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Created January 13, 2019 17:44
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enum Command (
CMD_Copy => 0,
CMD_ByteRepeat => 1,
CMD_WordRepeat => 2,
CMD_ByteInc => 3,
CMD_CopyExisting => 4
grammar AlttpDecompression {
multi method parsebuf(Buf $buf) {
token TOP {
<chunk>+? <stop>
token chunk {
<data(|$<header>.ast<cmd lenght>)>
{say $<header>.ast<cmd lenght>, $<data>.Str.chars}
token stop {
token header {
# header is split into CMD (3 bits) and lenght (5 bits)
# if CMD is 7 it's an extended header, to have a bigger lenght
[ <normal-header> | <extended-header> ]
{ make ($<normal-header> // $<extended-header> ).ast
token normal-header {
$<mheader> = . <?{ $/.ord < 0b11100000 }>
{ make {
cmd => Command($<mheader>.ord +> 5),
lenght => $<mheader>.ord +& 0b00011111 + 1;
} }
# // The command are the next 3 bits
#command = (header >> 2 ) & 7;
#length = ((int)((header & 3) << 8)) + (unsigned char) c_data[c_data_pos + 1];
token extended-header {
$<mheader> = . ** 2 <?{ ($/.comb[0].ord +& 0b11100000) == 0b11100000 }>
{make {
cmd => Command(($<mheader>.comb[0].ord +> 2) +& 7),
lenght => (($<mheader>.comb[0].ord +& 3) +< 8) + $<mheader>.comb[1].ord + 1
} }
multi token data(CMD_Copy, $lenght) {
. ** {$lenght}
multi token data($cmd where $cmd == CMD_ByteRepeat | CMD_ByteInc, $lenght) {
multi token data($cmd where $cmd == CMD_WordRepeat | CMD_CopyExisting, $lenght) {
. ** 2
class DecompressAction {
has buf8 $.result .= new;
method chunk($/) {
say "Chunk : ", $/<header>.ast<cmd>, " ", $/<header>.ast<lenght> , " : ", $/<data>.Str.encode("latin1");
self.process-cmd($/<header>.ast<cmd>, $/<header>.ast<lenght>, $/<data>.Str.encode("latin1"));
say '$.result : ', $!result;
multi method process-cmd(CMD_Copy, $lenght, $data) {
multi method process-cmd(CMD_ByteRepeat, $lenght, $data) {
$!result.append($data) for ^$lenght;
multi method process-cmd(CMD_WordRepeat, $lenght, $data) {
loop (my $i = 0; $i < $lenght; $i += 2) {
$!result.append($data[1]) if $i + 1 < $lenght;
multi method process-cmd(CMD_ByteInc, $lenght, $data) {
$!result.append(($data[0] .. $data[0] + $lenght).join)
multi method process-cmd(CMD_CopyExisting, $lenght, $data) {
$!result.append($!result.subbuf($, LittleEndian), $lenght))
sub BUILD_SHEADER(Command $cmd, $lenght) returns uint8
return ($cmd.value +< 5) + $lenght - 1
my Buf $alttprom = "/mnt/f/Emulation/Zelda - A Link to the Past/Zelda - A Link to the Past.smc".IO.slurp(:bin);
my $action-sprite = $alttprom.subbuf(0xc0f64, 1534);
my $action =;
AlttpDecompression.parse($action-sprite.decode("latin1"), :actions($action));
say $action.result;
say "Done";
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