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Last active September 18, 2024 12:24
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  • Save SteelPh0enix/79258118070a5d4e2b9716085d319066 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save SteelPh0enix/79258118070a5d4e2b9716085d319066 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
My PowerShell Profile script (put in $HOME/Documents/PowerShell)
Function list_as_list { eza -lh $args }
Function list_all_as_list { eza -alh $args }
Function remove_force { rm -Force $args }
Function edit_here { nvim . }
Function winget_install { winget install $args }
Function winget_update { winget upgrade -ru --pinned }
Function winget_search { winget search $args }
Function winget_remove { winget remove $args }
Function edit_config { nvim $profile }
Set-Alias -Name ls -Value eza
Set-Alias -Name l -Value list_as_list
Set-Alias -Name la -Value list_all_as_list
Set-Alias -Name rmf -Value remove_force
Set-Alias -Name lg -Value lazygit
Set-Alias -Name eh -Value edit_here
Set-Alias -Name pkgi -Value winget_install
Set-Alias -Name pkgu -Value winget_update
Set-Alias -Name pkgs -Value winget_search
Set-Alias -Name pkgr -Value winget_remove
Set-PSReadLineOption -EditMode Emacs
#f45873b3-b655-43a6-b217-97c00aa0db58 PowerToys CommandNotFound module
Import-Module -Name Microsoft.WinGet.CommandNotFound
Set-Alias -Name cfge -Value edit_config
$PROFILE_DIR = Split-Path -Parent $profile
. $PROFILE_DIR/llama_cpp_utils.ps1
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