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Last active September 12, 2019 17:27
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import random
# returns the number of jumps taken in a simulation of `pads` pads
def frog_game(pads):
# init the counter at 1
jumps = 1
# take a random jump between 1 and `pads`
jump = random.randint(1, pads)
# now calculate the remaining jumps:
# while the current number of pads we've jumped in total is not enough
# to get to the other side
while jump != pads:
# increment the number of jumps
jumps += 1
# make another jump (between 1, and the number of remaining pads), and
# add it to the running total
jump += random.randint(1, pads - jump)
# we break out of the loop when the number of total pads jumped is equal to
# the total number of pads to be jumped, thus we are at the bank
# return the number of jumps taken
return jumps
if __name__ == "__main__":
pads = 0
while pads >= 200:
pads += 5
jumps_array = []
# where i is incremented by 1 10,000,000 times
for i in range(1000000):
# add the number of jumps required by a simulation of `pads`, to a list of all jumps
# print the average by summing the list of all jumps, and dividing by its length
print("%s: %s" % (pads, sum(jumps_array) / len(jumps_array)))
import random
import pybar
def frog_game(pads):
jumps = 1
jump = random.randint(1, pads)
while jump != pads:
jumps += 1
jump += random.randint(1, pads - jump)
return jumps
if __name__ == "__main__":
pads = 0
while pads >= 200:
bar = pybar.PyBar()
pads += 5
jumps_array = []
for i in bar.range(1000000):
bar.update(bar.progress(),, bar.percent(), bar.eta(), bar.rate(), next=True)
bar.echo("%s: %s" % (pads, sum(jumps_array) / len(jumps_array)))
# my library for a fancy progress bar
import sys
import time
# Keeps track of an iteration
class Tracker:
def __init__(self, max=False, index=0):
self.max = max
self.index = index
self.times = []
self.time = time.time()
self.start = self.time
def next(self):
t = time.time()
self.times.append(t - self.time)
self.time = t
self.index += 1
class PyBar:
def __init__(self, tracker=None, max=False, poll=1, pad=" ", width=80):
self.width = width
self.pad = pad
self.poll = poll
self.last_poll = 0
self.max = max
self.default_tracker = tracker if tracker else Tracker(max=max)
self.args = []
self.stdout_length = 0
self.vars = {}
Begin bar modules
def progress(self, tracker=False):
tracker = tracker if tracker else self.default_tracker
return lambda: "%s/%s" % (tracker.index, tracker.max)
def bar(self, width=25, progress="▣", empty="▢", tracker=False):
tracker = tracker if tracker else self.default_tracker
def a():
p = int(width * tracker.index / tracker.max)
return (progress * p) + (empty * (width - p))
return a
def avg(self, length=5, places=3, tracker=False):
tracker = tracker if tracker else self.default_tracker
def a():
if len(tracker.times) < 1:
return "N/A"
l = len(tracker.times) if len(tracker.times) < length else length
return str(round(float(sum(tracker.times[-l:]) / l), places))
return a
def rate(self, places=3, time=1, length=5, tracker=None):
tracker = tracker if tracker else self.default_tracker
def a():
if len(tracker.times) < 1:
return "N/A"
l = len(tracker.times) if len(tracker.times) < length else length
avg = float(sum(tracker.times[-l:]) / l)
avg = 0.00000001 if avg == 0 else avg # lol
return str(round(time / avg, 3)) + "/s" if time == 1 else ""
return a
def elapsed(self, tracker=None):
tracker = tracker if tracker else self.default_tracker
def a():
return time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(tracker.time - tracker.start))
return a
def eta(self, length=5, tracker=None):
tracker = tracker if tracker else self.default_tracker
def a():
if len(tracker.times) < 1:
return "infinity"
l = len(tracker.times) if len(tracker.times) < length else length
avg = float(sum(tracker.times[-l:]) / l)
return time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(
(tracker.max - tracker.index) * avg
return a
def percent(self, places=3, tracker=None):
tracker = tracker if tracker else self.default_tracker
def a():
return ("%s%%") % str(round(tracker.index / tracker.max * 100, places))
return a
End bar modules
# prints something above the bar without distrupting it
def echo(self, *args):
clear = " " * self.stdout_length
print(" ".join([str(s) for s in args]))
self.update(*self.args, now=True)
# writes to the bar
def write(self, text):
self.stdout_length = len(text)
# increments the index of the default tracker
def next(self):
# updates the content of the bar with new information
# if next: also updates the index of the bar
# if now: bypasses bar polling and writes to the bar immediately
def update(self, *args, next=False, now=False):
if len(self.args) < 1: self.args = args
if len(args) < 1: args = self.args
if next:
t = time.time()
if not now and t - self.last_poll < self.poll:return
self.last_poll = t
bar = ""
for arg in args:
if callable(arg):
bar += arg() + self.pad
bar += arg + self.pad
bar += " " * (self.width - len(bar))
# artificially completes the bar, and prints a success bar to a new line
def done(self, *args, trackers=[]):
bar = ""
for tracker in trackers:
tracker.index = tracker.max
for arg in self.args:
if callable(arg):
bar += arg() + self.pad
bar += arg + self.pad
bar = ""
for arg in args:
if callable(arg):
bar += arg() + self.pad
bar += arg + self.pad
print("\n" + bar)
# Just like python's range, but automatically sets the max of a tracker
def range(self, *args, tracker=None):
tracker = tracker if tracker else self.default_tracker
low = args[0] if len(args) >= 2 else 0
high = args[1] if len(args) >= 2 else args[0]
inc = args[2] if len(args) >= 3 else 1
i = low
tracker.max = int((high - low) / inc)
while i < high:
yield i
i += inc
if __name__ == "__main__":
# make a new bar
bar = PyBar(max=10, poll=0)
for i in range(10):
# tracks another iteration
track = Tracker(max=10)
for x in range(10):
# increment the other iteration
# update the bar values
# increment that main iteration
# ignore progress and set everything to 100% and write finished
# make a new bar
bar = PyBar(poll=0.5)
# like range, but automatically sets the max
for i in bar.range(8888901, 8888999, 2):
is_prime = True
# track a second iterator
bar2 = Tracker()
# note again the max of the iterator is set automatically by using bar.range
for a in bar.range(3, int(i/2), 2, tracker=bar2):
# step forward the second iterator
# update the bar information
bar.progress(),, bar.rate(tracker=bar2, time=1),, bar.progress(tracker=bar2))
# check for not prime number
if i % a == 0:
is_prime = False
# check for prime number
if is_prime:
# print a value above the bar without disrupting it
bar.echo("[i] Prime number: ", i)
# step the primary bar forwards
# complete all bars and say "Finished!"
bar.done("Finished!", trackers=[bar2])
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