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Created March 2, 2012 04:21
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import random
#this game is a test your luck game.
#it will continue until the player dies or stops opening chests.
#every chest has a one in five chance of containing a grue because i love Zork
chest = ('gold' , 'gold' , 'gold' , 'grue' , 'gold')
print """
print "you are an adventurer who must decide whether he continues"
print "to open chests or stop while he is ahead"
raw_input("press enter to continue")
#this section establishes the parameters for continuing the game
continueg = 'y'
print "Your hero currently has: "
print inv
while continueg == 'y':
print "your hero finds himself in a forest clearing."
print "\nThere is a chest in the center"
opchest = raw_input("\nWill you risk opening the chest? \nIt may contain treasures, or it will contain death (y/n): ")
if opchest == 'y':
if inchest == 'grue':
print "The chest contained a grue and you are devoured. \n\n Thank you for playing"
continueg = 'n'
print "\n the chest contained gold which your hero pockets"
inv += inchest
print "his current inventory is:\n"
print inv
print "Your hero, content with his current posessions, "
print "leaves the chest in its current location."
print "As he leaves, he is killed by a grue."
print "\nThank you for playing!"
continueg = 'n'
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