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Last active August 1, 2024 06:41
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A Clean & Customizable Weather module for Waybar
"custom/weather": {
"exec": "python ~/.config/waybar/scripts/",
"restart-interval": 300,
"return-type": "json",
"on-click": "xdg-open$(location_id)"
// "format-alt": "{alt}",
#custom-weather.severe {
color: #eb937d;
#custom-weather.sunnyDay {
color: #c2ca76;
#custom-weather.clearNight {
color: #2b2b2a;
#custom-weather.cloudyFoggyDay, #custom-weather.cloudyFoggyNight {
color: #c2ddda;
#custom-weather.rainyDay, #custom-weather.rainyNight {
color: #5aaca5;
#custom-weather.showyIcyDay, #custom-weather.snowyIcyNight {
color: #d6e7e5;
#custom-weather.default {
color: #dbd9d8;
#!/usr/bin/env python
import subprocess
from pyquery import PyQuery # install using `pip install pyquery`
import json
# weather icons
weather_icons = {
"sunnyDay": "滛",
"clearNight": "望",
"cloudyFoggyDay": "",
"cloudyFoggyNight": "",
"rainyDay": "",
"rainyNight": "",
"snowyIcyDay": "",
"snowyIcyNight": "",
"severe": "",
"default": "",
# get location_id
# to get your own location_id, go to & search your location.
# once you choose your location, you can see the location_id in the URL(64 chars long hex string)
# like this:
location_id = "c3e96d6cc4965fc54f88296b54449571c4107c73b9638c16aafc83575b4ddf2e" # TODO
# location_id = "8139363e05edb302e2d8be35101e400084eadcecdfce5507e77d832ac0fa57ae"
# priv_env_cmd = 'cat $PRIV_ENV_FILE | grep weather_location | cut -d "=" -f 2'
# location_id =
# priv_env_cmd, shell=True, capture_output=True).stdout.decode('utf8').strip()
# get html page
url = "" + location_id
html_data = PyQuery(url=url)
# current temperature
temp = html_data("span[data-testid='TemperatureValue']").eq(0).text()
# print(temp)
# current status phrase
status = html_data("div[data-testid='wxPhrase']").text()
status = f"{status[:16]}.." if len(status) > 17 else status
# print(status)
# status code
status_code = html_data("#regionHeader").attr("class").split(" ")[2].split("-")[2]
# print(status_code)
# status icon
icon = (
if status_code in weather_icons
else weather_icons["default"]
# print(icon)
# temperature feels like
temp_feel = html_data(
"div[data-testid='FeelsLikeSection'] > span > span[data-testid='TemperatureValue']"
temp_feel_text = f"Feels like {temp_feel}c"
# print(temp_feel_text)
# min-max temperature
temp_min = (
html_data("div[data-testid='wxData'] > span[data-testid='TemperatureValue']")
temp_max = (
html_data("div[data-testid='wxData'] > span[data-testid='TemperatureValue']")
temp_min_max = f" {temp_min}\t\t{temp_max}"
# print(temp_min_max)
# wind speed
wind_speed = html_data("span[data-testid='Wind']").text().split("\n")[1]
wind_text = f"煮 {wind_speed}"
# print(wind_text)
# humidity
humidity = html_data("span[data-testid='PercentageValue']").text()
humidity_text = f" {humidity}"
# print(humidity_text)
# visibility
visbility = html_data("span[data-testid='VisibilityValue']").text()
visbility_text = f" {visbility}"
# print(visbility_text)
# air quality index
air_quality_index = html_data("text[data-testid='DonutChartValue']").text()
# print(air_quality_index)
# hourly rain prediction
prediction = html_data("section[aria-label='Hourly Forecast']")(
"div[data-testid='SegmentPrecipPercentage'] > span"
prediction = prediction.replace("Chance of Rain", "")
prediction = f"\n\n  (hourly) {prediction}" if len(prediction) > 0 else prediction
# print(prediction)
# tooltip text
tooltip_text = str.format(
f'<span size="xx-large">{temp}</span>',
f"{visbility_text}\tAQI {air_quality_index}",
# print waybar module data
out_data = {
"text": f"{icon} {temp}",
"alt": status,
"tooltip": tooltip_text,
"class": status_code,
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Could you pointed out where localtion_id in this line is defined? In my env it is not expanded and the resulting URL is

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Surendrajat commented Jun 17, 2022

Could you pointed out where localtion_id in this line is defined? In my env it is not expanded and the resulting URL is

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I already set my location from there (in, but the hash value is not available in ~/.config/waybar/config. Does it work for you?

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Surendrajat commented Jun 17, 2022

Yeah that won't work unless you replace it with actual location_id or export a shell variable location_id as I do.

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StayPirate commented Oct 28, 2022

I noticed today that something may have changed in the webpage and the html_data filters may now be broken.

I initially realized it because of the following error:

[2022-10-28 10:40:55.065] [error] weather stopped unexpectedly, is it endless?
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/crazybyte/.config/waybar/modules/weather", line 92, in <module>
    wind_speed = html_data(
IndexError: list index out of range

The CSS item is now class .Wind--windWrapper--3Ly7c instead of .Wind--windWrapper--3aqXJ, but fixing it is not enough to make the script works properly again.

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May I ask you why are you scraping data from the web-page instead of querying some API endpoints?

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Surendrajat commented Oct 29, 2022

@StayPirate Thanks for letting me know. I'm not using sway right now, but I've tried to update the script for now and hopefully made it less fragile. (Probably you can fork and maintain it if you're interested)

May I ask you why are you scraping data from the web-page instead of querying some API endpoints?

Yeah that'd be simpler, but I actively try to avoid signing up for services that are otherwise accessible.

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I get his error when i try to run, i've changed it my own location

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/shabirk/.config/waybar/modules/", line 46, in
status_code = html_data("#regionHeader").attr("class").split(" ")[2].split("-")[2]
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'split'

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cn-danieldev commented Feb 2, 2023

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/shabirk/.config/waybar/modules/", line 46, in
status_code = html_data("#regionHeader").attr("class").split(" ")[2].split("-")[2]
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'split'

The new document of pyquery module shows the method below will no longer fetch the contents of the URL.

url = "" + location_id
html_data = PyQuery(url)

The right way

url_fetch = "" + location_id
html_data = PyQuery(url=url_fetch)

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Surendrajat commented Feb 2, 2023

Thanks @k1tyoo for tracking it down. I've updated the script to work with pyquery 1 & 2 now.

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ghost commented Feb 6, 2023

What are the default icons, as a lot of them are not showing for me, other than that I appreciate the work you have done and it's a great module :)

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@CerealKiller-John thanks. I've mostly used font-awesome icons and few icons from nerd-fonts. This is my setup:

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ghost commented Feb 7, 2023

@CerealKiller-John thanks. I've mostly used font-awesome icons and few icons from nerd-fonts. This is my setup:

Thank you, I also was wondering is there a way to incorporate current location into this? As I am using it on a laptop, I wouldn't really need to know my home forecast if I am not at home. I know I could update the key, but I was wondering if there was an easier way?

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I also was wondering is there a way to incorporate current location into this?

I guess you can get your lat-long from laptop's GPS and submit it to's HTML form (using a similar script) and get location id from redirection URL. It'll a bit complicated and will depend on the accuracy of your GPS. Anyway, you might be better off with some API from weather providers at that point.

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Hello there! Thanks for this wonderful module. In the past few days, I've realized that the "Feels like" section inside the tooltip does not print out any value. I'm not sure why, as the values seem to align with the website its scrapes from. Any ideas about how to fix?

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Looks like they've added one more <span> wrapper around the temp value. Anyway I've fixed it for now. Cheers.

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Is it possible to get Fahrenheit? I notice there is no separate URL for Fahrenheit on the website, guess some JS handling or something.

Possible to get 5-day?

When I click the popup/dropdown thing, goes to 404 page:

ie. missing location_id at that point.

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Hi, it seems they must have changed the min/max temp, because it's now reversed.

By changing :

# min-max temperature
temp_min = (
    html_data("div[data-testid='wxData'] > span[data-testid='TemperatureValue']")
temp_max = (
    html_data("div[data-testid='wxData'] > span[data-testid='TemperatureValue']")


# min-max temperature
temp_min = (
    html_data("div[data-testid='wxData'] > span[data-testid='TemperatureValue']")
    .eq(1) # <- Changed here
temp_max = (
    html_data("div[data-testid='wxData'] > span[data-testid='TemperatureValue']")
    .eq(0) # <- Changed here

You get the right values again.

Here are some screenshot to display what I'm talking about :

What it is right now

What it is with the change

The values on the website

If this is a problem on my side, I apologize for the disturbance !

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