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Created September 4, 2013 00:00
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rem pixel-fallback
$root-font-size: 15 !default;
// rem()
// Divides $input by $root-font-size and appends "rem" unit
// $input is processed via px() if it contains multiple values
// $input required
// rem(18) #=> 1.5rem
@function rem($input) {
$output: null;
@if type-of($input) == list {
$output: px($input, rem);
} @else {
$output: ($input / $root-font-size) + rem;
@return $output;
// em()
// Divides $input by the given base $font-size param and appends "em" unit
// $input is processed via px() if it contains multiple values
// $input required
// $font-size not required; defaults to value of $root-font-size
// em(18, 12) #=> 1.5em
// em(20) #=> 1.66667em
@function em($input, $font-size: $root-font-size) {
$output: null;
@if type-of($input) == list {
$output: px($input, em, $font-size);
} @else {
$output: ($input / $font-size) + em;
@return $output;
// px()
// Converts the unitless numerical values in a given SASS list to values in a given unit
// See the SASS_REFERENCE for a description and examples of the "list" data type:
// Accepts optional $font-size param (defaulting to $root-font-size) for "em" conversions
// $list required
// $unit not required; defaults to pixels ("px")
// $font-size not required; defaults to value of $root-font-size
// CSS font shorthand (e.g., "bold 12/18 Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif") is not yet supported;
// see "Division and /":
// See CSS rulesets below the function
@function px($list, $unit: px, $font-size: $root-font-size) {
$output: null; // declare $output; to return new concatenated list
@each $value in $list { // iterate through $list
@if type-of($value) == number { // skip strings
@if unitless($value) { // respect values already assigned units
@if $unit == rem { // rem conversions
$value: rem($value);
} @else if $unit == em { // em conversions
$value: em($value, $font-size);
} @else { // everything else avoids conversion
$value: $value + $unit;
$output: append($output, $value); // concatenate values
@return $output;
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