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Created May 20, 2015 10:07
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Save StephanHoyer/ea6d1e9c5ea7a9225639 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Select2-like mithril input
'use strict';
var m = require('mithril');
var icons = require('client/utils/icons');
var remove = require('lodash/array/remove');
var transform = require('lodash/object/transform');
var last = require('lodash/array/last');
var code = require('yields-keycode');
function sameAs(filterA) {
return function (filterB) {
return filterA.type === filterB.type && filterA.label === filterB.label;
function not(fn) {
return function(obj) {
return !fn(obj);
function emptyArrayFn() {
return [];
function minMax(a, b, c) {
return Math.max(a, Math.min(b, c));
module.exports = {
controller: function (options) {
var scope = {};
options = options || {};
options.getSuggestions = options.getSuggestions || emptyArrayFn;
options.getCurrentFilters = options.getCurrentFilters || emptyArrayFn;
scope.currentFilters = options.getCurrentFilters();
scope.inputValue = '';
function exists(filter) {
return scope.currentFilters.some(sameAs(filter));
function updateSuggestions() {
scope.suggestions = options.getSuggestions(scope.inputValue).filter(not(exists));
scope.oninput = function (event) {
scope.inputValue =;
delete scope.selectedSuggestion;
delete scope.selectedFilter;
scope.add = function (filter) {
return function () {
if (!exists(filter)) {
options.onAddFilter && options.onAddFilter(filter);
scope.inputValue = '';
scope.remove = function (filter) {
return function () {
remove(scope.currentFilters, filter);
options.onRemoveFilter && options.onRemoveFilter(filter);
function createFromInput() {
var filter = {
type: 'text',
label: scope.inputValue,
value: scope.inputValue
if (scope.selectedSuggestion) {
filter = scope.selectedSuggestion;
} else if (scope.inputValue === '') {
function removeOrSelect() {
if (scope.inputValue !== '') {
return true;
if (scope.selectedFilter) {
delete scope.selectedFilter;
} else {
scope.selectedFilter = last(scope.currentFilters);
function selectFromCurrent(event) {
if (scope.inputValue !== '') {
if (scope.selectedFilter) {
var currentIndex = scope.currentFilters.indexOf(scope.selectedFilter);
var newIndex = currentIndex + (event.keyCode === code('left') ? -1 : 1);
if (newIndex === scope.currentFilters.length) {
delete scope.selectedFilter;
} else {
newIndex = minMax(0, newIndex, scope.currentFilters.length - 1);
scope.selectedFilter = scope.currentFilters[newIndex];
} else if (event.keyCode === code('left')) {
scope.selectedFilter = last(scope.currentFilters);
function selectFromSuggestion(event) {
if (scope.selectedSuggestion) {
var currentIndex = scope.suggestions.indexOf(scope.selectedSuggestion);
var newIndex = currentIndex + (event.keyCode === code('up') ? -1 : 1);
if (newIndex === scope.suggestions.length) {
delete scope.selectedSuggestion;
} else {
newIndex = minMax(0, newIndex, scope.suggestions.length - 1);
scope.selectedSuggestion = scope.suggestions[newIndex];
} else if (event.keyCode === code('down')) {
scope.selectedSuggestion = scope.suggestions[0];
var actions = transform({
enter: createFromInput,
backspace: removeOrSelect,
del: removeOrSelect,
left: selectFromCurrent,
right: selectFromCurrent,
up: selectFromSuggestion,
down: selectFromSuggestion
}, function(actions, fn, name) {
actions[code(name)] = fn;
scope.onkeydown = function (event) {
if (actions[event.keyCode]) {
return actions[event.keyCode](event);
return scope;
view: function (scope, options) {
return m('.filterInput', [
m('ul.currentFilters', (filter) {
return m('li.filter' + (scope.selectedFilter === filter ? '.selected' : ''), [
icons('remove', {
onclick: scope.remove(filter)
m('.form', [
m('input', {
placeholder: options && options.placeholder || '',
oninput: scope.oninput,
onkeydown: scope.onkeydown,
value: scope.inputValue
m('ul.suggestions', (suggestion) {
return m('li' + (scope.selectedSuggestion === suggestion ? '.selected' : ''), {
onclick: scope.add(suggestion)
}, suggestion.label);
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