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Last active December 22, 2015 06:09
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Remote Debian Installation with Encrypted RootFS

Remote Debian Installation with Encrypted RootFS

This is a quick run-down of how I installed Debian on my dedicated server (@ OVH - super cheap!), and managed to setup an encrypted rootfs with ssh during boot to unlock. This is both for the offchance that I'll have to do it again, and if anyone else is wanting to do the same thing. There are a few guides out there to get the unlocking over SSH, and a few for remote installation of Debian, but none that combine the two.

These instructions need an existing Debian install, although Ubuntu might work too.

1. Preparing Remote Installation

Source for this part of the guide was here

  1. Get Debian installer source and dependencies.

     apt-get install dpkg-dev
     apt-get source debian-installer
     apt-get build-dep debian-installer
  2. Enable network-console by adding the following to the top of build/pkg-lists/netboot/<arch>.cfg. Replace <arch> with your architecture. In my case this was amd64.

     #include "network-console"
  3. Create a preseed.cfg file for the installer (I created it in ~). This defaults values that would otherwise be asked for, which you won't be able to answer as they all come before (or are) the network setup. The following are the values I used, at the very least you need to set the locale and keymap, and setup the network and network-console. The pkg-sel line is for dropbear, which we need later.

     d-i debian-installer/locale            string en_US
     d-i keymap                             select us
     d-i keyboard-configuration/xkb-keymap  select us
     d-i keyboard-configuration/variant     select American English
     d-i debconf/priority                   select critical
     d-i auto-install/enabled               boolean true
     d-i netcfg/choose_interface            select eth0
     d-i netcfg/disable_dhcp                boolean true
     d-i netcfg/get_nameservers             string <name server>
     d-i netcfg/get_ipaddress               string <IP address>
     d-i netcfg/get_netmask                 string <netmask>
     d-i netcfg/get_gateway                 string <gateway>
     d-i netcfg/confirm_static              boolean true
     d-i netcfg/get_hostname                string <host>
     d-i netcfg/get_domain                  string <domain.tld>
     d-i network-console/password           password <password>
     d-i network-console/password-again     password <password>
     d-i pkgsel/include                     string busybox dropbear
  4. Create build/config/local with the following. Obviously change the preseed.cfg path if you didn't save it in ~, and change stable if you want to use testing or a specific code name.

  5. Change into the build directory and build the netboot image.

     fakeroot make rebuild_netboot
  6. Copy the initrd.gz and linux in build/dest/netboot/debian-installer/<arch>/ to /boot/ as debian-installer-rd.gz and debian-installer respectively.

  7. Update your bootloader to point to these new files. As I couldn't change which entry was chosen at boot, I just edited the first entry in /boot/grub/grub.cfg, but YMMV. Below is what I changed my grub lines to.

     menuentry 'Debian Installer' --class debian --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os {
         insmod gzio
         insmod part_msdos
         insmod ext2
         set root='(hd0,msdos1)'
         echo    'Loading Installer ...'
         linux   /boot/debian-installer rw ramdisk_size=24000 root=/dev/rd/0
         echo    'Loading Installer Ramdisk ...'
         initrd  /boot/debian-installer-rd.gz
  8. Reboot and cross your fingers! After a while, you should be able to ping the machine again, and can log in with ssh installer@<ip address>. The password is as chosen earlier in the preseed.cfg.

2. Install Debian

The installation should go as usual, choose the expert install and follow the steps. When it comes to partitioning, if the HDD is pretty big, you probably won't want to use the guided crypto option, as it will take forever and SSH will kick you out long before it finishes. I set up the partitions manually, being sure to uncheck the erase HDD option for the encryption part. Sure this isn't as perfect as it could have been, but the wiping takes forever.

Don't complete the installation - go to the next section!

If it'd help, I could redo this in a VM to get a screenshot of my setup - let me know

3. Setup dropbear unlocking

Source for this part of the guide, as well as the unlocking script is here

  1. Drop to a shell with Execute a shell.

  2. Mount special devices to the new system and chroot to it so that you can update the ramdisk later.

     cd /target
     mount -t proc proc proc/
     mount -t sysfs sys sys/
     mount -o bind /dev dev/
     chroot . /bin/bash
  3. Get the generated SSH keys for dropbear. I couldn't get SCP to work at this point, so had to use cat. Paste the results of cat into a local file, such as ~/.ssh/id_rsa-unlock and ~/.ssh/

     cat /etc/initramfs-tools/root/.ssh/id_rsa
     cat /etc/initramfs-toold/root/.ssh/
  4. Add your ethernet drivers to /etc/initramfs-tools/modules. Don't be shy here, if you're not sure which ethernet drivers from lsmod are the right ones, put them all in! I don't know of any downsides to that strategy, and if you don't get the actual driver in there, you won't be able to unlock your rootfs! I think the top one was what I needed, but the others were loaded too.

  5. Edit /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf.

     IP=<ip address>::<gateway>:<netmask>:<hostname>:eth0:off
  6. Download unlocking script and chmod it.

     cd /etc/initramfs-tools/hooks
     chmod +x mount_cryptroot
  7. Rebuild the ramdisk.

     update-initramfs -u -t
  8. Exit the chroot, then the shell, and finish installation.

  9. Keep your fingers, toes and everything else crossed. Eventually you should be able to ping the server again, and login with SSH.

     ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa-unlock root@<ip address>

It might be a good idea to add this to your SSH config (~/.ssh/config):

Host unlock
    HostName <ip address>
    Port 22
    User root
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa-unlock
    UserKnownHostsFile ~/.ssh/known_hosts-unlock

Then you can just use ssh unlock.


If there are any mistakes, or any steps aren't clear, please let me know.

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Smenus commented Sep 3, 2013

I am not good with GFM.

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