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Created May 31, 2020 08:38
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Save SqrtMinusOne/6e7a5abb8e3c54bcc7b0e8bea04a6d6f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Run gource for multiple repos
gource combined.log --filename-time 2.0 --seconds-per-day 10 --user-image-dir ~/.gravatars --auto-skip-seconds 1.5
#fetch Gravatars
use strict;
use warnings;
use LWP::Simple;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
my $size = 90;
my $output_dir = '.avatars';
die("no .git/ directory found in current path\n") unless -d '.git';
mkdir($output_dir) unless -d $output_dir;
open(GITLOG, q/git log --pretty=format:"%ae|%an" |/) or die("failed to read git-log: $!\n");
my %processed_authors;
while(<GITLOG>) {
my($email, $author) = split(/\|/, $_);
next if $processed_authors{$author}++;
my $author_image_file = $output_dir . '/' . $author . '.png';
#skip images we have
next if -e $author_image_file;
#try and fetch image
my $grav_url = "".md5_hex(lc $email)."?d=404&size=".$size;
warn "fetching image for '$author' $email ($grav_url)...\n";
my $rc = getstore($grav_url, $author_image_file);
if($rc != 200) {
close GITLOG;
import os
DIRS = ['backend', 'frontend', 'docs']
for directory in DIRS:
os.system(f'gource --output-custom-log {directory}.log ./{directory}')
'Корытов Павел Валерьевич': 'SqrtMinusOne',
'Корытов Павел': 'SqrtMinusOne',
'Korytov Pavel': 'SqrtMinusOne',
for directory in DIRS:
os.system(f'sed -i -r "s#(.+)\\|#\\1|/{directory}#" {directory}.log')
for filename in DIRS:
for a, b in REPLACE.items():
os.system(f'sed -i "s/{a}/{b}/g" {filename}.log')
os.system('cat ' + '.log '.join([*DIRS, '']) + ' | sort -n > combined.log')
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