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Created August 31, 2024 21:01
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I use this a topic based outline a lot. They force clarity and save time for both writer and reader. Win-win.

Hacker News Summary: Nearly half of Nvidia's revenue comes from four mystery whales each buying $3B+

Main Post Summary

  • Nvidia makes a lot of money from AI chips.
  • Four big companies are buying a ton of these chips, each spending over $3 billion.
  • Nobody knows who these companies are for sure.

Key Discussion Themes

1. Who are the Big Buyers?

  • It's probably the big cloud companies: Microsoft, Meta, Google, and Amazon.
  • Others mentioned are Oracle, Tesla, and OpenAI.
  • Some think government agencies, like the NSA or DoE, are big buyers too.

2. AI Chip Alternatives

  • Google, Amazon, Meta, and Microsoft are making their own AI chips.
  • But they're not as good as Nvidia's yet.
  • People are wondering if these companies will switch to their own chips when they are good enough.

3. Is this an AI Bubble?

  • Some people think it's like the dot-com bubble or the crypto bubble.
  • They think Nvidia's prices are too high, and the bubble will pop.
  • Others think AI will keep growing and is helpful, so it's not really a bubble.

Notable Insights/Opinions

  • Some people think the Nvidia chip shortage will ease once the bubble bursts.
  • One person said if the AI bubble bursts, they'll use Nvidia GPUs for other stuff.
  • Others think Nvidia will keep doing well because they're good at adapting to new markets.

Controversial Points

  • Some people think Nvidia has a monopoly on AI chips.
  • It's not clear if they are treating all customers the same or giving some special deals.
  • People are worried about how much power these big companies and governments are gaining.

Resources Shared

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Spikeysanju commented Aug 31, 2024

One more format:

Hacker News Summary: Nearly half of Nvidia's revenue comes from four mystery whales each buying $3B+

Main Post Summary

  • Four big companies are buying a ton of Nvidia's AI chips, about half their revenue.
  • Nobody knows who they are, but it's probably big companies like Microsoft, Meta, Google, Amazon.
  • Some people think it's a sign of an AI bubble, like the dot-com bubble in the late 90s.

Key Discussion Themes

1. Who are the "Whales"?

  • It's likely big tech companies like Microsoft, Meta, Google, Amazon, and maybe others.
  • People are pretty sure they're not hard to guess.
  • Some think government agencies like the NSA or DOE might be involved.

2. AI Bubble Concerns

  • Some people think this is another tech bubble that will pop, like the dot-com bubble.
  • Others think AI is here to stay and will just keep getting used more.
  • There are concerns that Nvidia might lose market share if other companies build their own chips.

3. Nvidia's Dominance

  • Nvidia's CUDA software makes it hard for competitors to catch up.
  • AMD and Intel have tried to make their own GPGPU APIs, but they haven't been very successful.
  • Some people hope Nvidia's dominance might end and make GPUs more affordable for hobbyists.

Notable Insights/Opinions

  • Some people think the AI market is like the railroad or telecom bubbles of the past. They pop, but leave behind useful infrastructure.
  • Other people think that if the AI bubble bursts, the GPUs will be used for other things.
  • Several people think it's very similar to the late 90s tech bubble.

Controversial Points

  • Some think it's a good sign that AI is becoming more powerful.
  • Others think it's a risky bubble that could hurt the economy.
  • Some think it's a shame that all this power is going to a few big companies, and that hobbyists can't afford the chips.

Resources Shared

Community Consensus

  • Nvidia's AI chips are in high demand.
  • The big tech companies are likely the biggest buyers.
  • It's hard to know what the future holds, but there's a chance of an AI winter or bubble burst.
  • There's concern about Nvidia's near monopoly and its impact on the affordability and availability of GPUs for hobbyists.

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Another detailed format. My ADHD is making it hard to consume.

Hacker News Summary: AnandTech Farewell

Main Post Summary

  • AnandTech, a long-time tech news site, shut down.
  • The site focused on in-depth, detailed articles, not clickbait.
  • Many people on HN miss AnandTech.
  • The discussion moved to ads, web content quality, and business models.

Key Discussion Themes

1. Google's Role in Web Quality Decline

  • Key points:
    • Google's search was a good start.
    • Ads became a bigger deal than search quality.
    • Google's model isn't good for the web.
  • Insights:
    • Google sold search results to the highest bidders.
    • That makes quality search harder.
  • Controversial aspects:
    • Did Google hurt the web with ads?
    • Or is it a natural result of the web's value?

2. The Future of Online Content

  • Key points:
    • People used to pay for magazines and newspapers.
    • Many people use ad blockers now.
    • Few people pay for online content.
  • Insights:
    • The web is mostly free.
    • That's not a sustainable model.
    • Some content creators are struggling.
  • Controversial aspects:
    • Should people pay for online content?
    • How can online content be funded?
    • Is the ad-driven model bad?

3. The Loss of AnandTech

  • Key points:
    • AnandTech had a unique style.
    • It was detailed and informative.
    • The site lost its way after Anand left.
  • Insights:
    • People liked AnandTech's style.
    • It's harder to find sites like it now.
  • Controversial aspects:
    • Was AnandTech's model flawed?
    • Why couldn't it keep going?
    • Could a site like it succeed today?



  • AnandTech was detailed.
  • People felt they could trust the site.


  • The site slowed down.
  • They didn't adapt to the changing web.


  • A new site could fill the void.
  • Subscription models might work better.


  • Clickbait and AI-generated content are growing.
  • People expect free content.

Actionable Takeaways

  • Try Kagi for a better search experience.
  • Support content creators you like.
  • Think about how you use the web.

Thought-Provoking Questions

  • Is the ad-driven web a good thing?
  • How can we get better online content?
  • What will the future of the web look like?

Resources Shared

  • Stratechery Plus: A paid newsletter
  • Kagi: A search engine
  • Ladybird: A new browser

Community Consensus

  • Many miss AnandTech.
  • Ads are a big problem for the web.
  • It's hard to find a good business model for quality online content.
  • There's no easy solution to the problem.

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One more example:

Hacker News Summary: Using Fibonacci numbers to convert from miles to kilometers and vice versa

Main Post Summary

  • The post talks about a way to convert miles to kilometers and back using Fibonacci numbers.
  • It's not the best way, but it's kind of neat.
  • Some folks think it's a fun trick, while others think it's a silly way to do a simple calculation.

Key Discussion Themes

1. Practicality of Fibonacci Conversion

  • Key points:
    • People usually just multiply or divide by 1.6.
    • Fibonacci numbers are not that easy to remember.
    • The method is not very accurate for large numbers.
  • Insights:
    • It's more of a party trick than a practical solution.
  • Controversial aspects:
    • Some find it interesting, others think it's silly.

2. Easier Mental Math Methods

  • Key points:
    • Lots of people have quick and easy mental math methods.
    • Many use simple fractions like 3/2 or 5/3.
    • Some people even just estimate and round numbers.
  • Insights:
    • People can find their own ways to do these conversions.
  • Controversial aspects:
    • Some prefer more formal methods, others prefer their own hacks.

3. The Golden Ratio and Miles/Kilometers

  • Key points:
    • The golden ratio is about 1.618.
    • The mile-kilometer ratio is about 1.609.
    • It's close, but probably a coincidence.
  • Insights:
    • It's interesting that the ratios are so close, but it doesn't mean much.
  • Controversial aspects:
    • Some people think it's a coincidence, others wonder if it's related to history.



  • It's a fun way to think about conversions.
  • It's a nice way to learn the Fibonacci sequence.
  • Some people find it easier than traditional methods.


  • It's not very accurate, especially for large numbers.
  • It's not the fastest or easiest way to do conversions.
  • It requires remembering Fibonacci numbers, which is harder than 1.6.


  • Could be useful for teaching people about the Fibonacci sequence.
  • It might be useful for rough estimations in some cases.
  • Could spark more interest in math and quick calculations.


  • People might think it's silly or pointless.
  • It might lead to mistakes if not used carefully.
  • It could be harder to understand than simpler methods.

Actionable Takeaways

  • If you like the Fibonacci sequence, this is a fun way to play with it.
  • If you need quick estimates, simple multiplication or division is better.
  • If you need accuracy, use a calculator or computer.

Thought-Provoking Questions

  • Is there a relationship between the golden ratio and how units were created?
  • Why do people prefer different mental math tricks?
  • Is there a better way to teach conversions that makes it easier to understand?

Resources Shared

  • Zeckendorf's Theorem (Wikipedia): Explains how to write numbers as a sum of Fibonacci numbers.
  • Slide Rule Museum: Shows how to use a slide rule for various calculations.

Community Consensus

  • Most people agree that the Fibonacci method is not the best way to convert miles and kilometers.
  • There is some debate on whether it's a fun trick or a silly idea.
  • There's a general preference for simpler, more accurate methods for everyday conversions.

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Spikeysanju commented Aug 31, 2024

I like this format. it's clean & clear not too bloated!

Hacker News Summary: Marketing to Engineers (2001)

Main Post Overview

  • An old article talks about how to sell stuff to engineers. It says engineers like facts and details, not fancy ads.

Key Discussion Themes

1. Jargon's Role

  • Main points:
    • Engineers use jargon for exact meaning.
    • It's not about being confusing.
    • Bad jargon can backfire.
  • Notable insight: Using the right words the right way is key. It shows you know what you're talking about.

2. Engineers' Decision-Making

  • Main points:
    • Engineers don't like ads.
    • They're driven by logic.
    • They also have feelings about tools.
  • Notable insight: Engineers are human too. They use logic, but feelings play a part in choices.

3. Marketing to Engineers

  • Main points:
    • Show details.
    • Be clear.
    • Provide good information.
  • Notable insight: Don't try to be fancy. Just tell engineers what they need to know.

Key Takeaways

  • Engineers don't trust ads.
  • They want clear and accurate info.
  • Use jargon carefully.

Controversial Points

  • Are engineers immune to ads?
  • Is marketing just manipulation?
  • Should companies be completely transparent?

Useful Resources

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