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Created July 18, 2020 04:37
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PHP SCF Quick Start
// main function, called by SCF
// 主函数,调用的入口
function main_handler($event, $context) {
// print parameters
// 进门打印传入参数是好习惯
echo 'event:'.json_encode($event, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT).'
context:'.json_encode($context, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
// echo $event->{'headers'}->{'host'} ; // parameter is object. 传入的参数是object
// convert parameters to array
// 转换为数组
$event = json_decode(json_encode($event), true);
$context = json_decode(json_encode($context), true);
// good choice to clean variables
// SCF中使用全局的变量前最好清空
// get the path in url
// 取得链接中非域名部分的path值
$function_name = $context['function_name'];
$host_name = $event['headers']['host'];
$serviceId = $event['requestContext']['serviceId'];
if ( $serviceId === substr($host_name,0,strlen($serviceId)) ) {
// using long url of API gateway
// 使用API网关长链接时
$path = substr($event['path'], strlen('/' . $function_name . '/'));
} else {
// using custom domain
// 使用自定义域名时
$path = substr($event['path'], strlen($event['requestContext']['path']=='/'?'/':$event['requestContext']['path'].'/'));
// get the queryString
// 取得链接后?queryString提交的值
$_GET = $event['queryString'];
// get the POST values
// 取得表格POST提交的值
$_POSTbody = explode("&",$event['body']);
foreach ($_POSTbody as $postvalues){
$pos = strpos($postvalues,"=");
// start the web html
// 网页开始
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset=utf-8>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1"/>
<h1>Hello, SCF!</h1>
// end the web html
// 网页结束
// return the web html
// 返回html网页
return [
'isBase64Encoded' => false,
'statusCode' => 200,
'headers' => [ 'Content-Type' => 'text/html' ],
'body' => $html
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