcpTestSucceeded 


Powershell for pentesters.

  • Start-process can be used to start a process
  • Get hash of file: Get-FileHash -Algorithm MD5 .\powerview.ps1 | Select-Object -Property Hash | Format-Table -HideTableHeaders. The latest part gives you the hash only
  • Bypass execution policy.
PS C:\Users\Walter> Get-ExecutionPolicy -list 

        Scope ExecutionPolicy 
        ----- --------------- 
MachinePolicy       Undefined 
   UserPolicy       Undefined 
      Process       Undefined 
  CurrentUser       Undefined 
 LocalMachine    Unrestricted 

PS C:\Users\Walter>Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass 
PS C:\Users\Walter> Get-ExecutionPolicy -list  

        Scope ExecutionPolicy 
        ----- --------------- 
MachinePolicy       Undefined 
   UserPolicy       Undefined 
      Process       Undefined 
  CurrentUser       Undefined 
 LocalMachine          Bypass 
  • if you set -scope executionpolicy will be bypassed only for the current session. it can be useful if there's a cron job that scans for execution policies evey now and then.
  • Get-HotFix can be used to check for missing updates. it can be used along with Format-Table or Format-List
  • Example of Get-HotFix: Get-HotFix | Where-Object {$_.InstalledOn -like "*5/15/2019*"}
  • One of the most important command in powerview: Get-NetComputer enumerate systems connected to the domain. (Get-NetComputer).samaccountname
  • Find-DomainShare will list all available shares. If you do -CheckShareAccess readable shares will be shown.
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