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Last active May 13, 2024 05:51
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Installing SonarQube on Docker and SonarScanner using Homebrew on macOS

Docker setup

Install the Docker UI application for macOS

brew install docker --cask

Open the

from /Applications/

Go to the Docker Dashboard

Wait until the "Docker Dashboard starting…"-message disappears (= Setup complete)

«SonarScanner» - SonarQube Code Analyser

Install the SonarScanner (SonarQube Code Analyser)

brew install sonar-scanner

Add the SonarScanner bin-directory to $PATH

Find the SonarScanner bin-directory (can be taken from the homebrew package installation information)

  • Should be something like: /usr/local/Cellar/sonar-scanner/

Edit the current User's bash source nano ~/.zshrc

Add these line somewhere:

# === SonarQube ===     
# NOTE: sonar-scanner Version in dir-path may change!
export PATH=/usr/local/Cellar/sonar-scanner/$PATH

Save and close.

Install and run SonarQube on Docker

Installing SonarQube

On Intel based Macs (x86_64)

Install the Docker image from Docker Hub

docker pull sonarqube

Start the x86_64 SonarQube Server

docker run -d --name sonarqube -e SONAR_ES_BOOTSTRAP_CHECKS_DISABLE=true -p 9000:9000 sonarqube:latest

On ARM based Macs (Apple Silicon)

Install the Docker image from a custom build

  1. mkdir ~/Downloads/sonarqube-arm
  2. git clone ~/Downloads/sonarqube-arm/
  3. docker build -t sonarqube-arm ~/Downloads/sonarqube-arm/docker-sonarqube/9/community

Start the compiled ARM SonarQube Server

docker run -d --name sonarqube -e SONAR_ES_BOOTSTRAP_CHECKS_DISABLE=true -p 9000:9000 sonarqube-arm:latest

Open SonarQube in the webbrowser


Login with default credentials

  • User: admin
  • Pass: admin …and as instructed, set a new password.

Add a code project to SonarQube

On the SonarQube Dashboard

  1. Click on «Create a project manually»
  2. Fill-in a project name and project key
  • NOTE: you will need this project key later!
  1. Click on «Analyze your project locally»
  2. Fill-in a Token name
  • NOTE: copy the generated Token, you will need this later!
  1. Click on «Other (for JS, TS, Go, Python, PHP, ...)» and select your OS preferences
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions

Add a SonarScanner project configuration-file to the desired code project

  1. Go to the intended project directory
  2. Create a new file named
  3. Add and modify the following contents to the sonar-project file:
# must be unique in a given SonarQube instance

# --- optional properties ---
# defaults to project key
#sonar.projectName=My project
# defaults to 'not provided'

# Path is relative to the file. Defaults to .

# path to test source directories (optional)

# Encoding of the source code. Default is default system encoding

Run the SonarScanner Code Analysis for this project

HINT: You can copy this command from the last step in the SonarQube project setup!

sonar-scanner \
  -Dsonar.projectKey=my_project_key_as_defined_on_sonarqube_web \
  -Dsonar.sources=. \ \

…or using a simplified command, which reads other settings from the sonar-project file: sonar-scanner -Dsonar.login=my_sonarqube_project_token

DONE - see the results on the SonarQube web dashboard


Export and transfer the SonarQube Docker container

E.g. to be used with same settings on another Mac.

  • Make sure the is running and the Desktop was started!

Stop the server (if running)

docker stop sonarqube

Create an image file from the Docker container

docker commit sonarqube mysonarqube

  • NOTE: this can take a moment (or two)…

Save the image file to any user accessible folder in macOS Finder e.g. to the «Downloads»-folder, using:

  • Default Docker file (tar, uncompressed):
    docker save mysonarqube -o ~/Downloads/SonarQube-DockerBackup.tar
  • Gzipped (compressed) Docker file:
    docker save mysonarqube | gzip > ~/Downloads/SonarQube-DockerBackup.tar.gz

Transfer the Docker container file to where you need it…

Import a Docker container file

E.g. on the second Mac.

Start the, if not running…

Load the Docker container file

docker load < /path/to/SonarQube-DockerBackup.tar.gz

Loading layer [==================================================>]  337.9MB/337.9MB
Loaded image: mysonarqube:latest
  • NOTE: this can take a moment (or two)…

Run the imported SonarQube Docker image

NOTE: must use the image file reference, instead of sonarqube:latest! docker run -d --name sonarqube -e SONAR_ES_BOOTSTRAP_CHECKS_DISABLE=true -p 9000:9000 mysonarqube:latest

DONE - see the results on the SonarQube web dashboard


  • NOTE: may take a moment (or two) until accessible…
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suhovv commented Jul 14, 2023

Базу данных привенти, еблуша

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