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Last active August 21, 2020 22:02
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Chocolatey setup commands
Install chocolately, always use powershell admin mode:
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
Then allow choco install w/o having to confirm everything:
choco feature enable -n allowGlobalConfirmation
Then install stuff:
choco install git
choco install vscode
choco install hwinfo
choco install batteryinfoview
choco install steam
choco install synctrayzor
choco install yarn
choco install postgresql
choco install winrar
choco install 7zip
choco install vlc
choco install msiafterburner
choco install sysinternals
choco install windirstat
choco install autohotkey
choco install slack
choco install fiddler
choco install qbittorrent
choco install rufus
choco install cpu-z
choco install crystaldiskmark
choco install lockhunter
choco install cascadiacode
choco install goggalaxy
choco install epicgameslauncher
choco install discord
choco install screentogif
choco install sharpkeys
choco install heaven-benchmark
choco install valley-benchmark
choco install virtualclonedrive
can try, but it hung last time I tried
choco install virtualbox
choco install microsoft-windows-terminal
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To reset postgres password after:

  • Set auth to 'trust' in pg_hba.conf
  • Connect using psql windows command
  • ALTER ROLE postgres WITH PASSWORD 'newpassword';
  • as well as CREATE USER john superuser;

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