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Date: Wed, 24 Oct 90 13:52:38 -0700
From: Peter Yee [NASA AMES]
Got an X version available?
Date: Wed, 24 Oct 90 13:54:30 PDT
From: Steven Blair [Synoptics]
that's histerical Don. Where do we ftp it??
From: Jeff Lo [Elan]
Date: Wed, 24 Oct 90 14:07:58 PDT
So how does one get a copy of this cool new PizzaTool? Is it available
for ftp or mail, or do we have to wait for the next release of SunOS?
Jeff Lo
Date: Wed, 24 Oct 90 13:59:54 MDT
From: barry [ADS]
So how do we get the code? We're hungry too :-)
From: David Krikorian [MIT]
Date: Thu, 25 Oct 90 00:58:43 -0400
Don, I read your description of PizzaTool. What hard/software do you
have send the fax?
Jean, do you know of anything hard/software like that at MIT?
Date: Wed, 24 Oct 90 14:27:36 -0700
From: Angela Marie Thomas [Ultra Network Technologies]
If this is for real, I want a copy, too. I would love to be able to order a pizza w/out all the hassles of talking to a human. O:-) Besides, I haven't checked out Tony&Alba's Pizza, yet, and this would be a good reason to do it.
Thanks a bunch.
Date: Thu, 25 Oct 90 09:43:40 EDT
From: R B Murray [AT&T]
How can I get a copy of the source for Pizzatool?
Rob Murray, AT&T Bell Labs, also Editor, The C++ Report
Date: Thu, 25 Oct 90 09:25:37 -0400
From: Ben Shneiderman [University of Maryland HCIL]
nice to hear from you about the Pizza tool…to make it complete it needs to have pie menus! that is , Pizza Pie menus.
Anyway, I think it is fun and useful too and will spread as the world continues to link-up…Ben
Date: Fri, 26 Oct 90 10:00:32 EDT
From: Mark Seiden [Seiden]
this doesn't surprise me, considering how much work don's done on pie menus.
"obvious" feature requests: a way of graphically specifying the layout of ingredients on pizza segments… (e.g. only half the eaters like anchovies…)
a check box for extra crispy… (this is *important*)
a check box for slicing geometry… (square/radial)… okay, i don't core…
(when someone writes a script to forge hundreds of pizza deliveries with a phony fax number and delivery address what sort of crime would it be?)
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