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Created February 3, 2013 09:29
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Pointer basics in C.
#include <stdio.h>
Pointers to pointers' pointers. GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY POINTER!!!
A crappy, cheap code snippet by Subsentient.
void main()
int num = 7;
int num2 = 3;
int *nump;
int *numderp;
//Make a pointer to an integer, yet to be defined.
int **numpp;
//Make a pointer to an integer pointer. Double pointer.
nump = &num;
//Give the address of num to the pointer nump, making it act as a second name for num when dereferenced.
numpp = &nump;
//Pointers have addresses too. Give the address of nump to numpp, making numpp a pointer to nump that points to num.
*numpp = &num2;
//Dereference numpp with an asterisk, saying "we want to talk to the object pointed to by you, Mr numpp.
//Next, with the ampersand, we are saying "nump, now you point to num2."
numderp = nump;
//This makes our pointer named numderp contain a copy, not just point to, of nump. Dereferencing it would give us num2.
printf("Direct object reads as %d\n", num);
printf("Pointer to direct object reads as %d\n", *nump);
printf("Pointer to the pointer that points to direct object reads as %d\n", **numpp);
printf("\"Derp\" pointer reads as %d\n", *numderp);
//Double pointer requires double dereferencing to get to the *final* object actually pointed to.
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