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gdavis / ThreadSafe.swift
Last active July 19, 2024 19:31
ThreadSafe is a property wrapper that can be used to control atomic access to the underlying property while allowing concurrent access to reading the value.
// ThreadSafe.swift
// GDICore
// Created by Grant Davis on 1/2/21.
// Updated to support `_modify` accessor on 12/5/21.
// Copyright © 2021 Grant Davis Interactive, LLC. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
danielmartin /
Last active March 9, 2024 02:00
Add support for a better Xcode's Jump to Next Counterpart in Swift

If you work on a Swift project that follows the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) architecture or similar, you may want to jump to counterpart in Xcode from your view to your model, and then to your view model. (ie. by using Ctrl+Cmd+Up and Ctrl+Cmd+Down).

You can do this in recent versions of Xcode by setting a configuration default.

From a terminal, just type this command and press Enter:

defaults write IDEAdditionalCounterpartSuffixes -array-add "ViewModel" "View"
floriankugler / AutoLayoutHelpers.swift
Last active August 30, 2023 21:17
Very simple key path based Auto Layout helpers
import UIKit
typealias Constraint = (UIView, UIView) -> NSLayoutConstraint
func equal<L, Axis>(_ to: KeyPath<UIView, L>, constant: CGFloat = 0) -> Constraint where L: NSLayoutAnchor<Axis> {
return equal(to, to, constant: constant)
func equal<L, Axis>(_ from: KeyPath<UIView, L>, _ to: KeyPath<UIView, L>, constant: CGFloat = 0) -> Constraint where L: NSLayoutAnchor<Axis> {
return { view1, view2 in
kean / Client.swift
Last active September 16, 2022 03:41
API Client (Archived)
// The MIT License (MIT)
// Copyright (c) 2017 Alexander Grebenyuk (
import Foundation
import Alamofire
import RxSwift
import RxCocoa
// This post is **archived**. For a modern version that uses Async/Await and Actors, see the new article
# 你可以从该 URL 下载这个配置文件:
# 用编辑器编辑后,再通过 iTunes, URL, AirDrop 或者 iCloud Drive 复制回 iOS 设备
# Version 2.0
# 日志等级: warning, notify, info, verbose (默认值: notify)
loglevel = notify
# 跳过某个域名或者 IP 段,这些目标主机将不会由 Surge Proxy 处理。(在 macOS
# 版本中,如果启用了 Set as System Proxy, 那么这些值会被写入到系统网络代理
# 设置中.)
extension PHPhotoLibrary {
typealias PhotoAsset = PHAsset
typealias PhotoAlbum = PHAssetCollection
static func saveImage(image: UIImage, albumName: String, completion: (PHAsset?)->()) {
if let album = self.findAlbum(albumName) {
saveImage(image, album: album, completion: completion)
jason5ng32 / surge.conf
Last active August 28, 2024 09:51
Surge Configs ( for 2.x )
loglevel = notify
skip-proxy =,,,,, localhost, *.local, ::ffff:0:0:0:0/1, ::ffff:128:0:0:0/1
bypass-tun =,,
# dns-server =,,
# external-controller-access = PASSWORD@
# ipv6 = true
// REMEMBER TO CHANGE THE external-controller-access' PASSWORD
FrancesCoronel /
Last active August 28, 2024 03:20
A sample README for all your GitHub projects.

Repository Title Goes Here

Frances Coronel

INSERT GRAPHIC HERE (include hyperlink in image)

Subtitle or Short Description Goes Here

ideally one sentence >

PurpleBooth /
Last active September 22, 2024 04:13
A template to make good

Project Title

One Paragraph of project description goes here

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


jonathan-beebe / alasset_to_phasset.swift
Created July 18, 2015 16:26
Convert ALAsset to iOS8+ PHAsset
import Photos
import AVFoundation
func ALAssetToPHAsset(asset:ALAsset) -> PHAsset {
var fetchOptions: PHFetchOptions = PHFetchOptions()
var url:NSURL = asset.valueForProperty(ALAssetPropertyAssetURL) as! NSURL
let fetchResult:PHFetchResult = PHAsset.fetchAssetsWithALAssetURLs([url], options: fetchOptions)
return fetchResult.firstObject as! PHAsset