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Last active February 19, 2019 14:09
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Docker's Concepts

  • image - a snapshot of environment that just work. E.g., node10:alpine This is a super small linux (alpine) os with node10 installed.
  • container - a running instance of an image. You can build container into an image and distribute the image.
  • port
    • -p 4000:80 (when using command line.)
        - "4000:80"
    (when using docker-compose.yml)
    • locally inside the container it is port 80. Outside the container, the machine(host) that runs it, is port 4000.
    • docker ps will show>80/tcp in PORTS column.
    • You can connect to this service through the curl localhost:4000 or through web browser at localhost:4000


control docker machine on your PC *

docker-machine create \
  --driver digitalocean \
  --digitalocean-access-token <GENERATED_TOKEN> \
  --digitalocean-size 2gb \
  --digitalocean-region sgp1 \

This creates a new droplet on digital ocean with HOST_NAME, size=2gb, region=singapore

  • eval $(docker-machine env <HOST_NAME) This changes the env of your machine to be the HOST_NAME. When you run docker xxx it is executed on the HOST_NAME server. The eval command essentially set 4 envs of your machine to the like of the following:

You can check it with $ env | grep DOCKER.

After eval $(), you are inside the HOST_NAME. Now, you can run your container through.

docker run -d \
  -p 80:3000 \
  -e ROOT_URL="http://<your app url>" \
  -e MONGO_URL="mongodb://<your mongo url>" \

-p host:container means going to port 80 on your Docker host will route to port 3000 on the container -e is env setter.

If you unset it through eval $(docker-machine env -u). Your machine is the one who run docker. docker will look inside your env whether these 4 variables exist.


Why docker is good


  • You develop your codes using git repo (optional)
  • You build your codes into a zip file
  • You upload the zip to the server
  • You access the app server
  • You unzip it
  • You start the server

With CD

  • You develop your codes using git repo (required)
  • You trigger the build through committing to master
  • The CD server build and zip it
  • The CD server send it to the app server, unzip and start

With Docker

  • You develop your codes using git repo (optional)
  • You run docker push <imagename> to upload a container into an image to the docker hub
  • You run docker pull/run <imagename> to deploy the image into the app server

container ensures you have all the dependencies and the right environments

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