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Last active December 12, 2018 11:38
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  • Save Tanapruk/d80e270745f2150cc59a46aa8d3f0cd2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Tanapruk/d80e270745f2150cc59a46aa8d3f0cd2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
bin's devOps Workshop

create VPC

Instance Installation

Install NodeJS

  • curl -o- | bash
  • . ~/.nvm/
  • nvm install 10.14.2
  • node -e "console.log('Running Node.js ' + process.version)"

Install NGINX

  • sudo amazon-linux-extras install nginx1.12

alias with PEM File

  • alias be1='ssh -i '\''~/.ssh/trustmyv.pem'\'' ec2-user@'

Build and copy zip files to FE server

  • npm install
  • npm run build
  • zip -r dist/
  • scp -i ~/.ssh/trustmyv.pem -r ec2-user@54.xx.220.53:/data/www/
  • scp -i ~/.ssh/trustmyv.pem -r ec2-user@

Build and copy zip files to BE server

  • npm install
  • cd..
  • zip -r be/
  • scp -i ~/.ssh/trustmyv.pem -r ec2-user@
  • ssh to the server1 (non root user)
  • scp -i ~/.ssh/trustmyv.pem -r /data/ ec2-user@
  • ssh to the server2 (non root user)
  • scp -i ~/.ssh/trustmyv.pem -r /data/ ec2-user@

Root User


  • Security rules must allow 80 PORT or you cannot access from Internet Browser
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