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Last active March 7, 2023 15:29
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  • Save Squareys/327f0243a394464a8635e1ac80d3ba9e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Squareys/327f0243a394464a8635e1ac80d3ba9e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Upgrade Wonderland Engine JavaScript component code from 0.9.5 to 1.0.0
* Convert Wonderland Engine 0.9.5 JavaScript code to Wonderland Engine 1.0.0 code.
* # Usage
* node wonderland-js-upgrade.mjs <your-file>.js
import {readFileSync, writeFileSync, existsSync} from 'fs';
/* Parse filename argument and check existence */
const filename = process.argv[2];
if (!existsSync(filename)) {
console.log(filename, 'does not exist.');
/** Convert a string to CamelCase */
function toCamelCase(str) {
return str.replace(/(?:^\w|[A-Z-]|\b\w|\s+)/g, function (match, index) {
if (+match === 0) return '';
if (/\s+|-/.test(match)) return '';
return match.toUpperCase();
/** Convert `WL.Type.String` to `Type.String` */
function convertParamTypes(params) {
return params.replaceAll('WL.Type', 'Type');
/** Find scope end matching starting { at given index */
function getScopeEnd(code, start) {
let count = 1;
for(let i = start + 1; i < code.length; ++i) {
if (code[i] == '{') ++count;
if (code[i] == '}') --count;
if (count == 0) return i;
throw new Error("Unmatched scope in code, starting at " + i.toString());
/** Convert `init: async function(params)` to `async init(params)` */
function convertFunctions(functions, apiImports) {
/* Move global types use to imports */
const regex_Texture = /new\s*WL\.Texture\s*\(([^\);]*)\)\s*;/gm;
functions = functions.replace(regex_Texture, (m, i) => {
return `new Texture(${m[1]});`;
/* Replace global WL use that should be this.engine now */
for (const symbol of [
functions = functions.replaceAll('WL.' + symbol, 'this.engine.' + symbol);
/* This regex matches `functionName: (async)? function(params) {`
* for replacement with ES6 class version */
const regex_functions =
const matches = functions.matchAll(regex_functions);
if (!matches) return functions;
let result = '';
let lastMatchEnd = 0;
for (const m of matches) {
const name = m[2];
const isAsync = !!m[1] || !!m[3];
const params = m[4];
const converted = `${isAsync ? 'async ' : ''}${name}(${params || ''}) {`;
result += functions.substr(lastMatchEnd, m.index - lastMatchEnd) + converted;
lastMatchEnd = m.index + m[0].length;
/* Find closing bracket to remove ',' */
let scopeEnd = getScopeEnd(functions, lastMatchEnd);
/* We only support ',' directly after closing bracket.
* Replace with newline to keep functions string length same,
* prettier cleans up after.
* Note: This function is never run for functions already in ES6
* syntax, so removal will not happen. */
if (functions[scopeEnd + 1] == ',') {
functions =
functions.substr(0, scopeEnd + 1) +
'\n' +
functions.substr(scopeEnd + 2, functions.length - (scopeEnd + 2));
result += functions.substr(lastMatchEnd, functions.length - lastMatchEnd);
return result;
* Convert `WL.registerComponent('my-comp', {}, {})` to `class MyComp extends Component { ... }`
function convertComponents(contents, apiImports) {
/* This monster regex matches the three parameters of the WL.registerComponent() calls into
* match groups 1-3 */
const regex_registerComp =
const matches = contents.matchAll(regex_registerComp);
if (!matches) return contents;
let lastMatchEnd = 0;
let result = '';
for (const m of matches) {
const typeName = m[1];
console.log('Migrating component', typeName);
const properties = convertParamTypes(m[2]);
const scopeStart = m.index + m[0].length;
const scopeEnd = getScopeEnd(contents, scopeStart);
const functions = convertFunctions(contents.substr(
scopeStart, scopeEnd - scopeStart), apiImports);
const converted = `export class ${toCamelCase(typeName)} extends Component {
static TypeName = '${typeName}';
static Properties = {${properties}};
result += contents.substr(lastMatchEnd, m.index - lastMatchEnd) + converted;
lastMatchEnd = scopeEnd + 3 /* Removes final }); */;
result += contents.substr(lastMatchEnd, contents.length - lastMatchEnd);
return result;
/* Keep track of imports from @wonderlandengine/api */
const apiImports = ['Component', 'Type'];
/* Read the script and convert components */
let contents = readFileSync(filename, 'utf8');
contents = convertComponents(contents, apiImports);
/* Add imports */
const uniqueApiImports = [ Set(apiImports)].sort();
contents = `import {${uniqueApiImports.join(
', '
)}} from '@wonderlandengine/api';\n\n${contents}`;
/* Overwrite the input file with the result */
writeFileSync(filename, contents);
console.log('Wrote', filename);
console.log('Running prettier on', filename);
/* Run prettier, if possible */
.then((cli) => {['--write', filename]);
.catch((e) => {
console.warn('Warning: Could not find prettier');
console.warn('You will want to run prettier yourself.');
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