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Created January 16, 2020 14:37
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using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.XR;
namespace absurdjoy
/// <summary>
/// Basic management script to wrangle all the CompanionCameras we might have in the scene.
/// </summary>
public class CompanionCameraManager : MonoBehaviour
public bool isEnabled { get; protected set; }
[Tooltip("If true, will disable desktop view of the VR headset if one the companion cameras is on.")]
public bool autoSetXRView = true;
[Tooltip("Which transform should compatible cameras be assigned? (Optional)")] [SerializeField]
protected Transform targetTransform;
protected List<CompanionCamera> companions; // List of all detected companions in children
protected int currentIndex = 0; // Currently selected companion (might not be active)
/// <summary>
/// If enabled, returns the companion currently selected.
/// </summary>
public CompanionCamera CurrentCompanion
if (!isEnabled || companions == null || currentIndex >= companions.Count)
return null;
return companions[(int) currentIndex];
/// <summary>
/// If inactive, reactivates the last companion (or - enables the first registered if it hasn't been used yet).
/// If active, disables every companion.
/// </summary>
public void ToggleEnabled()
if (isEnabled)
/// <summary>
/// Assigns a transform to each of the companions. Depending on the companion, may have no effect or may be required.
/// </summary>
public void AssignTargetTransform(Transform newTransform)
targetTransform = newTransform;
foreach (var companion in companions)
/// <summary>
/// Register a companion camera to the list of available items.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="companion">The camera to add.</param>
/// <returns>returns true if the camera was added to the list; false if it already existed on the list.</returns>
public bool AddCompanionIfNecessary(CompanionCamera companion)
if (companions == null)
companions = new List<CompanionCamera>();
if (companions.Contains(companion))
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Removes a companion camera from registration, and disables it if it was active.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="companion">The companion to remove.</param>
/// <returns>Returns true if the item was removed; false if it wasn't on the list.</returns>
public bool RemoveCompanionIfNecessary(CompanionCamera companion)
if (companions == null)
return false;
if (companions.Contains(companion))
if (isEnabled && CurrentCompanion == companion)
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Turn all companion cameras off. If autoSetXRView is enabled, will turn back on the Device View as well.
/// </summary>
public void DisableAll()
isEnabled = false;
foreach (var cam in companions)
if (autoSetXRView)
// Turns on rendering of the VR device to the desktop.
XRSettings.showDeviceView = true;
/// <summary>
/// Restore the last companion camera. Defaults to the first camera if none have been used before.
/// </summary>
public void EnableLast()
// In case we haven't initialized yet:
if (currentIndex <= -1)
currentIndex = 0;
// In case we have removed cameras:
if (currentIndex >= companions.Count)
currentIndex = companions.Count - 1;
/// <summary>
/// Switches to a specific companion camera. Must be initialized/registered with us first.
/// </summary>
public void SwitchToCamera(CompanionCamera target)
for (int i = 0; i < companions.Count; i++)
if (companions[i] == target)
Debug.LogError("Couldn't find companion camera in our index. Did it initialize properly?", target.gameObject);
/// <summary>
/// Switches to a companion camera via index number.
/// </summary>
public void SwitchToCamera(int newIndex)
if (newIndex >= companions.Count || newIndex <= -1)
Debug.LogWarning("Tried to activate a companion camera that didn't exist at index: " + newIndex, gameObject);
if (currentIndex != newIndex)
currentIndex = newIndex;
Debug.Log("Switched companion camera to: " + companions[newIndex];
if (autoSetXRView)
// Turns off the rendering of the VR device to the desktop.
XRSettings.showDeviceView = false;
isEnabled = true;
/// <summary>
/// Cycles to the next camera in the index
/// </summary>
public void SwitchToNextCamera()
/// <summary>
/// Cycles to the previous camera in the index
/// </summary>
public void SwitchToPreviousCamera()
/// <summary>
/// Modifies the current index by a specified amount (looping if necessary) and activates that camera.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="delta">the amount to modulate by. can be negative or positive.</param>
public void SwitchToCameraByIndexDelta(int delta)
if (companions.Count <= 0)
Debug.LogWarning("Can't switch by delta if there are no cameras.", gameObject);
var nextIndex = currentIndex + delta;
// Handle looping of the index:
while (nextIndex >= companions.Count)
nextIndex -= companions.Count;
while (nextIndex < 0)
nextIndex += companions.Count;
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