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Last active August 27, 2024 12:15
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Save StagPoint/da160053d4a710e418c63ddf1b58c7fd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Custom VisualElement for Unity's UI Toolkit which is useful for creating an "outer glow" effect for buttons, or a "drop shadow" effect for popups, windows, and dialogs.
// Created 2024 StagPoint. Released to the public domain.
using System;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using Unity.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Scripting;
using UnityEngine.UIElements;
namespace GUI.Effects
public class OuterGlow : VisualElement
#region Public properties
public float GlowSize
get => _glowSizeInline ?? _glowSizeStyled ?? 10;
set => _glowSizeInline = value;
public Color GlowColor
get => _glowColorInline ?? _glowColorStyled ?? Color.clear;
set => _glowColorInline = value;
public int NumberOfSegments { get; set; } = 12;
#region Private fields
private CustomStyleProperty<Color> _glowColorStyleProperty = new CustomStyleProperty<Color>( "--glow-color" );
private CustomStyleProperty<float> _glowSizeStyleProperty = new CustomStyleProperty<float>( "--glow-size" );
private Color? _glowColorInline = null;
private float? _glowSizeInline = null;
private Color? _glowColorStyled = null;
private float? _glowSizeStyled = null;
#region UXML support
public new class UxmlFactory : UxmlFactory<OuterGlow, UxmlTraits>
public new class UxmlTraits : VisualElement.UxmlTraits
private UxmlColorAttributeDescription glowColorAttribute = new UxmlColorAttributeDescription { name = "glow-color", defaultValue = Color.white };
private UxmlFloatAttributeDescription glowSizeAttribute = new UxmlFloatAttributeDescription { name = "glow-size", defaultValue = 10f };
private UxmlIntAttributeDescription numberOfCornerSegmentsAttribute = new UxmlIntAttributeDescription { name = "corner-segments", defaultValue = 12 };
public override void Init( VisualElement ve, IUxmlAttributes bag, CreationContext cc )
base.Init( ve, bag, cc );
var element = (OuterGlow)ve;
var inlineGlowColor =;
if( glowColorAttribute.TryGetValueFromBag( bag, cc, ref inlineGlowColor ) )
element.GlowColor = inlineGlowColor;
var inlineGlowSize = 10f;
if( glowSizeAttribute.TryGetValueFromBag( bag, cc, ref inlineGlowSize ) )
element.GlowSize = inlineGlowSize;
element.NumberOfSegments = Mathf.Clamp( numberOfCornerSegmentsAttribute.GetValueFromBag( bag, cc ), 4, 24 );
#region Constructor
public OuterGlow()
generateVisualContent += OnGenerateVisualContent;
RegisterCallback<CustomStyleResolvedEvent>( OnCustomStyleResolved );
#region Mesh generation
private void OnGenerateVisualContent( MeshGenerationContext ctx )
calculateGlowMesh( out TempList<Vertex> verts, out TempList<ushort> indices );
MeshWriteData mwd = ctx.Allocate( verts.Count, indices.Count );
mwd.SetAllVertices( verts.ToSlice() );
mwd.SetAllIndices( indices.ToSlice() );
private void calculateGlowMesh( out TempList<Vertex> verts, out TempList<ushort> indices )
var numberOfSegments = Mathf.Clamp( NumberOfSegments, 4, 24 );
var numVerticesPerCorner = (numberOfSegments + 1) * 2;
var numIndicesPerCorner = numberOfSegments * 6;
var expectedTotalVertices = numVerticesPerCorner * 4;
var expectedTotalIndices = numIndicesPerCorner * 4 + 24; // Additional 24 for each joining segment (6 indices per four segments)
verts = new TempList<Vertex>( expectedTotalVertices );
indices = new TempList<ushort>( expectedTotalIndices );
var thickness = Mathf.Max( GlowSize, 0 );
Rect r = contentRect;
var halfSize = new Vector3( r.width * 0.5f, r.height * 0.5f, Vertex.nearZ );
var minDimension = Mathf.Min( r.width, r.height );
var minHalfDimension = Mathf.Min( halfSize.x, halfSize.y );
var radiusTopLeft = Mathf.Max( resolvedStyle.borderTopLeftRadius, 0 );
var radiusTopRight = Mathf.Max( resolvedStyle.borderTopRightRadius, 0 );
var radiusBottomLeft = Mathf.Max( resolvedStyle.borderBottomLeftRadius, 0 );
var radiusBottomRight = Mathf.Max( resolvedStyle.borderBottomRightRadius, 0 );
var innerRadiusTopLeft = minHalfDimension * Mathf.Min( minDimension * 0.5f, radiusTopLeft ) / minDimension * 2f;
var topLeft = new Vector3( innerRadiusTopLeft, innerRadiusTopLeft, Vertex.nearZ );
var innerRadiusTopRight = minHalfDimension * Mathf.Min( minDimension * 0.5f, radiusTopRight ) / minDimension * 2f;
var topRight = new Vector3( r.width, 0, Vertex.nearZ ) - new Vector3( innerRadiusTopRight, -innerRadiusTopRight, Vertex.nearZ );
var innerRadiusBottomRight = minHalfDimension * Mathf.Min( minDimension * 0.5f, radiusBottomRight ) / minDimension * 2f;
var bottomRight = new Vector3( r.width, r.height, Vertex.nearZ ) - new Vector3( innerRadiusBottomRight, innerRadiusBottomRight, Vertex.nearZ );
var innerRadiusBottomLeft = minHalfDimension * Mathf.Min( minDimension * 0.5f, radiusBottomLeft ) / minDimension * 2f;
var bottomLeft = new Vector3( 0, r.height, Vertex.nearZ ) + new Vector3( innerRadiusBottomLeft, -innerRadiusBottomLeft, Vertex.nearZ );
var outerRadiusTopLeft = innerRadiusTopLeft + thickness;
var outerRadiusTopRight = innerRadiusTopRight + thickness;
var outerRadiusBottomRight = innerRadiusBottomRight + thickness;
var outerRadiusBottomLeft = innerRadiusBottomLeft + thickness;
// Change outerColor to new Color( innerColor.r, innerColor.g, innerColor.g, 0 ) if you want to prevent
// darkening of the color as it fades. I kind of like the darkening effect, however.
var innerColor = GlowColor;
var outerColor = Color.clear;
calculateCornerMesh( topLeft, innerColor, outerColor, verts, indices, innerRadiusTopLeft, outerRadiusTopLeft, numberOfSegments, 90 * Mathf.Deg2Rad, 90 * Mathf.Deg2Rad );
calculateCornerMesh( topRight, innerColor, outerColor, verts, indices, innerRadiusTopRight, outerRadiusTopRight, numberOfSegments, 0, 90 * Mathf.Deg2Rad );
calculateCornerMesh( bottomRight, innerColor, outerColor, verts, indices, innerRadiusBottomRight, outerRadiusBottomRight, numberOfSegments, 270 * Mathf.Deg2Rad, 90 * Mathf.Deg2Rad );
calculateCornerMesh( bottomLeft, innerColor, outerColor, verts, indices, innerRadiusBottomLeft, outerRadiusBottomLeft, numberOfSegments, 180 * Mathf.Deg2Rad, 90 * Mathf.Deg2Rad );
// Connect top left and top right
indices.Add( 0 );
indices.Add( 1 );
indices.Add( (ushort)(numVerticesPerCorner * 2 - 1) );
indices.Add( 0 );
indices.Add( (ushort)(numVerticesPerCorner * 2 - 1) );
indices.Add( (ushort)(numVerticesPerCorner * 2 - 2) );
// Connect top right and bottom right
indices.Add( (ushort)(numVerticesPerCorner) );
indices.Add( (ushort)(numVerticesPerCorner + 1) );
indices.Add( (ushort)(numVerticesPerCorner * 3 - 1) );
indices.Add( (ushort)(numVerticesPerCorner) );
indices.Add( (ushort)(numVerticesPerCorner * 3 - 1) );
indices.Add( (ushort)(numVerticesPerCorner * 3 - 2) );
// Connect bottom right and bottom left
indices.Add( (ushort)(numVerticesPerCorner * 2) );
indices.Add( (ushort)(numVerticesPerCorner * 2 + 1) );
indices.Add( (ushort)(numVerticesPerCorner * 4 - 1) );
indices.Add( (ushort)(numVerticesPerCorner * 2) );
indices.Add( (ushort)(numVerticesPerCorner * 4 - 1) );
indices.Add( (ushort)(numVerticesPerCorner * 4 - 2) );
// Connect bottom left and top left
indices.Add( (ushort)(numVerticesPerCorner - 1) );
indices.Add( (ushort)(numVerticesPerCorner * 3) );
indices.Add( (ushort)(numVerticesPerCorner * 3 + 1) );
indices.Add( (ushort)(numVerticesPerCorner - 1) );
indices.Add( (ushort)(numVerticesPerCorner - 2) );
indices.Add( (ushort)(numVerticesPerCorner * 3) );
private void calculateCornerMesh( Vector3 offset, Color innerColor, Color outerColor, TempList<Vertex> vertices, TempList<ushort> indices, float innerRadius, float outerRadius, int numberOfSegments, float startAngle, float arc )
var segmentStep = 1f / numberOfSegments;
var startVertCount = (ushort)vertices.Count;
for( int s = 0; s < numberOfSegments + 1; s++ )
var x = startAngle + segmentStep * s * arc;
var sinSegment = Mathf.Sin( x );
var cosSegment = Mathf.Cos( x );
vertices.Add( new Vertex
position = new Vector3( cosSegment * innerRadius, -sinSegment * innerRadius, Vertex.nearZ ) + offset,
tint = innerColor,
} );
vertices.Add( new Vertex()
position = new Vector3( cosSegment * outerRadius, -sinSegment * outerRadius, Vertex.nearZ ) + offset,
tint = outerColor,
} );
for( ushort s = 0; s < numberOfSegments; s++ )
var v0 = 2 * s + startVertCount;
var v1 = v0 + 2;
indices.Add( (ushort)(v1 + 0) );
indices.Add( (ushort)(v0 + 1) );
indices.Add( (ushort)(v0 + 0) );
indices.Add( (ushort)(v0 + 1) );
indices.Add( (ushort)(v1 + 0) );
indices.Add( (ushort)(v1 + 1) );
#region Style resolution
private void OnCustomStyleResolved( CustomStyleResolvedEvent evt )
if( evt.customStyle.TryGetValue( _glowColorStyleProperty, out Color customGlowColor ) )
_glowColorStyled = customGlowColor;
else if( _glowColorStyled.HasValue )
_glowColorStyled = null;
if( evt.customStyle.TryGetValue( _glowSizeStyleProperty, out float customGlowSize ) )
_glowSizeStyled = customGlowSize;
else if( _glowSizeStyled.HasValue )
_glowSizeStyled = null;
#region Nested types
private class TempList<T> : IDisposable where T : struct
#region Public properties
public int Count { get => _count; }
#region Private fields
private NativeArray<T> _array;
private int _count;
#region Constructor
public TempList( int capacity )
_array = new NativeArray<T>( capacity, Allocator.Temp, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory );
#region Public functions
[MethodImpl( MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining )]
public void Add( T value )
_array[ _count++ ] = value;
[MethodImpl( MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining )]
public NativeSlice<T> ToSlice()
return _array.Slice();
public void Dispose()
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Useful for creating an "outer glow" effect around buttons, or a "drop shadow" effect around dialogs, etc.:


Respects the standard USS border-radius properties to easily match other controls with rounded corners (or even round controls with the correct values).

Glow size and color can be set through direct object properties or through custom USS properties (--glow-size and --glow-color respectively), like so:

.action-bar-button > OuterGlow {
    border-radius: 6px;
    --glow-color: clear;
    --glow-size: 10;

.action-bar-button:hover > OuterGlow {
    --glow-color: green;

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