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Alex Logan SwiftyAlex

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SwiftyAlex /
Last active September 9, 2024 23:37
Bartender script to check for Spotify or Apple Music
# Function to check if an app is playing
check_playing() {
if pgrep -x "$1" > /dev/null; then
if osascript -e "tell application \"$1\" to player state" | grep -q "playing"; then
return 0 # 0 means true in Bash
return 1 # 1 means false in Bash
SwiftyAlex /
Created September 9, 2024 21:29
Make images from appiconsets
import os
import json
import shutil
def process_xcassets_folder(xcassets_path):
for item in os.listdir(xcassets_path):
item_path = os.path.join(xcassets_path, item)
if os.path.isdir(item_path):
SwiftyAlex / squishybuttonthing.swift
Created April 20, 2024 15:20
// Credit to Raffi for the design!
struct SquishyButtonThing: View {
@State var expanded: Bool = false
var body: some View {
VStack {
VStack {
SwiftyAlex / whatnotview.swift
Last active February 18, 2023 18:21
lil animation ❤️
import SwiftUI
struct WhatNotView<
OffCircleContent: View,
OnCircleContent: View,
OffTrailingContent: View,
OnTrailingContent: View
>: View {
@State var toggle: Bool = false
@ScaledMetric var scale: CGFloat = 1
SwiftyAlex / CoffeePropertyQuery.swift
Created July 11, 2022 16:37
Coffee entity being queried
import Foundation
import AppIntents
public struct CoffeePropertyQuery: EntityPropertyQuery {
public init() { }
public func entities(for identifiers: [Coffee.ID]) async throws -> [Coffee] {
Coffee.all.filter({ identifiers.contains($ })
SwiftyAlex / App.swift
Created March 5, 2022 17:22
TCA app make sure you have composable set
import SwiftUI
import Combine
import ComposableArchitecture
struct AppState: Equatable {
var count = 0
enum AppAction: Equatable {
case decrementButtonTapped
case incrementButtonTapped
// ContentView.swift
// Searchable
// Created by Alex Logan on 27/06/2021.
import SwiftUI
struct Coffee: Hashable {
SwiftyAlex / AsyncBrew.swift
Created June 7, 2021 22:14
Async brew fetching.
struct Coffee: Hashable {
let name: String
class CoffeeStore: ObservableObject {
func getCoffee() async -> [Coffee] {
Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: 2)
return [
Coffee(name: "Cortado"),
Coffee(name: "Flat White")
SwiftyAlex / WelcomeView.swift
Created August 30, 2020 11:29
SwiftUI Welcome View
// WelcomeView.swift
// iOS
// Created by Alex Logan on 30/08/2020.
import SwiftUI
struct WelcomeView: View {
// Container View
struct SomeView: View {
var body: some View {
VStack {
Text("Welcome to our SwiftUI app")