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Last active November 6, 2015 20:21
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# Boxstart a new media server by copy-pasting the following in CMD (Admin):
# START[the_raw_url_to_this_file]
# Windows Features
Set-WindowsExplorerOptions -EnableShowHiddenFilesFoldersDrives -EnableShowProtectedOSFiles -EnableShowFileExtensions
# Server
choco install mssqlserver2014express
choco install mssqlservermanagementstudio2014express
# CLI Tools
choco install pscx # PowerShell Community Extensions
choco install ruby
choco install ruby2.devkit
choco install python
# Apps
choco install conemu
choco install googlechrome
choco install sublimetext3
choco install baretail
choco install 7zip.install
choco install ccleaner
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