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Created July 21, 2016 20:36
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A shell script which enables easy execing into kube pods
if [ "$1" = "" ]; then
echo "Usage: kshell <pod>"
exit 1
echo Getting pods...
PODS=$(kubectl get pods --no-headers --output=name | grep $1)
if [ $NUM_PODS -gt 1 ]; then
echo Your search matched multiple pods, please be more specific:
for pod in "${PODS[@]}" ; do # <- quotes required
echo " - $pod"
exit 1
echo Connecting to $POD...
COLUMNS=`tput cols`
LINES=`tput lines`
kubectl exec -i -t $POD env COLUMNS=$COLUMNS LINES=$LINES TERM=$TERM bash
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Stono commented Jul 21, 2016

Stick this in /usr/local/bin/kshell and chmod +x

It'll also ensure the terminal size is set correctly, in VIM for example (something fixed in kubernetes 1.3)

To use, you just need to specify part of the pod name that you want to go to, but it has to be specific enough to match a single pod

$ kshell gocd
Getting pods...
Your search matched multiple pods, please be more specific:
 - pod/gocd-agent-2493599176-bycc5
 - pod/gocd-agent-2493599176-scvc7
 - pod/gocd-master-1388090259-9tkmm
 - pod/gocd-nginx-2641456012-3ts30

So, be more specific...

$ kshell nginx
Getting pods...
Connecting to gocd-nginx-2641456012-3ts30...
[root@gocd-nginx-2641456012-3ts30 storage]# exit

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jamesholcomb commented Mar 13, 2018

Very helpful...Forked to let you choose a pod from the list.

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