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Last active August 19, 2024 15:02
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  • Save Svidro/5829ba53f927e79bb6e370a6a6747cfd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Svidro/5829ba53f927e79bb6e370a6a6747cfd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Scripts mostly taken from Pete, and also from the forums. For easy access and reference.
Alignment: Several scripts to assist in alignment as of M9. Store scripts make files using the Affine transformation while
TransferObjects uses the stored file in the Affine folder with the current image name to move objects into it.
The final result is that one set of files can be generated for the transforms, and those transforms can be accessed to move objects
back and forth between the images.
Change annotations into Cell objects.groovy - Converts annotations into PathCellObjects, which allows certian functions to work within
them, namely Subcellular detection.
Change some annotations into detections.groovy - Similar to above, except with generic detections.
Change some annotations into detections 0.2.0M11.groovy - updated
Copying annotations between images.groovy - Two scripts to save and restore annotations using a separate file.
Create cells from detections.groovy - allows editing of base nuclei, then use those ROIs to create a cell with cell expansion
Create detection objects from annotations.groovy - Another version of creating detection objects, with a few other options (bounding box)
Force update selected annotation.groovy - Updates a single annotation in the case when the cells within it are not considered child objects.
Lock all annotations.groovy
Merge touching detections.groovy - what it says! Similar to mergeSelectedAnnotations() command.
Mirroring objects.groovy - Creating a mirror image object (or other transformations)
Object Subtraction.groovy - Performing subtraction between two objects (to create holes, for instance)
Points to detections conversion.groovy - Change point annotations into detections
Polyline to polygon.groovy - convert a polyline into a closed polygon. No holes.1
Rename annotations and modify annotation lists.groovy - Mass renaming. Creates a subset of a list and incrementally names annotations.
Rings around an annotation.groovy - Create bands around an annotation, for example stroma within X um, 2X um, 3X um etc of a tumor
Rotate all annotations.groovy - Another transformation to rotate annotations, partial tissue alignment when overlaying a QPDATA file.
Set all TMA cores to valid.groovy - Newly added cores, through the TMA menu, will not be "valid" and will be ignored. This will fix that.
Set TMA cores to valid if tissue area over threshold.groovy - Same but runs simple tissue detection and chooses which TMA cores to set
as valid based on the area of tissue detected.
Split annotations into contiguous areas.groovy - And version 2, two ways to split annotations.
TMA-add cell measurements by class.groovy - Adds percentage by class, and cells/mm^2 to the TMA core for every existing cell class
Tumor invasion areas 0.2.0.groovy - uses the tissue border and tumor annotation to generate regions of increasing distance from tumor border
Update detections in annotations.groovy - Another version of Force update selected annotation.groovy that works for multiple annotations.
Use points to create cells.groovy -
Duplicate entry.
* Script to transfer QuPath objects from one group of images to another single image, applying an AffineTransform to any ROIs.
* This script should be run from the image you want to move the objects into, and will access all files within the Affine subfolder.
* You must have generated Affine files first through another script before using this script.
1. Create objects in source images.
2. Create alignments to destination image from within each of the source images.
3. Run this script from the destination image.
Script base on Pete's here:
Michael Nelson 3/2020
* All objects in the source images should be imported into the destination image.
// SET ME! Delete existing objects
def deleteExisting = false
// SET ME! Change this if things end up in the wrong place
def createInverse = false
import qupath.lib.objects.PathCellObject
import qupath.lib.objects.PathDetectionObject
import qupath.lib.objects.PathObject
import qupath.lib.objects.PathObjects
import qupath.lib.objects.PathTileObject
import qupath.lib.roi.RoiTools
import qupath.lib.roi.interfaces.ROI
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform
import static qupath.lib.gui.scripting.QPEx.*
path = buildFilePath(PROJECT_BASE_DIR, 'Affine')
new File(path).eachFile{ f->
f.withObjectInputStream {
matrix = it.readObject()
def name = getProjectEntry().getImageName()
// Get the project & the requested image name
def project = getProject()
def entry = project.getImageList().find {it.getImageName() == f.getName()}
if (entry == null) {
print 'Could not find image with name ' + f.getName()
def otherHierarchy = entry.readHierarchy()
def pathObjects = otherHierarchy.getAnnotationObjects()
// Define the transformation matrix
def transform = new AffineTransform(
matrix[0], matrix[3], matrix[1],
matrix[4], matrix[2], matrix[5]
if (createInverse)
transform = transform.createInverse()
if (deleteExisting)
def newObjects = []
for (pathObject in pathObjects) {
newObjects << transformObject(pathObject, transform)
print 'Done!'
* Transform object, recursively transforming all child objects
* @param pathObject
* @param transform
* @return
PathObject transformObject(PathObject pathObject, AffineTransform transform) {
// Create a new object with the converted ROI
def roi = pathObject.getROI()
def roi2 = transformROI(roi, transform)
def newObject = null
if (pathObject instanceof PathCellObject) {
def nucleusROI = pathObject.getNucleusROI()
if (nucleusROI == null)
newObject = PathObjects.createCellObject(roi2, pathObject.getPathClass(), pathObject.getMeasurementList())
newObject = PathObjects.createCellObject(roi2, transformROI(nucleusROI, transform), pathObject.getPathClass(), pathObject.getMeasurementList())
} else if (pathObject instanceof PathTileObject) {
newObject = PathObjects.createTileObject(roi2, pathObject.getPathClass(), pathObject.getMeasurementList())
} else if (pathObject instanceof PathDetectionObject) {
newObject = PathObjects.createDetectionObject(roi2, pathObject.getPathClass(), pathObject.getMeasurementList())
} else {
newObject = PathObjects.createAnnotationObject(roi2, pathObject.getPathClass(), pathObject.getMeasurementList())
// Handle child objects
if (pathObject.hasChildren()) {
newObject.addPathObjects(pathObject.getChildObjects().collect({transformObject(it, transform)}))
return newObject
* Transform ROI (via conversion to Java AWT shape)
* @param roi
* @param transform
* @return
ROI transformROI(ROI roi, AffineTransform transform) {
def shape = RoiTools.getShape(roi) // Should be able to use roi.getShape() - but there's currently a bug in it for rectangles/ellipses!
shape2 = transform.createTransformedShape(shape)
return RoiTools.getShapeROI(shape2, roi.getImagePlane(), 0.5)
If you have annotations within annotations, you may get duplicates. Ask on the forum or change the def pathObjects line.
To use, have all objects desired in one image, and alignment files in the Affine folder within your project folder.
If you have not saved those, this script will not work.
It will use ALL of the affine transforms in that folder to transform the objects in the current image to the destination images
that are named after the affine files.
Requires creating each affine transformation from the destination images so that there are multiple transform files with different names.
Michael Nelson 03/2020
Script base on:
and adjusted thanks to Pete's script:
// SET ME! Delete existing objects
def deleteExisting = true
// SET ME! Change this if things end up in the wrong place
def createInverse = true
import qupath.lib.objects.PathCellObject
import qupath.lib.objects.PathDetectionObject
import qupath.lib.objects.PathObject
import qupath.lib.objects.PathObjects
import qupath.lib.objects.PathTileObject
import qupath.lib.roi.RoiTools
import qupath.lib.roi.interfaces.ROI
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform
import static qupath.lib.gui.scripting.QPEx.*
path = buildFilePath(PROJECT_BASE_DIR, 'Affine')
new File(path).eachFile{ f->
f.withObjectInputStream {
matrix = it.readObject()
def name = getProjectEntry().getImageName()
// Get the project & the requested image name
def project = getProject()
def entry = project.getImageList().find {it.getImageName() == f.getName()}
if (entry == null) {
print 'Could not find image with name ' + f.getName()
def imageData = entry.readImageData()
def otherHierarchy = imageData.getHierarchy()
def pathObjects = getAnnotationObjects()
// Define the transformation matrix
def transform = new AffineTransform(
matrix[0], matrix[3], matrix[1],
matrix[4], matrix[2], matrix[5]
if (createInverse)
transform = transform.createInverse()
if (deleteExisting)
def newObjects = []
for (pathObject in pathObjects) {
newObjects << transformObject(pathObject, transform)
print 'Done!'
* Transform object, recursively transforming all child objects
* @param pathObject
* @param transform
* @return
PathObject transformObject(PathObject pathObject, AffineTransform transform) {
// Create a new object with the converted ROI
def roi = pathObject.getROI()
def roi2 = transformROI(roi, transform)
def newObject = null
if (pathObject instanceof PathCellObject) {
def nucleusROI = pathObject.getNucleusROI()
if (nucleusROI == null)
newObject = PathObjects.createCellObject(roi2, pathObject.getPathClass(), pathObject.getMeasurementList())
newObject = PathObjects.createCellObject(roi2, transformROI(nucleusROI, transform), pathObject.getPathClass(), pathObject.getMeasurementList())
} else if (pathObject instanceof PathTileObject) {
newObject = PathObjects.createTileObject(roi2, pathObject.getPathClass(), pathObject.getMeasurementList())
} else if (pathObject instanceof PathDetectionObject) {
newObject = PathObjects.createDetectionObject(roi2, pathObject.getPathClass(), pathObject.getMeasurementList())
} else {
newObject = PathObjects.createAnnotationObject(roi2, pathObject.getPathClass(), pathObject.getMeasurementList())
// Handle child objects
if (pathObject.hasChildren()) {
newObject.addPathObjects(pathObject.getChildObjects().collect({transformObject(it, transform)}))
return newObject
* Transform ROI (via conversion to Java AWT shape)
* @param roi
* @param transform
* @return
ROI transformROI(ROI roi, AffineTransform transform) {
def shape = RoiTools.getShape(roi) // Should be able to use roi.getShape() - but there's currently a bug in it for rectangles/ellipses!
shape2 = transform.createTransformedShape(shape)
return RoiTools.getShapeROI(shape2, roi.getImagePlane(), 0.5)
// From
//Script writes out a file with the name of the current image, and the Affine Transformation in effect in the current viewer.
//Can get confused if there is more than one overlay active at once.
//Current image should be the destination image
// Michael Nelson 03/2020
def name = getProjectEntry().getImageName()
path = buildFilePath(PROJECT_BASE_DIR, 'Affine')
path = buildFilePath(PROJECT_BASE_DIR, 'Affine', name)
import qupath.lib.gui.align.ImageServerOverlay
def overlay = getCurrentViewer().getCustomOverlayLayers().find {it instanceof ImageServerOverlay}
affine = overlay.getAffine()
print affine
afString = affine.toString()
afString = afString.minus('Affine [').minus(']').trim().split('\n')
cleanAffine =[]
temp = it.split(',')
temp.each{cleanAffine << Double.parseDouble(it)}
def matrix = []
affineList = [0,1,3,4,5,7]
for (i=0;i<12; i++){
if (affineList.contains(i))
matrix << cleanAffine[i]
new File(path).withObjectOutputStream {
print 'Done!'
// From
// 0.2.0m9
//Paste matrix between brackets for 'matrix' variable
//Current image should be the destination image
// Michael Nelson 03/2020
def name = getProjectEntry().getImageName()
path = buildFilePath(PROJECT_BASE_DIR, 'Affine')
path = buildFilePath(PROJECT_BASE_DIR, 'Affine', name)
def matrix = []
new File(path).withObjectOutputStream {
print 'Done!'
* Script to transfer QuPath objects from one image to another, applying an AffineTransform to any ROIs.
* Should be run from the image you want to move the objects into
* otherImageName should be the name of the file the objects are coming from...
* and will also be the name of the affine transformation matrix file in the Affine folder
* The easiest way to do this is to create objects in image A, perform the alignment between images in image B
* and then run this script from image B (destination).
* The script can be reworked to behave in different ways as well, for example you could
* create an alignment in image B, C, and D to image A (open 3 different images, create the alignment to the first image
* in each), which will give you Affine files named B, C and D. Then the objects in B, C and D could all be transferred back
* to A, or by flipping the invert boolean, distribute the objects in image A to B, C and D. Performing the alignment to A
* from all other images streamlines downstream mass transfers, though some of the script may need to be edited for specific cases
* There is also a varient of the script that loops through all Affine objects within a folder and uses them to transfer
* objects in a loop.
Built off of :
def name = getProjectEntry().getImageName()
def path = buildFilePath(PROJECT_BASE_DIR, 'Affine',name)
def matrix = null
new File(path).withObjectInputStream {
matrix = it.readObject()
// SET ME! Define image containing the original objects (must be in the current project)
def otherImageName = "name.ndpi"
// SET ME! Delete existing objects
def deleteExisting = true
// SET ME! Change this if things end up in the wrong place
def createInverse = true
import qupath.lib.objects.PathCellObject
import qupath.lib.objects.PathDetectionObject
import qupath.lib.objects.PathObject
import qupath.lib.objects.PathObjects
import qupath.lib.objects.PathTileObject
import qupath.lib.roi.RoiTools
import qupath.lib.roi.interfaces.ROI
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform
import static qupath.lib.gui.scripting.QPEx.*
// Get the project & the requested image name
def project = getProject()
def entry = project.getImageList().find {it.getImageName() == otherImageName}
if (entry == null) {
print 'Could not find image with name ' + otherImageName
def otherHierarchy = entry.readHierarchy()
def pathObjects = otherHierarchy.getAnnotationObjects()
// Define the transformation matrix
def transform = new AffineTransform(
matrix[0], matrix[3], matrix[1],
matrix[4], matrix[2], matrix[5]
if (createInverse)
transform = transform.createInverse()
if (deleteExisting)
def newObjects = []
for (pathObject in pathObjects) {
newObjects << transformObject(pathObject, transform)
print 'Done!'
* Transform object, recursively transforming all child objects
* @param pathObject
* @param transform
* @return
PathObject transformObject(PathObject pathObject, AffineTransform transform) {
// Create a new object with the converted ROI
def roi = pathObject.getROI()
def roi2 = transformROI(roi, transform)
def newObject = null
if (pathObject instanceof PathCellObject) {
def nucleusROI = pathObject.getNucleusROI()
if (nucleusROI == null)
newObject = PathObjects.createCellObject(roi2, pathObject.getPathClass(), pathObject.getMeasurementList())
newObject = PathObjects.createCellObject(roi2, transformROI(nucleusROI, transform), pathObject.getPathClass(), pathObject.getMeasurementList())
} else if (pathObject instanceof PathTileObject) {
newObject = PathObjects.createTileObject(roi2, pathObject.getPathClass(), pathObject.getMeasurementList())
} else if (pathObject instanceof PathDetectionObject) {
newObject = PathObjects.createDetectionObject(roi2, pathObject.getPathClass(), pathObject.getMeasurementList())
} else {
newObject = PathObjects.createAnnotationObject(roi2, pathObject.getPathClass(), pathObject.getMeasurementList())
// Handle child objects
if (pathObject.hasChildren()) {
newObject.addPathObjects(pathObject.getChildObjects().collect({transformObject(it, transform)}))
return newObject
* Transform ROI (via conversion to Java AWT shape)
* @param roi
* @param transform
* @return
ROI transformROI(ROI roi, AffineTransform transform) {
def shape = RoiTools.getShape(roi) // Should be able to use roi.getShape() - but there's currently a bug in it for rectangles/ellipses!
shape2 = transform.createTransformedShape(shape)
return RoiTools.getShapeROI(shape2, roi.getImagePlane(), 0.5)
import qupath.lib.objects.PathCellObject
// Get the current hierarchy
def hierarchy = getCurrentHierarchy()
// Get the non-top level annotations. This assumes you have a tissue area selected, and have hand drawn some cells within that.
def targets = getObjects{return it.getLevel()!=1 && it.isAnnotation()}
// Check we have anything to work with
if ( targets.isEmpty()) {
print("No objects selected!")
// Loop through objects
def newDetections = new ArrayList<>()
for (def pathObject in targets) {
// Unlikely to happen... but skip any objects not having a ROI
if (!pathObject.hasROI()) {
print("Skipping object without ROI: " + pathObject)
def roi = pathObject.getROI()
def detection = new PathCellObject(roi,roi,pathObject.getPathClass())
print("Adding " + detection)
removeObjects( targets, true)
// Actually add the objects
hierarchy.addPathObjects(newDetections, false)
//Remove nucleus ROI
newDetections.each{it.nucleus = null}
if (newDetections.size() > 1)
print("Added " + newDetections.size() + " detections(s)")
//Script works as of 0.2.0M11
//Purpose: to change objects from annotations to detections or vice versa
//Measurements WILL be lost.
//By default it changes annotations of class "Positive" into detections, and removes the original annotations.
//Adjust the == section to fit your desired target classes
//To change detections into annotations, swap getAnnotationObjects to getDetectionObjects in the first line
//and createDetectionObject to createAnnotationObject in the middle of the script
toChange = getAnnotationObjects().findAll {it.getPathClass() == getPathClass("Positive")}
newObjects = []
roi = it.getROI()
annotation = PathObjects.createDetectionObject(roi, it.getPathClass())
// Actually add the objects
//Comment this line out if you want to keep the original objects
// Get all annotations with ellipse ROIs
def annotations = getAnnotationObjects()
//change this line to subset = annotations if you want to convert ALL current annotations to detections. Otherwise adjust as desired.
def subset = annotations.findAll {it.getROI() instanceof qupath.lib.roi.EllipseROI}
// Create corresponding detections (name this however you like)
def classification = getPathClass('Node')
def detections = subset.collect {
new qupath.lib.objects.PathDetectionObject(it.getROI(), classification)
// Remove ellipse annotations & replace with detections
removeObjects(subset, true)
//This is actually two scripts, the first should be run in the image you are copying from
//and the second in the image you are copying to.
//Export section
def path = buildFilePath(PROJECT_BASE_DIR, 'annotations-' + getProjectEntry().getImageName() + '.txt')
def annotations = getAnnotationObjects().collect {new qupath.lib.objects.PathAnnotationObject(it.getROI(), it.getPathClass())}
new File(path).withObjectOutputStream {
print 'Done!'
//There should now be a saved .txt file in the base project directory that holds the annotation information.
//Swap images and run the second set of code using the file name generated in the first half of the code.
// Current path works for an image that has the same name as the original image, but you can adjust that.
def path = buildFilePath(PROJECT_BASE_DIR, 'annotations-' + getProjectEntry().getImageName() + '.txt')
def annotations = null
new File(path).withObjectInputStream {
annotations = it.readObject()
print 'Added ' + annotations
//QuPath 0.3.0
def detections = getDetectionObjects()
def cells = CellTools.detectionsToCells(detections, 10, -1)
removeObjects(detections, true)
* A script to create detection object(s) having the same ROI as all other annotation objects
import qupath.lib.objects.PathTileObject
import qupath.lib.roi.RectangleROI
import qupath.lib.scripting.QP
// Set this to true to use the bounding box of the ROI, rather than the ROI itself
boolean useBoundingBox = false
// Get the current hierarchy
def hierarchy = QP.getCurrentHierarchy()
// Get all annotation objects: You may want to change this to select only certain annotations based on class
// or just annotations you have selected using =getSelectedObjects()
def selected = getAnnotationObjects()
// Check we have anything to work with
if (selected.isEmpty()) {
print("No objects selected!")
// Loop through objects
def newDetections = new ArrayList<>()
for (def pathObject in selected) {
// Unlikely to happen... but skip any objects not having a ROI
if (!pathObject.hasROI()) {
print("Skipping object without ROI: " + pathObject)
// Don't create a second annotation, unless we want a bounding box
if (!useBoundingBox && pathObject.isDetection()) {
print("Skipping annotation: " + pathObject)
// Create an annotation for whichever object is selected, with the same class
// Note: because ROIs are (or should be) immutable, the same ROI is used here, rather than a duplicate
def roi = pathObject.getROI()
if (useBoundingBox)
roi = new RectangleROI(
def detection = new PathTileObject(roi, pathObject.getPathClass())
print("Adding " + detection)
// Actually add the objects
hierarchy.addPathObjects(newDetections, false)
if (newDetections.size() > 1)
print("Added " + newDetections.size() + " detections(s)")
//This script forces the annotation to detect whether cells are inside of it
//Useful when pasting an annotation onto a set of detections
//Added warning, this may appear to freeze the program if a lot of detections are being updated. Be patient.
selected = getSelectedObject()
removeObject(selected, true)
//Locked is not absolutely necessary, but good practice so you don't "jiggle" your updated animation
//Grabs all detections, removes them, and creates new detections with touching detections being merged.
//All previous informations is lost.
// 0.2.0M9
// Base code by @smcardle, cleaned up by @Research_Associate and @bpavie
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.util.GeometryCombiner;
import org.locationtech.jts.operation.union.UnaryUnionOp
import qupath.lib.roi.GeometryTools
import qupath.lib.roi.RoiTools
import qupath.lib.objects.PathObjects
def islets= getDetectionObjects()
def geos=islets.collect{it.getROI().getGeometry()}
def combined=GeometryCombiner.combine(geos)
def merged= UnaryUnionOp.union(combined)
def mergedRois=GeometryTools.geometryToROI(merged, islets[0].getROI().getImagePlane())
def splitRois=RoiTools.splitROI(mergedRois)
def newObjs=[]
newObjs << PathObjects.createDetectionObject(it,getPathClass("Region"))
* Flip a QuPath ROI vertically or horizontally.
* This creates a new annotation & adds it to the current image hierarchy.
* This also shows the method by which any arbitrary AffineTransform may be
* applied to a ROI by scripting.
* @author Pete Bankhead
import qupath.lib.objects.PathAnnotationObject
import qupath.lib.roi.PathROIToolsAwt
import qupath.lib.scripting.QPEx
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform
// Get selected object & its ROI
def selected = QPEx.getSelectedObject()
def roi = selected?.getROI()
if (roi == null) {
print 'No ROI selected!'
// Create the relevant transforms, incorporating the image dimensions
def server = QPEx.getCurrentImageData().getServer()
def flipHorizontal = AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(-1, 1)
flipHorizontal.translate(-server.getWidth(), 0)
def flipVertical = AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(1, -1)
flipVertical.translate(0, -server.getHeight())
// Get a Shape for the ROI & apply required transform
def shape = PathROIToolsAwt.getShape(roi)
def shape2 = flipHorizontal.createTransformedShape(shape)
//def shape2 = flipVertical.createTransformedShape(shape)
// Create & add a new annotation
def roi2 = PathROIToolsAwt.getShapeROI(shape2, roi.getC(), roi.getZ(), roi.getT(), 0.5)
QPEx.addObject(new PathAnnotationObject(roi2, selected.getPathClass()))
//QP 0.2.3
//For 0.1.2 see below
def tissue = getAnnotationObjects().find {it.getPathClass() == getPathClass("Positive")}
def vessel = getAnnotationObjects().find {it.getPathClass() == getPathClass("Negative")}
def plane = tissue.getROI().getImagePlane()
if (plane != vessel.getROI().getImagePlane()) {
println 'Annotations are on different planes!'
// Convert to geometries & compute distance
// Note: see
def g1 = tissue.getROI().getGeometry()
def g2 = vessel.getROI().getGeometry()
def difference = g1.difference(g2)
if (difference.isEmpty())
println "No intersection between areas"
else {
def roi = GeometryTools.geometryToROI(difference, plane)
def annotation = PathObjects.createAnnotationObject(roi, getPathClass('Difference'))
println "Annotated created for subtraction"
//remove original objects
removeObject(tissue, true)
removeObject(vessel, true)
import qupath.lib.roi.*
import qupath.lib.objects.*
classToSubtract = "Endothel"
def topLevel = getObjects{return it.getLevel()==1 && it.isAnnotation()}
for (parent in topLevel){
def total = []
def polygons = []
subtractions = parent.getChildObjects().findAll{it.isAnnotation() && it.getPathClass() == getPathClass(classToSubtract)}
for (subtractyBit in subtractions){
if (subtractyBit instanceof AreaROI){
subtractionROIs = PathROIToolsAwt.splitAreaToPolygons(subtractyBit.getROI())
} else {total.addAll(subtractyBit.getROI())}
if (parent instanceof AreaROI){
polygons = PathROIToolsAwt.splitAreaToPolygons(parent.getROI())
} else { polygons[1] = parent.getROI()}
def newPolygons = polygons[1].collect {
updated = it
for (hole in total)
updated = PathROIToolsAwt.combineROIs(updated, hole, PathROIToolsAwt.CombineOp.SUBTRACT)
return updated
// Remove original annotation, add new ones
annotations = newPolygons.collect {new PathAnnotationObject(updated, parent.getPathClass())}
removeObjects(subtractions, true)
removeObject(parent, true)
//0.2.0 version of
// Convert points into detections, resolve the heirarchy so they are now child objects of any annotations.
import qupath.lib.roi.EllipseROI;
import qupath.lib.objects.PathDetectionObject
points = getAnnotationObjects().findAll{it.getROI().isPoint() }
print points[0].getROI()
//Cycle through each points object (which is a collection of points)
//Cycle through all points within a points object
pathClass = it.getPathClass()
//for each point, create a circle on top of it that is "size" pixels in diameter
x = it.getX()
y = it.getY()
size = 5
def roi = ROIs.createEllipseROI(x-size/2,y-size/2,size,size, ImagePlane.getDefaultPlane())
def aCell = new PathDetectionObject(roi, pathClass)
//remove points if desired.
removeObjects(points, false)
def lineObjects = getAnnotationObjects().findAll {it.getROI().isLine()}
def polygonObjects = []
for (lineObject in lineObjects) {
def line = lineObject.getROI()
def polygon = ROIs.createPolygonROI(line.getAllPoints(), line.getImagePlane())
def polygonObject = PathObjects.createAnnotationObject(polygon, lineObject.getPathClass())
polygonObjects << polygonObject
removeObjects(lineObjects, true)
//Takes all non ellipses and modifies the names of those annotations
//Classifies all ellipses
// 0.1.2 0.2.0
// Get all annotations with ellipse ROIs
def annotations = getAnnotationObjects()
def ellipses = annotations.findAll {it.getROI() instanceof qupath.lib.roi.EllipseROI}
// Assign classifications to nodes
def classification = getPathClass('Node')
ellipses.each {it.setPathClass(classification)}
// Assign names to all other annotations
annotations.eachWithIndex {annotation, i -> annotation.setName('Annotation ' + (i+1))}
//Script demonstrates the use of guiscript=true to prevent threading errors (try turning it off!)
//and using subtraction and selection in combination with built in functions like dilation
//Loop starting from one annotation object with no other objects present to contstraing it
//Create bands
import qupath.lib.roi.*
import qupath.lib.objects.*
bands = 5
first = getAnnotationObjects()
firstROI = first[0].getROI()
firstROIClass = first[0].getPathClass()
//test = []
for (i=1; i<=bands; i++){
print j
currentObjects = getAnnotationObjects().findAll{it.getName() == j.toString()}
selectObjects{it.getName() == i.toString()}
runPlugin('qupath.lib.plugins.objects.DilateAnnotationPlugin', '{"radiusMicrons": 100.0, "removeInterior": false, "constrainToParent": true}');
j = j.toString()
for (i=bands; i>0; i--){
toRingify = getAnnotationObjects().findAll{it.getName() == i.toString()}
ringHole = getAnnotationObjects().findAll{it.getName() == j.toString()}
ring = PathROIToolsAwt.combineROIs(toRingify[0].getROI(), ringHole[0].getROI(), PathROIToolsAwt.CombineOp.SUBTRACT)
addObjects(new PathAnnotationObject(ring, toRingify[0].getPathClass()))
ring = getAnnotationObjects().findAll{it.getName() == null}
// from!searchin/qupath-users/rotate$20%7Csort:date/qupath-users/UvkNb54fYco/ri_4K6tiCwAJ
import qupath.lib.objects.*
import qupath.lib.roi.*
//As usual, change this to target the annotations you want to rotate
def annotations = getAnnotationObjects()
//Set the number of degrees you wish to rotate your objects
double deg = -60
double degrees = Math.toRadians(deg) // sets the number of degrees to rotate
for (j = 0; j < annotations.size; j++)
def roi = annotations[j].getROI()
def roiPoints = annotations[j].getROI().getPolygonPoints()
def roiPointsArx = roiPoints.x.toArray() //convert each point to an array
def roiPointsAry = roiPoints.y.toArray() //for x and y coordinates
//the centroid of the roi - which will be used to center the shape around (0,0)
double centroidX = roi.getCentroidX()
double centroidY = roi.getCentroidY()
for (i= 0; i< roiPointsAry.length; i++)
// correct the center to 0
roiPointsArx[i] = roiPointsArx[i] - centroidX
roiPointsAry[i] = roiPointsAry[i] - centroidY
//Makes prime placeholders, which allows the calculations x'=xcos(theta)-ysin(theta), y'=ycos(theta)+xsin(theta) to be performed
double newPointX = roiPointsArx[i]
double newPointY = roiPointsAry[i]
// then rotate
roiPointsArx[i] = (newPointX * Math.cos(degrees)) - (newPointY * Math.sin(degrees))
roiPointsAry[i] = (newPointY * Math.cos(degrees)) + (newPointX * Math.sin(degrees))
// then move it back
roiPointsArx[i] = roiPointsArx[i] + centroidX
roiPointsAry[i] = roiPointsAry[i] + centroidY
// then to convert it back into an object
def xFloat = roiPointsArx as float[]
def yFloat = roiPointsAry as float[]
def roiNew = new PolygonROI(xFloat, yFloat, -1, 0, 0)
def pathObjectNew = new PathAnnotationObject(roiNew)
removeObjects(annotations, true)
//0.1.2 0.2.0
//Set TMA cores where the tissue area is below a threshold to Missing so as to avoid inclusion in future calculations.
//Any annotations below theMINIMUM_AREA_um2 threshold will also be deleted.
MINIMUM_AREA_um2 = 30000
def imageData = getCurrentImageData()
def server = imageData.getServer()
def pixelSize = server.getPixelHeightMicrons()
///////////////////////REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN
runPlugin('qupath.imagej.detect.tissue.SimpleTissueDetection2', '{"threshold": 233, "requestedPixelSizeMicrons": 5.0, "minAreaMicrons": 10000.0, "maxHoleAreaMicrons": 1000000.0, "darkBackground": false, "smoothImage": true, "medianCleanup": true, "dilateBoundaries": false, "smoothCoordinates": true, "excludeOnBoundary": false, "singleAnnotation": true}');
//Potentially alter script to run off of mean intensity in core?
//runPlugin('qupath.lib.algorithms.IntensityFeaturesPlugin', '{"pixelSizeMicrons": 2.0, "region": "ROI", "tileSizeMicrons": 25.0, "colorOD": true, "colorStain1": false, "colorStain2": false, "colorStain3": false, "colorRed": false, "colorGreen": false, "colorBlue": false, "colorHue": false, "colorSaturation": false, "colorBrightness": false, "doMean": false, "doStdDev": false, "doMinMax": false, "doMedian": false, "doHaralick": false, "haralickDistance": 1, "haralickBins": 32}');
list = it.getChildObjects()
if ( list.size() > 0){
double total = 0
for (object in list) {
total = total+object.getROI().getArea()
total = total*pixelSize*pixelSize
println(it.getName()+ " list "+list.size()+ "total "+total)
if ( total > MINIMUM_AREA_um2 ){
} else {removeObjects(list, true)}
//from forums:
import qupath.lib.roi.*
import qupath.lib.objects.*
//selects all annotation areas. Change this if you want only a subset of your areas split into contiguous area components.
def areaAnnotations = getAnnotationObjects().findAll {it.getROI() instanceof AreaROI}
areaAnnotations.each { selected ->
def polygons = PathROIToolsAwt.splitAreaToPolygons(selected.getROI())
def newPolygons = polygons[1].collect {
updated = it
for (hole in polygons[0])
updated = PathROIToolsAwt.combineROIs(updated, hole, PathROIToolsAwt.CombineOp.SUBTRACT)
return updated
// Remove original annotation, add new ones
annotations = newPolygons.collect {new PathAnnotationObject(it)}
removeObject(selected, true)
//Another version of the split annotations script from :
import static qupath.lib.roi.PathROIToolsAwt.splitAreaToPolygons
import qupath.lib.roi.AreaROI
import qupath.lib.objects.PathAnnotationObject
// Get all the annotations
def annotations = getAnnotationObjects()
// Prepare to add/remove annotations in batch
def toAdd = []
def toRemove = []
// Loop through the annotations, preparing to make changes
for (annotation in annotations) {
def roi = annotation.getROI()
// If we have an area, prepare to remove it -
// and add the separated polygons
if (roi instanceof AreaROI) {
toRemove << annotation
for (p in splitAreaToPolygons(roi)[1]) {
toAdd << new PathAnnotationObject(p, annotation.getPathClass())
// Perform the changes
removeObjects(toRemove, true)
//That last bit should make it compatible with trained classifiers.
//Cells per mm^2 assumes an annotation within the TMA, if there are no annotations within the TMA, remove related lines.
import qupath.lib.objects.PathCellObject
def imageData = getCurrentImageData()
def server = imageData.getServer()
def pixelSize = server.getPixelHeightMicrons()
Set classList = []
for (object in getCellObjects()) {
classList << object.getPathClass()
hierarchy = getCurrentHierarchy()
totalCells = hierarchy.getDescendantObjects(it,null, PathCellObject)
for (aClass in classList){
if (aClass){
if (totalCells.size() > 0){
def cells = hierarchy.getDescendantObjects(it,null, PathCellObject).findAll{it.getPathClass() == aClass}
//it.getMeasurementList().putMeasurement(aClass.getName()+" cells", cells.size())
it.getMeasurementList().putMeasurement(aClass.getName()+" %", cells.size()*100/totalCells.size())
def annotationArea = it.getChildObjects()[0].getROI().getArea()
it.getMeasurementList().putMeasurement(aClass.getName()+" cells/mm^2", cells.size()/(annotationArea*pixelSize*pixelSize/1000000))
} else {
//it.getMeasurementList().putMeasurement(aClass.getName()+" cells", 0)
it.getMeasurementList().putMeasurement(aClass.getName()+" %", 0)
it.getMeasurementList().putMeasurement(aClass.getName()+" cells/mm^2", 0)
0.2.0? 0.3.0 yes
* Script to help with annotating tumor regions, chopping increasing chunks into the tumor.
* Here, each of the margin regions is approximately 100 microns in width.
Recommended BEFORE running the script if your tumor is on the tissue border:
1. Create a tissue annotation for boundaries (class tissue, eliminate whitespace)
2. Create a tumor annotation
3. Run the script, it should only take into account tumor areas inside of the tissue annotation.
* @author Pete Bankhead
* @mangled by Svidro because reasons
* mix and match with @Mike_Nelson version
// Some things you might want to change
// How much to expand each region
double expandMarginMicrons = 20.0
// How many times you want to chop into your annotation. Edit color script around line 115 if you go over 5
int howManyTimes = 4
// Define the colors
// Inner layers are given scripted colors, but gretaer than 6 or 7 layers may require adjustments
def colorOuterMargin = getColorRGB(0, 200, 0)
PrecisionModel PM = new PrecisionModel(PrecisionModel.FIXED)
// Choose whether to lock the annotations or not (it's generally a good idea to avoid accidentally moving them)
def lockAnnotations = true
// Extract the main info we need
def imageData = getCurrentImageData()
def hierarchy = imageData.getHierarchy()
def server = imageData.getServer()
// We need the pixel size
def cal = server.getPixelCalibration()
if (!cal.hasPixelSizeMicrons()) {
print 'We need the pixel size information here!'
//Setup - Merge all Tumor objects into one, they can be split later. Get Geometries for each object
double expandPixels = expandMarginMicrons / cal.getAveragedPixelSizeMicrons()
initialTumorObject = getAnnotationObjects().find{it.getPathClass() == getPathClass("Tumor")}
def tumorGeom = getAnnotationObjects().find{it.getPathClass() == getPathClass("Tumor")}.getROI().getGeometry()
def plane = ImagePlane.getDefaultPlane()
def tissueGeom = getAnnotationObjects().find{it.getPathClass() == getPathClass("Tissue")}.getROI().getGeometry()
//Clean up the Tumor geometry
cleanTumorGeom = tissueGeom.intersection(tumorGeom)
tumorROIClean = GeometryTools.geometryToROI(cleanTumorGeom, plane)
cleanTumor = PathObjects.createAnnotationObject(tumorROIClean, getPathClass("Tumor"))
// Get the outer margin area
def geomOuter = cleanTumorGeom.buffer(expandPixels)
geomOuter = geomOuter.difference(cleanTumorGeom)
geomOuter = geomOuter.intersection(tissueGeom)
def roiOuter = GeometryTools.geometryToROI(geomOuter, plane)
def annotationOuter = PathObjects.createAnnotationObject(roiOuter)
annotationOuter.setName("Outer margin")
innerAnnotations = []
innerAnnotations << cleanTumor
innerAnnotations << annotationOuter
//innerAnnotations << selected
for (i=0; i<howManyTimes;i++){
currentArea = innerAnnotations[innerAnnotations.size()-1].getROI().getGeometry()
areaExpansion = currentArea.buffer(expandPixels)
areaExpansion = areaExpansion.intersection(cleanTumorGeom)
areaExpansion = areaExpansion.buffer(0)
areaExpansion = areaExpansion.intersection(tissueGeom)
//remove outer areas previously defined as other innerAnnotations
for (k=1; k<=i;k++){
remove = innerAnnotations[innerAnnotations.size()-k].getROI().getGeometry()
areaExpansion = areaExpansion.difference(remove)
areaExpansion= GeometryPrecisionReducer.reduce(areaExpansion, PM)
roiExpansion = GeometryTools.geometryToROI(areaExpansion, plane)
j = i+1
annotationExpansion = PathObjects.createAnnotationObject(roiExpansion)
int nameValue = j*expandMarginMicrons
annotationExpansion.setName("Inner margin "+nameValue+" microns")
annotationExpansion.setColorRGB(getColorRGB(20*i, 40*i, 200-30*i))
innerAnnotations << annotationExpansion
//println("innerannotations size "+innerAnnotations.size())
//add one last inner annotation that contains the rest of the tumor
core = cleanTumorGeom
for (i=1; i<=howManyTimes;i++){
core = core.difference(innerAnnotations[i].getROI().getGeometry())
coreROI = GeometryTools.geometryToROI(core, plane)
coreAnno = PathObjects.createAnnotationObject(coreROI)
coreAnno.setName("Remaining Tumor")
print "core geom: " +coreAnno.getClass()
innerAnnotations << coreAnno
print innerAnnotations
// Add the annotations
//hierarchy.removeObject(selected, true)
getAnnotationObjects().each {it.setLocked(lockAnnotations)}
removeObject(initialTumorObject, true)
println("Done! Wheeeee!")
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry
import qupath.lib.common.GeneralTools
import qupath.lib.objects.PathObject
import qupath.lib.objects.PathObjects
import qupath.lib.roi.GeometryTools
import qupath.lib.roi.ROIs
import java.awt.Rectangle
import java.awt.geom.Area
import org.locationtech.jts.precision.GeometryPrecisionReducer
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.PrecisionModel
//Description of use found here:
* Script to help with annotating tumor regions, separating the tumor margin from the center.
* Here, each of the margin regions is approximately 500 microns in width.
* @author Pete Bankhead
import qupath.lib.common.GeneralTools
import qupath.lib.objects.PathAnnotationObject
import qupath.lib.objects.PathObject
import qupath.lib.roi.PathROIToolsAwt
import java.awt.Rectangle
import java.awt.geom.Area
import static qupath.lib.scripting.QPEx.*
// Some things you might want to change
// How much to expand each region
double expandMarginMicrons = 500.0
// Define the colors
def coloInnerMargin = getColorRGB(0, 0, 200)
def colorOuterMargin = getColorRGB(0, 200, 0)
def colorCentral = getColorRGB(0, 0, 0)
// Choose whether to lock the annotations or not (it's generally a good idea to avoid accidentally moving them)
def lockAnnotations = true
// Extract the main info we need
def imageData = getCurrentImageData()
def hierarchy = imageData.getHierarchy()
def server = imageData.getServer()
// We need the pixel size
if (!server.hasPixelSizeMicrons()) {
print 'We need the pixel size information here!'
if (!GeneralTools.almostTheSame(server.getPixelWidthMicrons(), server.getPixelHeightMicrons(), 0.0001)) {
print 'Warning! The pixel width & height are different; the average of both will be used'
// Get annotation & detections
def annotations = getAnnotationObjects()
def selected = getSelectedObject()
if (selected == null || !selected.isAnnotation()) {
print 'Please select an annotation object!'
// We need one selected annotation as a starting point; if we have other annotations, they will constrain the output
// If we have at most one other annotation, it represents the tissue
Area areaTissue
PathObject tissueAnnotation
if (annotations.isEmpty()) {
areaTissue = new Area(new Rectangle(0, 0, server.getWidth(), server.getHeight()))
} else if (annotations.size() == 1) {
tissueAnnotation = annotations.get(0)
areaTissue = PathROIToolsAwt.getArea(tissueAnnotation.getROI())
} else {
print 'Sorry, this script only support one selected annotation for the tumor region, and at most one other annotation to constrain the expansion'
// Calculate how much to expand
double expandPixels = expandMarginMicrons / server.getAveragedPixelSizeMicrons()
def roiOriginal = selected.getROI()
def areaTumor = PathROIToolsAwt.getArea(roiOriginal)
// Get the outer margin area
def areaOuter = PathROIToolsAwt.shapeMorphology(areaTumor, expandPixels)
def roiOuter = PathROIToolsAwt.getShapeROI(areaOuter, roiOriginal.getC(), roiOriginal.getZ(), roiOriginal.getT())
def annotationOuter = new PathAnnotationObject(roiOuter)
annotationOuter.setName("Outer margin")
// Get the central area
def areaCentral = PathROIToolsAwt.shapeMorphology(areaTumor, -expandPixels)
def roiCentral = PathROIToolsAwt.getShapeROI(areaCentral, roiOriginal.getC(), roiOriginal.getZ(), roiOriginal.getT())
def annotationCentral = new PathAnnotationObject(roiCentral)
// Get the inner margin area
areaInner = areaTumor
def roiInner = PathROIToolsAwt.getShapeROI(areaInner, roiOriginal.getC(), roiOriginal.getZ(), roiOriginal.getT())
def annotationInner = new PathAnnotationObject(roiInner)
annotationInner.setName("Inner margin")
// Add the annotations
hierarchy.removeObject(selected, true)
def annotationsToAdd = [annotationOuter, annotationInner, annotationCentral];
annotationsToAdd.each {it.setLocked(lockAnnotations)}
if (tissueAnnotation == null) {
hierarchy.addPathObjects(annotationsToAdd, false)
} else {
hierarchy.fireHierarchyChangedEvent(this, tissueAnnotation)
if (lockAnnotations)
* Script to help with annotating tumor regions, chopping increasing chunks into the tumor.
* Here, each of the margin regions is approximately 100 microns in width.
Recommended BEFORE running the script if your tumor is on the tissue border:
1. Do have a simple tissue detection made to limit the borders.
2. Make an inverse area, delete the original tissue, and use CTRL+SHIFT BRUSH TOOL mostly to create the border of your tumor touching the simple tissue detection edge. You can use the wand tool for the interior of the tumor, but any little pixel that is missed by the wand tool defining the whitespace border of the tumor will result in an expansion. Brush tool them all away.
3. Invert the inverted tissue detection to get the original tissue back, and then delete the inverted annotation. You now have a tumor annotation that is right up against the tissue border.
4. Select the tumor and run the script
* @author Pete Bankhead
* @mangled by Svidro because reasons
// Some things you might want to change
// How much to expand each region
double expandMarginMicrons = 20.0
// How many times you want to chop into your annotation. Edit color script around line 115 if you go over 5
int howManyTimes = 2
// Define the colors
// Inner layers are given scripted colors, but gretaer than 6 or 7 layers may require adjustments
def colorOuterMargin = getColorRGB(0, 200, 0)
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry
import qupath.lib.common.GeneralTools
import qupath.lib.objects.PathObject
import qupath.lib.objects.PathObjects
import qupath.lib.roi.GeometryTools
import qupath.lib.roi.ROIs
import java.awt.Rectangle
import java.awt.geom.Area
// Extract the main info we need
def imageData = getCurrentImageData()
def hierarchy = imageData.getHierarchy()
def server = imageData.getServer()
// We need the pixel size
def cal = server.getPixelCalibration()
if (!cal.hasPixelSizeMicrons()) {
print 'We need the pixel size information here!'
// Choose whether to lock the annotations or not (it's generally a good idea to avoid accidentally moving them)
def lockAnnotations = true
if (!GeneralTools.almostTheSame(cal.getPixelWidthMicrons(), cal.getPixelHeightMicrons(), 0.0001)) {
print 'Warning! The pixel width & height are different; the average of both will be used'
// Get annotation & detections
def annotations = getAnnotationObjects()
def selected = getSelectedObject()
if (selected == null || !selected.isAnnotation()) {
print 'Please select an annotation object!'
// We need one selected annotation as a starting point; if we have other annotations, they will constrain the output
// If we have at most one other annotation, it represents the tissue
Geometry areaTissue
PathObject tissueAnnotation
// Calculate how much to expand
double expandPixels = expandMarginMicrons / cal.getAveragedPixelSizeMicrons()
def roiOriginal = selected.getROI()
def plane = roiOriginal.getImagePlane()
def areaTumor = roiOriginal.getGeometry()
if (annotations.isEmpty()) {
areaTissue = ROIs.createRectangleROI(0, 0, server.getWidth(), server.getHeight(), plane).getGeometry()
} else if (annotations.size() == 1) {
tissueAnnotation = annotations.get(0)
areaTissue = tissueAnnotation.getROI().getGeometry()
} else {
print 'Sorry, this script only support one selected annotation for the tumor region, and at most one other annotation to constrain the expansion'
println("Working, give it some time")
// Get the outer margin area
def geomOuter = areaTumor.buffer(expandPixels)
geomOuter = geomOuter.difference(areaTumor)
geomOuter = geomOuter.intersection(areaTissue)
def roiOuter = GeometryTools.geometryToROI(geomOuter, plane)
def annotationOuter = PathObjects.createAnnotationObject(roiOuter)
annotationOuter.setName("Outer margin")
innerAnnotations = []
innerAnnotations << annotationOuter
//innerAnnotations << selected
for (i=0; i<howManyTimes;i++){
//select the current expansion, which the first time is outside of the tumor, then expand it and intersect it
currentArea = innerAnnotations[innerAnnotations.size()-1].getROI().getGeometry()
if (getQuPath().getBuildString().split()[1]<"0.2.0-m2"){
areaExpansion = PathROIToolsAwt.shapeMorphology(currentArea, expandPixels)
}else {areaExpansion = PathROIToolsAwt.getArea(PathROIToolsAwt.roiMorphology(innerAnnotations[innerAnnotations.size()-1].getROI(), expandPixels))}
areaExpansion = currentArea.buffer(expandPixels)
areaExpansion = areaExpansion.intersection(areaTumor)
areaExpansion = areaExpansion.intersection(areaTissue)
//remove outer areas previously defined as other innerAnnotations
for (k=1; k<=i;k++){
remove = innerAnnotations[innerAnnotations.size()-k].getROI().getGeometry()
areaExpansion = areaExpansion.difference(remove)
roiExpansion = GeometryTools.geometryToROI(areaExpansion, plane)
j = i+1
annotationExpansion = PathObjects.createAnnotationObject(roiExpansion)
int nameValue = j*expandMarginMicrons
annotationExpansion.setName("Inner margin "+nameValue+" microns")
annotationExpansion.setColorRGB(getColorRGB(20*i, 40*i, 200-30*i))
innerAnnotations << annotationExpansion
//println("innerannotations size "+innerAnnotations.size())
//add one last inner annotation that contains the rest of the tumor
core = areaTumor
for (i=1; i<=howManyTimes;i++){
core = core.difference(innerAnnotations[i].getROI().getGeometry())
coreROI = GeometryTools.geometryToROI(core, plane)
coreAnno = PathObjects.createAnnotationObject(coreROI)
coreAnno.setName("Remaining Tumor")
innerAnnotations << coreAnno
// Add the annotations
//hierarchy.removeObject(selected, true)
def annotationsToAdd = innerAnnotations;
annotationsToAdd.each {it.setLocked(lockAnnotations)}
if (tissueAnnotation == null) {
hierarchy.addPathObjects(annotationsToAdd, false)
} else {
hierarchy.fireHierarchyChangedEvent(this, tissueAnnotation)
if (lockAnnotations)
println("Done! Wheeeee!")
//This script forces the annotations to detect whether cells are inside of it
//Useful when pasting an annotation onto a set of detections
//Added warning, this may appear to freeze the program if a lot of detections are being updated. Be patient.
//0.1.2 0.2.0
import qupath.lib.roi.*
import qupath.lib.objects.*
selected = getSelectedObjects()
def rois = [:]
for (object in selected){
removeObjects(selected, true)
rois.each{r,c-> addObject(new PathAnnotationObject(r, c))}
//Locked is not absolutely necessary, but good practice so you don't "jiggle" your updated animation
for (annotation in getAnnotationObjects())
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ab-rawat commented Jun 5, 2018

Hello Svidro,
In "copying annotations between images" groovy script, what is the file format of the "txt" file that is created?
It seems to be a binary file.
I want to understand the file format so I can maybe import it into other software such as definiens.
any pointers will be appreciated.

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Svidro commented Jun 28, 2018

Oh wow, I never got a notification that anyone commented here! I will have to see if there is a way to enable that. Sorry about the much delayed response, I just don't know my Github.

I am afraid most of the details of the scripts like that could probably only be answered by @petebankhead but it looks like ObjectOutputStream is exactly what you think, just a direct data stream object.

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jkjasti commented Oct 25, 2019

I am trying to use m4 version to write area annotations to txt file by converting to polygons first.

The following code breaks version m4..

if (roi instanceof AreaROI) {
for (p in PathROIToolsAwt.splitAreaToPolygons(roi)[1]) {
file <<'+'<< pathClass << p.getPolygonPoints() << System.lineSeparator() }

I am unable to find the "splitAreaToPolygons" method in version m4? Can you point me in the right direction?



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Svidro commented Nov 2, 2019

Oops, sorry about that. Actually I am not really sure at this point, I haven't kept updating everything for each new version.
Pete's post here:
shows the PathROIToolsAwt has been changed to "RoiTools" though that does not mean M4 necessarily has the exact same function.
M4 and M5 both have a "Split Annotations" function in the Objects menu that might be more useful. It shows up in the Workflow as:
runPlugin('qupath.lib.plugins.objects.SplitAnnotationsPlugin', '{}');
In general, the forum is the best place to take questions!

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Hi Svidro,

I'm new to qupath and trying to use your splitting annotations into contiguous areas scripts. When I create a single annotation in the middle of the slide with the wand, then I select the annotation so that it is highlighted and use either of the scripts above, nothing seems to happen. Just trying to split an annotation up into smaller area segments but I want them to be contiguous, any help you could provide would be great.


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Svidro commented Dec 8, 2019

The script works by taking one annotation made of unconnected parts, and results in multiple annotations, each one of which was an unconnected part of the first annotation. If you have one continuous annotation, these scripts will not split that. That would take something specialized since the behavior is not defined (split it in half? quarters?). You may want to look into creating tile annotations, or SLICs, or define your problem on the QuPath forum for more detailed help.

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Thanks, that makes sense. Yes, I was just looking to split the annotations in half or quarters by area. I will post on the QuPath forum for further help.

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trinhvg commented Oct 28, 2020

Dear Sir,
I just want to extract all the coordinate to a csv or text file. I have read your code, but not sure which code help me to to so
Please help.

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Svidro commented Oct 28, 2020

You should not need a script for this as you can handle it for an entire project through the interface now.
There is also a basic starter script there that can be adjusted as you want to export any subset of measurements, so if you only want the centroids, only select those columns.

If you want all of the coordinates for objects, there are better ways to do that on the forum using JSON format, and I recommend searching there. CSV files do not work as well for those kinds of structures since you have no way of knowing whether the points are part of a nucleus, cytoplasm, an outer edge, a hole, etc. Simple formats will not work well unless the object is a simple polygon.

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Svidro commented Jan 23, 2021

Generally use the findAll{} functionality to get subsets of objects (I think it is covered more in the Selecting Objects gist).
So you could do it all in one step, but it might be easier to read in to.

def tumorAnnotations = getAnnotationObjects().findAll{it.getPathClass()==getPathClass("Tumor")}
annotations = tumorAnnotations.collect {new qupath.lib.objects.PathAnnotationObject(it.getROI(), it.getPathClass())}

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Hi, I am looking for help to annotate the proximal and distal tubules. i started annotating the tubules, glomeruli, stroma, and none (unknown) pieces. How do i generalize everything to the whole image ? and after that how do i remove the glomeruli, stroma, and none to leave only the two types of tubules.
this is my first time working on qupath.
I tried to split the image into tiles with a script it seems to work, but I don't see any change in the image, how do I solve .




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Svidro commented Oct 16, 2022

The tileExporter script you have a picture of exports tiles. Have you followed the steps to create a pixel classifier with your annotations?
I'd also recommend never running your pixel classifier on the training image, as you will not be able to retrain it later. Duplicate the image or create a new copy of the project before deleting all of your training objects.

This is also a pixel classifier, not an object classifier. I bring that up since some of your none annotations include tissue, which will confuse the pixel classifier. Also, as written, you will be creating a lot of none objects, which usually is not wanted. Better to not create the none objects at all, as described in the documentation link above.

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asma23091978 commented Oct 17, 2022 via email

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I want to change some parameters in the runplugin {} line for the cell detection groovy script and parse the changes from python. How can I make changes inside the specific line in the groovy script from python?

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