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Created August 14, 2016 17:22
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// simple easy shared access to callback and current attempted profile
private static var supportsCallback:Function;
private static var checkingProfile:String;
public static function supportsProfile(nativeStage:flash.display.Stage, profile:String, callback:Function):void
supportsCallback = callback;
checkingProfile = profile;
if (nativeStage.stage3Ds.length > 0) {
var stage3D:Stage3D = nativeStage.stage3Ds[0];
stage3D.addEventListener(, supportsProfileContextCreatedListener, false, 10, true);
stage3D.addEventListener(ErrorEvent.ERROR, supportsProfileContextErroredListener, false, 10, true);
stage3D.requestContext3D("auto", profile);
catch (e:Error)
stage3D.removeEventListener(, supportsProfileContextCreatedListener);
stage3D.removeEventListener( ErrorEvent.ERROR, supportsProfileContextErroredListener);
if (supportsCallback) supportsCallback(checkingProfile, false);
else {
// no Stage3D instances
if (supportsCallback) supportsCallback(checkingProfile, false);
private static function supportsProfileContextErroredListener(
var targetStage3D:Stage3D = as Stage3D;
if (targetStage3D) {
targetStage3D.removeEventListener(, supportsProfileContextCreatedListener);
targetStage3D.removeEventListener( ErrorEvent.ERROR, supportsProfileContextErroredListener);
if (supportsCallback) supportsCallback(checkingProfile, false);
private static function supportsProfileContextCreatedListener(
var targetStage3D:Stage3D = as Stage3D;
if (targetStage3D) {
targetStage3D.removeEventListener(, supportsProfileContextCreatedListener);
targetStage3D.removeEventListener( ErrorEvent.ERROR, supportsProfileContextErroredListener);
if (targetStage3D.context3D) {
// the context is recreated as long as there are listeners on it, but there shouldn't be here.
// Beginning with AIR 3.6, we can guarantee that with an additional parameter of false.
var disposeContext3D:Function = targetStage3D.context3D.dispose;
if (disposeContext3D.length == 1) disposeContext3D(false);
else disposeContext3D();
if (supportsCallback) supportsCallback(checkingProfile, true);
private function onContextProfileChecked( profile:String, success:Boolean):void
if (success) {
mStarling = new Starling(Game, stage, null, null, Context3DRenderMode.AUTO, profile);
else if (profile == Context3DProfile.BASELINE_EXTENDED) {
// a delayed call has to be used, otherwise it seems current Stage3D is messed up
// if you try and create a new request for a Context3D with a different profile too soon
setTimeout(Main.supportsProfile, 100, this.stage, Context3DProfile.BASELINE, onContextProfileChecked);
else if (profile == Context3DProfile.BASELINE) {
// a delayed call has to be used, otherwise it seems current Stage3D is messed up
// if you try and create a new request for a Context3D with a different profile too soon
setTimeout(Main.supportsProfile, 100, this.stage, Context3DProfile.BASELINE_CONSTRAINED, onContextProfileChecked);
else {
// this would imply Context3D failed on BASELINE_CONSTRAINED or a profile string we didn't quite expect
throw new ArgumentError("Failed to create a Context3D profile: " + profile);
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