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Last active December 14, 2022 23:33
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Two different ways of doing catch-all exception handling, one for MVC only using an exception filter, one using exception handler middleware
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Filters;
using Twilio.AspNet.Core;
using Twilio.TwiML;
namespace TwimlErrorMessageAttribute.Controllers;
public class TwilioController : Controller
public IActionResult Message()
var zero = 0;
var result = 1 / zero;
return new MessagingResponse()
.Message($"1/0 is {result}!")
public IActionResult Voice()
var zero = 0;
var result = 1 / zero;
return new VoiceResponse()
.Say($"1/0 is {result}!")
internal enum ErrorTwimlType
public class GenericErrorTwimlMessage : TypeFilterAttribute
public GenericErrorTwimlMessage() : base(typeof(GenericErrorTwimlExceptionFilter))
Arguments = new[] {(object) ErrorTwimlType.Message};
public class GenericErrorTwimlVoice : TypeFilterAttribute
public GenericErrorTwimlVoice() : base(typeof(GenericErrorTwimlExceptionFilter))
Arguments = new[] {(object) ErrorTwimlType.Voice};
internal class GenericErrorTwimlExceptionFilter : IExceptionFilter
private const string GenericErrorMessage = "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again.";
private readonly ILogger<GenericErrorTwimlExceptionFilter> logger;
private readonly ErrorTwimlType twimlType;
public GenericErrorTwimlExceptionFilter(
ILogger<GenericErrorTwimlExceptionFilter> logger,
ErrorTwimlType twimlType
this.logger = logger;
this.twimlType = twimlType;
public void OnException(ExceptionContext context)
logger.LogError(context.Exception, "An unhandled exception has occurred while executing the request.");
switch (twimlType)
case ErrorTwimlType.Message:
context.Result = new MessagingResponse()
case ErrorTwimlType.Voice:
context.Result = new VoiceResponse()
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Twilio.AspNet.Core;
using Twilio.TwiML;
using TwimlErrorMessageAttribute;
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
var app = builder.Build();
app.MapGet("/minimal-message", [CatchWithMessageTwiml]() =>
var zero = 0;
var result = 1 / zero;
return new MessagingResponse()
.Message($"1/0 is {result}!")
public static class ErrorEndpoint
private const string GenericErrorMessage = "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again.";
public static IEndpointRouteBuilder MapErrorEndpoint(this IEndpointRouteBuilder builder)
builder.Map("/error", OnError);
return builder;
private static IResult OnError(HttpContext context)
var exceptionFeature = context.Features.Get<IExceptionHandlerFeature>();
if (exceptionFeature?.Endpoint is not null)
if (exceptionFeature.Endpoint.Metadata.GetMetadata<CatchWithMessageTwimlAttribute>() is not null)
return TwimlMessageError(context.Response);
if (exceptionFeature.Endpoint.Metadata.GetMetadata<CatchWithVoiceTwimlAttribute>() is not null)
return TwimlVoiceError(context.Response);
return StatusCodeError();
private static IResult StatusCodeError()
=> Results.StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError);
private static IResult TwimlMessageError(HttpResponse response)
response.StatusCode = StatusCodes.Status200OK;
return new MessagingResponse()
private static IResult TwimlVoiceError(HttpResponse response)
response.StatusCode = StatusCodes.Status200OK;
return new VoiceResponse()
public class TwilioController : Controller
public IActionResult Message()
var zero = 0;
var result = 1 / zero;
return new MessagingResponse()
.Message($"1/0 is {result}!")
public IActionResult Voice()
var zero = 0;
var result = 1 / zero;
return new VoiceResponse()
.Say($"1/0 is {result}!")
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