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Created June 12, 2011 17:54
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Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread 0x7fffc33fd700 (LWP 8405)]
0x0000000001231329 in Log::outDebug (this=0x0, f=LOG_FILTER_NONE, str=0x0) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/shared/Logging/Log.cpp:718
718 {
#0 0x0000000001231329 in Log::outDebug (this=0x0, f=LOG_FILTER_NONE, str=0x0) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/shared/Logging/Log.cpp:718
No locals.
#1 0x000000000109b222 in AuraApplication (this=0x7fff70e2b5c0, target=0x7fff70e35000, caster=0x7fff70e35000, aura=0x7fff96a02d40, effMask=1 '\001') at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/Auras/SpellAuras.cpp:75
slot = 0 '\000'
#2 0x0000000000defaa2 in Unit::_CreateAuraApplication (this=0x7fff70e35000, aura=0x7fff96a02d40, effMask=1 '\001') at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Entities/Unit/Unit.cpp:3257
__FUNCTION__ = "_CreateAuraApplication"
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "AuraApplication* Unit::_CreateAuraApplication(Aura*, uint8)"
aurSpellInfo = 0x7fffe8fce390
aurId = 71085
caster = 0x7fff70e35000
aurApp = 0xc2c07e90
#3 0x000000000109e8b9 in Aura::UpdateTargetMap (this=0x7fff96a02d40, caster=0x7fff70e35000, apply=true) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/Auras/SpellAuras.cpp:556
addUnit = true
itr = {_M_node = 0x7fff70e370a0}
targets = {_M_t = {_M_impl = {<std::allocator<std::_Rb_tree_node<std::pair<Unit* const, unsigned char> > >> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<std::_Rb_tree_node<std::pair<Unit* const, unsigned char> > >> = {<No data fields>}, <No data fields>}, _M_key_compare = {<std::binary_function<Unit*, Unit*, bool>> = {<No data fields>}, <No data fields>}, _M_header = {_M_color = std::_S_red, _M_parent = 0x7fff70e370a0, _M_left = 0x7fff70e370a0, _M_right = 0x7fff70e370a0}, _M_node_count = 1}}}
targetsToRemove = {<std::_List_base<Unit*, std::allocator<Unit*> >> = {_M_impl = {<std::allocator<std::_List_node<Unit*> >> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<std::_List_node<Unit*> >> = {<No data fields>}, <No data fields>}, _M_node = {_M_next = 0x7fffc2c08fb0, _M_prev = 0x7fffc2c08fb0}}}, <No data fields>}
__FUNCTION__ = "UpdateTargetMap"
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "void Aura::UpdateTargetMap(Unit*, bool)"
#4 0x0000000000d895b2 in Aura::ApplyForTargets (this=0x7fff96a02d40) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/Auras/SpellAuras.h:116
caster = 0x7fff70e35000
#5 0x0000000000e1e4d1 in Unit::AddAura (this=0x7fff70e35000, spellInfo=0x7fffe8fce390, effMask=7 '\a', target=0x7fff70e35000) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Entities/Unit/Unit.cpp:16403
aura = 0x7fff96a02d40
#6 0x0000000000e1e3aa in Unit::AddAura (this=0x7fff70e35000, spellId=71085, target=0x7fff70e35000) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Entities/Unit/Unit.cpp:16382
spellInfo = 0x7fffe8fce390
#7 0x0000000000e739b3 in Creature::LoadCreaturesAddon (this=0x7fff70e35000, reload=false) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Entities/Creature/Creature.cpp:2107
AdditionalSpellInfo = 0x7fffe8fce390
itr = {_M_current = 0x7fffeb4ece80}
cainfo = 0x7fffeb4f26c4
#8 0x0000000000e6eea0 in Creature::Create (this=0x7fff70e35000, guidlow=271411, map=0x7fffafb07000, phaseMask=1, Entry=38068, vehId=0, team=0, x=4287.85693, y=2483.40723, z=365.726837, ang=3.13428426, data=0x0) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Entities/Creature/Creature.cpp:781
__FUNCTION__ = "Create"
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "bool Creature::Create(uint32, Map*, uint32, uint32, uint32, uint32, float, float, float, float, const CreatureData*)"
cinfo = 0x7fffe2d70d04
displayID = 0
minfo = 0x7fff70e35000
#9 0x0000000000e44d9e in Map::SummonCreature (this=0x7fffafb07000, entry=38068, pos=..., properties=0x0, duration=4294967295, summoner=0x7fffafcb9000, spellId=0, vehId=0) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Entities/Object/Object.cpp:2210
mask = 1
phase = 1
team = 0
summon = 0x7fff70e35000
#10 0x0000000000e44f70 in WorldObject::SummonCreature (this=0x7fffafcb9000, entry=38068, pos=..., spwtype=TEMPSUMMON_TIMED_DESPAWN, duration=4294967295) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Entities/Object/Object.cpp:2244
summon = 0x7fffafcb9000
map = 0x7fffafb07000
#11 0x000000000108627d in Spell::EffectSummonType (this=0x7fff70e22000, effIndex=EFFECT_0) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/SpellEffects.cpp:3214
count = 0
radius = 0
amount = 1
y = -96.3201904
x = 4.59163468e-41
z = 4.59163468e-41
spell = 3267404832
faction = 32767
duration = -1
entry = 38068
properties = 0x7fffec811048
pos = {m_positionX = 4287.85693, m_positionY = 2483.40723, m_positionZ = 365.726837, m_orientation = 3.13428426}
summon = 0x0
#12 0x00000000010330e8 in Spell::HandleEffects (this=0x7fff70e22000, pUnitTarget=0x7fffafcb9000, pItemTarget=0x0, pGOTarget=0x0, i=0) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/Spell.cpp:4672
eff = 28 '\034'
preventDefault = false
#13 0x000000000102ede7 in Spell::_handle_immediate_phase (this=0x7fff70e22000) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/Spell.cpp:3478
j = 0
oldEffMask = 0 '\000'
#14 0x000000000102e73e in Spell::handle_immediate (this=0x7fff70e22000) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/Spell.cpp:3347
No locals.
#15 0x000000000102e440 in Spell::cast (this=0x7fff70e22000, skipCheck=true) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/Spell.cpp:3301
targetTriggers = @0x7fff70e33b68
#16 0x000000000102d2ee in Spell::prepare (this=0x7fff70e22000, targets=0x7fffc2c0a750, triggeredByAura=0x0) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/Spell.cpp:3010
Event = 0x7fff70e2cf10
result = SPELL_CAST_OK
#17 0x0000000000de6af0 in Unit::CastSpell (this=0x7fff70e33000, Victim=0x7fff70e33000, spellInfo=0x7fffe90327e8, triggered=false, castItem=0x0, triggeredByAura=0x0, originalCaster=17379391597342611061) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Entities/Unit/Unit.cpp:866
targets = {m_srcTransGUID = 0, m_srcTransOffset = {m_positionX = 0, m_positionY = 0, m_positionZ = 0, m_orientation = 0}, m_srcPos = {m_positionX = 0, m_positionY = 0, m_positionZ = 0, m_orientation = 0}, m_dstTransGUID = 0, m_dstTransOffset = {m_positionX = 0, m_positionY = 0, m_positionZ = 0, m_orientation = 0}, m_dstPos = {<Position> = {m_positionX = 0, m_positionY = 0, m_positionZ = 0, m_orientation = 0}, m_mapId = 4294967295}, m_elevation = 0, m_speed = 0, m_strTarget = {static npos = 18446744073709551615, _M_dataplus = {<std::allocator<char>> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char>> = {<No data fields>}, <No data fields>}, _M_p = 0x7ffff6949138 ""}}, m_targetMask = 2, m_unitTarget = 0x7fff70e33000, m_GOTarget = 0x0, m_itemTarget = 0x0, m_unitTargetGUID = 17379391600698074162, m_GOTargetGUID = 0, m_CorpseTargetGUID = 0, m_itemTargetGUID = 0, m_itemTargetEntry = 0}
spell = 0x7fff70e22000
#18 0x0000000000de68a8 in Unit::CastSpell (this=0x7fff70e33000, Victim=0x7fff70e33000, spellId=71741, triggered=false, castItem=0x0, triggeredByAura=0x0, originalCaster=17379391597342611061) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Entities/Unit/Unit.cpp:839
spellInfo = 0x7fffe90327e8
#19 0x000000000115652f in TriggerAI::IsSummonedBy (this=0x7fff70e2b500, summoner=0x7fffafcb9000) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/AI/CoreAI/PassiveAI.cpp:78
No locals.
#20 0x0000000000e6335a in TempSummon::InitSummon (this=0x7fff70e33000) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Entities/Creature/TemporarySummon.cpp:218
owner = 0x7fffafcb9000
#21 0x0000000000e44e49 in Map::SummonCreature (this=0x7fffafb07000, entry=38068, pos=..., properties=0x0, duration=4294967295, summoner=0x7fffafcb9000, spellId=0, vehId=0) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Entities/Object/Object.cpp:2222
mask = 1
phase = 1
team = 0
summon = 0x7fff70e33000
#22 0x0000000000e44f70 in WorldObject::SummonCreature (this=0x7fffafcb9000, entry=38068, pos=..., spwtype=TEMPSUMMON_TIMED_DESPAWN, duration=4294967295) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Entities/Object/Object.cpp:2244
summon = 0x7fffafcb9000
map = 0x7fffafb07000
#23 0x000000000108627d in Spell::EffectSummonType (this=0x7fff70e21700, effIndex=EFFECT_0) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/SpellEffects.cpp:3214
count = 0
radius = 0
amount = 1
y = -96.333252
x = 4.59163468e-41
z = 4.59163468e-41
spell = 3267406544
faction = 32767
duration = -1
entry = 38068
properties = 0x7fffec811048
pos = {m_positionX = 4287.85693, m_positionY = 2483.40723, m_positionZ = 365.726837, m_orientation = 3.13428426}
summon = 0x0
#24 0x00000000010330e8 in Spell::HandleEffects (this=0x7fff70e21700, pUnitTarget=0x7fffafcb9000, pItemTarget=0x0, pGOTarget=0x0, i=0) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/Spell.cpp:4672
eff = 28 '\034'
preventDefault = false
#25 0x000000000102ede7 in Spell::_handle_immediate_phase (this=0x7fff70e21700) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/Spell.cpp:3478
j = 0
oldEffMask = 0 '\000'
#26 0x000000000102e73e in Spell::handle_immediate (this=0x7fff70e21700) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/Spell.cpp:3347
No locals.
#27 0x000000000102e440 in Spell::cast (this=0x7fff70e21700, skipCheck=true) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/Spell.cpp:3301
targetTriggers = @0x7fff70e31b68
#28 0x000000000102d2ee in Spell::prepare (this=0x7fff70e21700, targets=0x7fffc2c0ae00, triggeredByAura=0x0) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/Spell.cpp:3010
Event = 0x7fff70e2cb80
result = SPELL_CAST_OK
#29 0x0000000000de6af0 in Unit::CastSpell (this=0x7fff70e31000, Victim=0x7fff70e31000, spellInfo=0x7fffe90327e8, triggered=false, castItem=0x0, triggeredByAura=0x0, originalCaster=17379391597342611061) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Entities/Unit/Unit.cpp:866
targets = {m_srcTransGUID = 0, m_srcTransOffset = {m_positionX = 0, m_positionY = 0, m_positionZ = 0, m_orientation = 0}, m_srcPos = {m_positionX = 0, m_positionY = 0, m_positionZ = 0, m_orientation = 0}, m_dstTransGUID = 0, m_dstTransOffset = {m_positionX = 0, m_positionY = 0, m_positionZ = 0, m_orientation = 0}, m_dstPos = {<Position> = {m_positionX = 0, m_positionY = 0, m_positionZ = 0, m_orientation = 0}, m_mapId = 4294967295}, m_elevation = 0, m_speed = 0, m_strTarget = {static npos = 18446744073709551615, _M_dataplus = {<std::allocator<char>> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char>> = {<No data fields>}, <No data fields>}, _M_p = 0x7ffff6949138 ""}}, m_targetMask = 2, m_unitTarget = 0x7fff70e31000, m_GOTarget = 0x0, m_itemTarget = 0x0, m_unitTargetGUID = 17379391600698074161, m_GOTargetGUID = 0, m_CorpseTargetGUID = 0, m_itemTargetGUID = 0, m_itemTargetEntry = 0}
spell = 0x7fff70e21700
#30 0x0000000000de68a8 in Unit::CastSpell (this=0x7fff70e31000, Victim=0x7fff70e31000, spellId=71741, triggered=false, castItem=0x0, triggeredByAura=0x0, originalCaster=17379391597342611061) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Entities/Unit/Unit.cpp:839
spellInfo = 0x7fffe90327e8
#31 0x000000000115652f in TriggerAI::IsSummonedBy (this=0x7fff70e2b3e0, summoner=0x7fffafcb9000) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/AI/CoreAI/PassiveAI.cpp:78
No locals.
#32 0x0000000000e6335a in TempSummon::InitSummon (this=0x7fff70e31000) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Entities/Creature/TemporarySummon.cpp:218
owner = 0x7fffafcb9000
#33 0x0000000000e44e49 in Map::SummonCreature (this=0x7fffafb07000, entry=38068, pos=..., properties=0x0, duration=4294967295, summoner=0x7fffafcb9000, spellId=0, vehId=0) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Entities/Object/Object.cpp:2222
mask = 1
phase = 1
team = 0
summon = 0x7fff70e31000
#34 0x0000000000e44f70 in WorldObject::SummonCreature (this=0x7fffafcb9000, entry=38068, pos=..., spwtype=TEMPSUMMON_TIMED_DESPAWN, duration=4294967295) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Entities/Object/Object.cpp:2244
summon = 0x7fffafcb9000
map = 0x7fffafb07000
#35 0x000000000108627d in Spell::EffectSummonType (this=0x7fff70e20e00, effIndex=EFFECT_0) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/SpellEffects.cpp:3214
count = 0
radius = 0
amount = 1
y = -96.3463135
x = 4.59163468e-41
z = 4.59163468e-41
spell = 3267408256
faction = 32767
duration = -1
entry = 38068
properties = 0x7fffec811048
pos = {m_positionX = 4287.85693, m_positionY = 2483.40723, m_positionZ = 365.726837, m_orientation = 3.13428426}
summon = 0x0
#36 0x00000000010330e8 in Spell::HandleEffects (this=0x7fff70e20e00, pUnitTarget=0x7fffafcb9000, pItemTarget=0x0, pGOTarget=0x0, i=0) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/Spell.cpp:4672
eff = 28 '\034'
preventDefault = false
#37 0x000000000102ede7 in Spell::_handle_immediate_phase (this=0x7fff70e20e00) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/Spell.cpp:3478
j = 0
oldEffMask = 0 '\000'
#38 0x000000000102e73e in Spell::handle_immediate (this=0x7fff70e20e00) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/Spell.cpp:3347
No locals.
#39 0x000000000102e440 in Spell::cast (this=0x7fff70e20e00, skipCheck=true) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/Spell.cpp:3301
targetTriggers = @0x7fff70e2fb68
#40 0x000000000102d2ee in Spell::prepare (this=0x7fff70e20e00, targets=0x7fffc2c0b4b0, triggeredByAura=0x0) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/Spell.cpp:3010
Event = 0x7fff70e2c7f0
result = SPELL_CAST_OK
#41 0x0000000000de6af0 in Unit::CastSpell (this=0x7fff70e2f000, Victim=0x7fff70e2f000, spellInfo=0x7fffe90327e8, triggered=false, castItem=0x0, triggeredByAura=0x0, originalCaster=17379391597342611061) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Entities/Unit/Unit.cpp:866
targets = {m_srcTransGUID = 0, m_srcTransOffset = {m_positionX = 0, m_positionY = 0, m_positionZ = 0, m_orientation = 0}, m_srcPos = {m_positionX = 0, m_positionY = 0, m_positionZ = 0, m_orientation = 0}, m_dstTransGUID = 0, m_dstTransOffset = {m_positionX = 0, m_positionY = 0, m_positionZ = 0, m_orientation = 0}, m_dstPos = {<Position> = {m_positionX = 0, m_positionY = 0, m_positionZ = 0, m_orientation = 0}, m_mapId = 4294967295}, m_elevation = 0, m_speed = 0, m_strTarget = {static npos = 18446744073709551615, _M_dataplus = {<std::allocator<char>> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char>> = {<No data fields>}, <No data fields>}, _M_p = 0x7ffff6949138 ""}}, m_targetMask = 2, m_unitTarget = 0x7fff70e2f000, m_GOTarget = 0x0, m_itemTarget = 0x0, m_unitTargetGUID = 17379391600698074160, m_GOTargetGUID = 0, m_CorpseTargetGUID = 0, m_itemTargetGUID = 0, m_itemTargetEntry = 0}
spell = 0x7fff70e20e00
#42 0x0000000000de68a8 in Unit::CastSpell (this=0x7fff70e2f000, Victim=0x7fff70e2f000, spellId=71741, triggered=false, castItem=0x0, triggeredByAura=0x0, originalCaster=17379391597342611061) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Entities/Unit/Unit.cpp:839
spellInfo = 0x7fffe90327e8
#43 0x000000000115652f in TriggerAI::IsSummonedBy (this=0x7fff70e2b2c0, summoner=0x7fffafcb9000) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/AI/CoreAI/PassiveAI.cpp:78
No locals.
#44 0x0000000000e6335a in TempSummon::InitSummon (this=0x7fff70e2f000) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Entities/Creature/TemporarySummon.cpp:218
owner = 0x7fffafcb9000
#45 0x0000000000e44e49 in Map::SummonCreature (this=0x7fffafb07000, entry=38068, pos=..., properties=0x0, duration=4294967295, summoner=0x7fffafcb9000, spellId=0, vehId=0) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Entities/Object/Object.cpp:2222
mask = 1
phase = 1
team = 0
summon = 0x7fff70e2f000
#46 0x0000000000e44f70 in WorldObject::SummonCreature (this=0x7fffafcb9000, entry=38068, pos=..., spwtype=TEMPSUMMON_TIMED_DESPAWN, duration=4294967295) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Entities/Object/Object.cpp:2244
summon = 0x7fffafcb9000
map = 0x7fffafb07000
#47 0x000000000108627d in Spell::EffectSummonType (this=0x7fff70e20500, effIndex=EFFECT_0) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/SpellEffects.cpp:3214
count = 0
radius = 0
amount = 1
y = -96.359375
x = 4.59163468e-41
z = 4.59163468e-41
spell = 3267409968
faction = 32767
duration = -1
entry = 38068
properties = 0x7fffec811048
pos = {m_positionX = 4287.85693, m_positionY = 2483.40723, m_positionZ = 365.726837, m_orientation = 3.13428426}
summon = 0x0
#48 0x00000000010330e8 in Spell::HandleEffects (this=0x7fff70e20500, pUnitTarget=0x7fffafcb9000, pItemTarget=0x0, pGOTarget=0x0, i=0) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/Spell.cpp:4672
eff = 28 '\034'
preventDefault = false
#49 0x000000000102ede7 in Spell::_handle_immediate_phase (this=0x7fff70e20500) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/Spell.cpp:3478
j = 0
oldEffMask = 0 '\000'
#50 0x000000000102e73e in Spell::handle_immediate (this=0x7fff70e20500) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/Spell.cpp:3347
No locals.
#51 0x000000000102e440 in Spell::cast (this=0x7fff70e20500, skipCheck=true) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/Spell.cpp:3301
targetTriggers = @0x7fff70e2db68
#52 0x000000000102d2ee in Spell::prepare (this=0x7fff70e20500, targets=0x7fffc2c0bb60, triggeredByAura=0x0) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/Spell.cpp:3010
Event = 0x7fff70e2c460
result = SPELL_CAST_OK
#53 0x0000000000de6af0 in Unit::CastSpell (this=0x7fff70e2d000, Victim=0x7fff70e2d000, spellInfo=0x7fffe90327e8, triggered=false, castItem=0x0, triggeredByAura=0x0, originalCaster=17379391597342611061) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Entities/Unit/Unit.cpp:866
targets = {m_srcTransGUID = 0, m_srcTransOffset = {m_positionX = 0, m_positionY = 0, m_positionZ = 0, m_orientation = 0}, m_srcPos = {m_positionX = 0, m_positionY = 0, m_positionZ = 0, m_orientation = 0}, m_dstTransGUID = 0, m_dstTransOffset = {m_positionX = 0, m_positionY = 0, m_positionZ = 0, m_orientation = 0}, m_dstPos = {<Position> = {m_positionX = 0, m_positionY = 0, m_positionZ = 0, m_orientation = 0}, m_mapId = 4294967295}, m_elevation = 0, m_speed = 0, m_strTarget = {static npos = 18446744073709551615, _M_dataplus = {<std::allocator<char>> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char>> = {<No data fields>}, <No data fields>}, _M_p = 0x7ffff6949138 ""}}, m_targetMask = 2, m_unitTarget = 0x7fff70e2d000, m_GOTarget = 0x0, m_itemTarget = 0x0, m_unitTargetGUID = 17379391600698074159, m_GOTargetGUID = 0, m_CorpseTargetGUID = 0, m_itemTargetGUID = 0, m_itemTargetEntry = 0}
spell = 0x7fff70e20500
#54 0x0000000000de68a8 in Unit::CastSpell (this=0x7fff70e2d000, Victim=0x7fff70e2d000, spellId=71741, triggered=false, castItem=0x0, triggeredByAura=0x0, originalCaster=17379391597342611061) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Entities/Unit/Unit.cpp:839
spellInfo = 0x7fffe90327e8
#55 0x000000000115652f in TriggerAI::IsSummonedBy (this=0x7fff70e2b1a0, summoner=0x7fffafcb9000) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/AI/CoreAI/PassiveAI.cpp:78
No locals.
#56 0x0000000000e6335a in TempSummon::InitSummon (this=0x7fff70e2d000) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Entities/Creature/TemporarySummon.cpp:218
owner = 0x7fffafcb9000
#57 0x0000000000e44e49 in Map::SummonCreature (this=0x7fffafb07000, entry=38068, pos=..., properties=0x0, duration=4294967295, summoner=0x7fffafcb9000, spellId=0, vehId=0) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Entities/Object/Object.cpp:2222
mask = 1
phase = 1
team = 0
summon = 0x7fff70e2d000
#58 0x0000000000e44f70 in WorldObject::SummonCreature (this=0x7fffafcb9000, entry=38068, pos=..., spwtype=TEMPSUMMON_TIMED_DESPAWN, duration=4294967295) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Entities/Object/Object.cpp:2244
summon = 0x7fffafcb9000
map = 0x7fffafb07000
#59 0x000000000108627d in Spell::EffectSummonType (this=0x7fff70e1fc00, effIndex=EFFECT_0) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/SpellEffects.cpp:3214
count = 0
radius = 0
amount = 1
y = -96.3724365
x = 4.59163468e-41
z = 4.59163468e-41
spell = 3267411680
faction = 32767
duration = -1
entry = 38068
properties = 0x7fffec811048
pos = {m_positionX = 4287.85693, m_positionY = 2483.40723, m_positionZ = 365.726837, m_orientation = 3.13428426}
summon = 0x0
#60 0x00000000010330e8 in Spell::HandleEffects (this=0x7fff70e1fc00, pUnitTarget=0x7fffafcb9000, pItemTarget=0x0, pGOTarget=0x0, i=0) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/Spell.cpp:4672
eff = 28 '\034'
preventDefault = false
#61 0x000000000102ede7 in Spell::_handle_immediate_phase (this=0x7fff70e1fc00) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/Spell.cpp:3478
j = 0
oldEffMask = 0 '\000'
#62 0x000000000102e73e in Spell::handle_immediate (this=0x7fff70e1fc00) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/Spell.cpp:3347
No locals.
#63 0x000000000102e440 in Spell::cast (this=0x7fff70e1fc00, skipCheck=true) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/Spell.cpp:3301
targetTriggers = @0x7fff70e29b68
#64 0x000000000102d2ee in Spell::prepare (this=0x7fff70e1fc00, targets=0x7fffc2c0c210, triggeredByAura=0x0) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/Spell.cpp:3010
Event = 0x7fff70e2c0d0
result = SPELL_CAST_OK
#65 0x0000000000de6af0 in Unit::CastSpell (this=0x7fff70e29000, Victim=0x7fff70e29000, spellInfo=0x7fffe90327e8, triggered=false, castItem=0x0, triggeredByAura=0x0, originalCaster=17379391597342611061) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Entities/Unit/Unit.cpp:866
targets = {m_srcTransGUID = 0, m_srcTransOffset = {m_positionX = 0, m_positionY = 0, m_positionZ = 0, m_orientation = 0}, m_srcPos = {m_positionX = 0, m_positionY = 0, m_positionZ = 0, m_orientation = 0}, m_dstTransGUID = 0, m_dstTransOffset = {m_positionX = 0, m_positionY = 0, m_positionZ = 0, m_orientation = 0}, m_dstPos = {<Position> = {m_positionX = 0, m_positionY = 0, m_positionZ = 0, m_orientation = 0}, m_mapId = 4294967295}, m_elevation = 0, m_speed = 0, m_strTarget = {static npos = 18446744073709551615, _M_dataplus = {<std::allocator<char>> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char>> = {<No data fields>}, <No data fields>}, _M_p = 0x7ffff6949138 ""}}, m_targetMask = 2, m_unitTarget = 0x7fff70e29000, m_GOTarget = 0x0, m_itemTarget = 0x0, m_unitTargetGUID = 17379391600698074158, m_GOTargetGUID = 0, m_CorpseTargetGUID = 0, m_itemTargetGUID = 0, m_itemTargetEntry = 0}
spell = 0x7fff70e1fc00
#66 0x0000000000de68a8 in Unit::CastSpell (this=0x7fff70e29000, Victim=0x7fff70e29000, spellId=71741, triggered=false, castItem=0x0, triggeredByAura=0x0, originalCaster=17379391597342611061) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Entities/Unit/Unit.cpp:839
spellInfo = 0x7fffe90327e8
#67 0x000000000115652f in TriggerAI::IsSummonedBy (this=0x7fff70e2b080, summoner=0x7fffafcb9000) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/AI/CoreAI/PassiveAI.cpp:78
No locals.
#68 0x0000000000e6335a in TempSummon::InitSummon (this=0x7fff70e29000) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Entities/Creature/TemporarySummon.cpp:218
owner = 0x7fffafcb9000
#69 0x0000000000e44e49 in Map::SummonCreature (this=0x7fffafb07000, entry=38068, pos=..., properties=0x0, duration=4294967295, summoner=0x7fffafcb9000, spellId=0, vehId=0) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Entities/Object/Object.cpp:2222
mask = 1
phase = 1
team = 0
summon = 0x7fff70e29000
#70 0x0000000000e44f70 in WorldObject::SummonCreature (this=0x7fffafcb9000, entry=38068, pos=..., spwtype=TEMPSUMMON_TIMED_DESPAWN, duration=4294967295) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Entities/Object/Object.cpp:2244
summon = 0x7fffafcb9000
map = 0x7fffafb07000
#71 0x000000000108627d in Spell::EffectSummonType (this=0x7fff70e1f300, effIndex=EFFECT_0) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/SpellEffects.cpp:3214
count = 0
radius = 0
amount = 1
y = -96.385498
x = 4.59163468e-41
z = 4.59163468e-41
spell = 3267413392
faction = 32767
duration = -1
entry = 38068
properties = 0x7fffec811048
pos = {m_positionX = 4287.85693, m_positionY = 2483.40723, m_positionZ = 365.726837, m_orientation = 3.13428426}
summon = 0x0
#72 0x00000000010330e8 in Spell::HandleEffects (this=0x7fff70e1f300, pUnitTarget=0x7fffafcb9000, pItemTarget=0x0, pGOTarget=0x0, i=0) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/Spell.cpp:4672
eff = 28 '\034'
preventDefault = false
#73 0x000000000102ede7 in Spell::_handle_immediate_phase (this=0x7fff70e1f300) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/Spell.cpp:3478
j = 0
oldEffMask = 0 '\000'
#74 0x000000000102e73e in Spell::handle_immediate (this=0x7fff70e1f300) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/Spell.cpp:3347
No locals.
#75 0x000000000102e440 in Spell::cast (this=0x7fff70e1f300, skipCheck=true) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/Spell.cpp:3301
targetTriggers = @0x7fff70e1db68
#76 0x000000000102d2ee in Spell::prepare (this=0x7fff70e1f300, targets=0x7fffc2c0c8c0, triggeredByAura=0x0) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/Spell.cpp:3010
Event = 0x7fff70e18d00
result = SPELL_CAST_OK
#77 0x0000000000de6af0 in Unit::CastSpell (this=0x7fff70e1d000, Victim=0x7fff70e1d000, spellInfo=0x7fffe90327e8, triggered=false, castItem=0x0, triggeredByAura=0x0, originalCaster=17379391597342611061) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Entities/Unit/Unit.cpp:866
targets = {m_srcTransGUID = 0, m_srcTransOffset = {m_positionX = 0, m_positionY = 0, m_positionZ = 0, m_orientation = 0}, m_srcPos = {m_positionX = 0, m_positionY = 0, m_positionZ = 0, m_orientation = 0}, m_dstTransGUID = 0, m_dstTransOffset = {m_positionX = 0, m_positionY = 0, m_positionZ = 0, m_orientation = 0}, m_dstPos = {<Position> = {m_positionX = 0, m_positionY = 0, m_positionZ = 0, m_orientation = 0}, m_mapId = 4294967295}, m_elevation = 0, m_speed = 0, m_strTarget = {static npos = 18446744073709551615, _M_dataplus = {<std::allocator<char>> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char>> = {<No data fields>}, <No data fields>}, _M_p = 0x7ffff6949138 ""}}, m_targetMask = 2, m_unitTarget = 0x7fff70e1d000, m_GOTarget = 0x0, m_itemTarget = 0x0, m_unitTargetGUID = 17379391600698074157, m_GOTargetGUID = 0, m_CorpseTargetGUID = 0, m_itemTargetGUID = 0, m_itemTargetEntry = 0}
spell = 0x7fff70e1f300
#78 0x0000000000de68a8 in Unit::CastSpell (this=0x7fff70e1d000, Victim=0x7fff70e1d000, spellId=71741, triggered=false, castItem=0x0, triggeredByAura=0x0, originalCaster=17379391597342611061) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Entities/Unit/Unit.cpp:839
spellInfo = 0x7fffe90327e8
#79 0x000000000115652f in TriggerAI::IsSummonedBy (this=0x7fff70e01f40, summoner=0x7fffafcb9000) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/AI/CoreAI/PassiveAI.cpp:78
No locals.
#80 0x0000000000e6335a in TempSummon::InitSummon (this=0x7fff70e1d000) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Entities/Creature/TemporarySummon.cpp:218
owner = 0x7fffafcb9000
#81 0x0000000000e44e49 in Map::SummonCreature (this=0x7fffafb07000, entry=38068, pos=..., properties=0x0, duration=4294967295, summoner=0x7fffafcb9000, spellId=0, vehId=0) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Entities/Object/Object.cpp:2222
mask = 1
phase = 1
team = 0
summon = 0x7fff70e1d000
#82 0x0000000000e44f70 in WorldObject::SummonCreature (this=0x7fffafcb9000, entry=38068, pos=..., spwtype=TEMPSUMMON_TIMED_DESPAWN, duration=4294967295) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Entities/Object/Object.cpp:2244
summon = 0x7fffafcb9000
map = 0x7fffafb07000
#83 0x000000000108627d in Spell::EffectSummonType (this=0x7fff70dfc700, effIndex=EFFECT_0) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/SpellEffects.cpp:3214
count = 0
radius = 0
amount = 1
y = -96.3985596
x = 4.59163468e-41
z = 4.59163468e-41
spell = 3267415104
faction = 32767
duration = -1
entry = 38068
properties = 0x7fffec811048
pos = {m_positionX = 4287.85693, m_positionY = 2483.40723, m_positionZ = 365.726837, m_orientation = 3.13428426}
summon = 0x0
#84 0x00000000010330e8 in Spell::HandleEffects (this=0x7fff70dfc700, pUnitTarget=0x7fffafcb9000, pItemTarget=0x0, pGOTarget=0x0, i=0) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/Spell.cpp:4672
eff = 28 '\034'
preventDefault = false
#85 0x000000000102ede7 in Spell::_handle_immediate_phase (this=0x7fff70dfc700) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/Spell.cpp:3478
j = 0
oldEffMask = 0 '\000'
#86 0x000000000102e73e in Spell::handle_immediate (this=0x7fff70dfc700) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/Spell.cpp:3347
No locals.
#87 0x000000000102e440 in Spell::cast (this=0x7fff70dfc700, skipCheck=true) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/Spell.cpp:3301
targetTriggers = @0x7fff70e1bb68
#88 0x000000000102d2ee in Spell::prepare (this=0x7fff70dfc700, targets=0x7fffc2c0cf70, triggeredByAura=0x0) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/Spell.cpp:3010
Event = 0x7fff70e18970
result = SPELL_CAST_OK
#89 0x0000000000de6af0 in Unit::CastSpell (this=0x7fff70e1b000, Victim=0x7fff70e1b000, spellInfo=0x7fffe90327e8, triggered=false, castItem=0x0, triggeredByAura=0x0, originalCaster=17379391597342611061) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Entities/Unit/Unit.cpp:866
targets = {m_srcTransGUID = 0, m_srcTransOffset = {m_positionX = 0, m_positionY = 0, m_positionZ = 0, m_orientation = 0}, m_srcPos = {m_positionX = 0, m_positionY = 0, m_positionZ = 0, m_orientation = 0}, m_dstTransGUID = 0, m_dstTransOffset = {m_positionX = 0, m_positionY = 0, m_positionZ = 0, m_orientation = 0}, m_dstPos = {<Position> = {m_positionX = 0, m_positionY = 0, m_positionZ = 0, m_orientation = 0}, m_mapId = 4294967295}, m_elevation = 0, m_speed = 0, m_strTarget = {static npos = 18446744073709551615, _M_dataplus = {<std::allocator<char>> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char>> = {<No data fields>}, <No data fields>}, _M_p = 0x7ffff6949138 ""}}, m_targetMask = 2, m_unitTarget = 0x7fff70e1b000, m_GOTarget = 0x0, m_itemTarget = 0x0, m_unitTargetGUID = 17379391600698074156, m_GOTargetGUID = 0, m_CorpseTargetGUID = 0, m_itemTargetGUID = 0, m_itemTargetEntry = 0}
spell = 0x7fff70dfc700
#90 0x0000000000de68a8 in Unit::CastSpell (this=0x7fff70e1b000, Victim=0x7fff70e1b000, spellId=71741, triggered=false, castItem=0x0, triggeredByAura=0x0, originalCaster=17379391597342611061) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Entities/Unit/Unit.cpp:839
spellInfo = 0x7fffe90327e8
#91 0x000000000115652f in TriggerAI::IsSummonedBy (this=0x7fff70e01e20, summoner=0x7fffafcb9000) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/AI/CoreAI/PassiveAI.cpp:78
No locals.
#92 0x0000000000e6335a in TempSummon::InitSummon (this=0x7fff70e1b000) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Entities/Creature/TemporarySummon.cpp:218
owner = 0x7fffafcb9000
#93 0x0000000000e44e49 in Map::SummonCreature (this=0x7fffafb07000, entry=38068, pos=..., properties=0x0, duration=4294967295, summoner=0x7fffafcb9000, spellId=0, vehId=0) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Entities/Object/Object.cpp:2222
mask = 1
phase = 1
team = 0
summon = 0x7fff70e1b000
#94 0x0000000000e44f70 in WorldObject::SummonCreature (this=0x7fffafcb9000, entry=38068, pos=..., spwtype=TEMPSUMMON_TIMED_DESPAWN, duration=4294967295) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Entities/Object/Object.cpp:2244
summon = 0x7fffafcb9000
map = 0x7fffafb07000
#95 0x000000000108627d in Spell::EffectSummonType (this=0x7fff70dfbe00, effIndex=EFFECT_0) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/SpellEffects.cpp:3214
count = 0
radius = 0
amount = 1
y = -96.4116211
x = 4.59163468e-41
z = 4.59163468e-41
spell = 3267416816
faction = 32767
duration = -1
entry = 38068
properties = 0x7fffec811048
pos = {m_positionX = 4287.85693, m_positionY = 2483.40723, m_positionZ = 365.726837, m_orientation = 3.13428426}
summon = 0x0
#96 0x00000000010330e8 in Spell::HandleEffects (this=0x7fff70dfbe00, pUnitTarget=0x7fffafcb9000, pItemTarget=0x0, pGOTarget=0x0, i=0) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/Spell.cpp:4672
eff = 28 '\034'
preventDefault = false
#97 0x000000000102ede7 in Spell::_handle_immediate_phase (this=0x7fff70dfbe00) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/Spell.cpp:3478
j = 0
oldEffMask = 0 '\000'
#98 0x000000000102e73e in Spell::handle_immediate (this=0x7fff70dfbe00) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/Spell.cpp:3347
No locals.
#99 0x000000000102e440 in Spell::cast (this=0x7fff70dfbe00, skipCheck=true) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/Spell.cpp:3301
targetTriggers = @0x7fff70e19b68
#100 0x000000000102d2ee in Spell::prepare (this=0x7fff70dfbe00, targets=0x7fffc2c0d620, triggeredByAura=0x0) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/Spell.cpp:3010
Event = 0x7fff70e185e0
result = SPELL_CAST_OK
#101 0x0000000000de6af0 in Unit::CastSpell (this=0x7fff70e19000, Victim=0x7fff70e19000, spellInfo=0x7fffe90327e8, triggered=false, castItem=0x0, triggeredByAura=0x0, originalCaster=17379391597342611061) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Entities/Unit/Unit.cpp:866
targets = {m_srcTransGUID = 0, m_srcTransOffset = {m_positionX = 0, m_positionY = 0, m_positionZ = 0, m_orientation = 0}, m_srcPos = {m_positionX = 0, m_positionY = 0, m_positionZ = 0, m_orientation = 0}, m_dstTransGUID = 0, m_dstTransOffset = {m_positionX = 0, m_positionY = 0, m_positionZ = 0, m_orientation = 0}, m_dstPos = {<Position> = {m_positionX = 0, m_positionY = 0, m_positionZ = 0, m_orientation = 0}, m_mapId = 4294967295}, m_elevation = 0, m_speed = 0, m_strTarget = {static npos = 18446744073709551615, _M_dataplus = {<std::allocator<char>> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char>> = {<No data fields>}, <No data fields>}, _M_p = 0x7ffff6949138 ""}}, m_targetMask = 2, m_unitTarget = 0x7fff70e19000, m_GOTarget = 0x0, m_itemTarget = 0x0, m_unitTargetGUID = 17379391600698074155, m_GOTargetGUID = 0, m_CorpseTargetGUID = 0, m_itemTargetGUID = 0, m_itemTargetEntry = 0}
spell = 0x7fff70dfbe00
#102 0x0000000000de68a8 in Unit::CastSpell (this=0x7fff70e19000, Victim=0x7fff70e19000, spellId=71741, triggered=false, castItem=0x0, triggeredByAura=0x0, originalCaster=17379391597342611061) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Entities/Unit/Unit.cpp:839
spellInfo = 0x7fffe90327e8
#103 0x000000000115652f in TriggerAI::IsSummonedBy (this=0x7fff70e01d00, summoner=0x7fffafcb9000) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/AI/CoreAI/PassiveAI.cpp:78
No locals.
#104 0x0000000000e6335a in TempSummon::InitSummon (this=0x7fff70e19000) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Entities/Creature/TemporarySummon.cpp:218
owner = 0x7fffafcb9000
#105 0x0000000000e44e49 in Map::SummonCreature (this=0x7fffafb07000, entry=38068, pos=..., properties=0x0, duration=4294967295, summoner=0x7fffafcb9000, spellId=0, vehId=0) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Entities/Object/Object.cpp:2222
mask = 1
phase = 1
team = 0
summon = 0x7fff70e19000
#106 0x0000000000e44f70 in WorldObject::SummonCreature (this=0x7fffafcb9000, entry=38068, pos=..., spwtype=TEMPSUMMON_TIMED_DESPAWN, duration=4294967295) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Entities/Object/Object.cpp:2244
summon = 0x7fffafcb9000
map = 0x7fffafb07000
#107 0x000000000108627d in Spell::EffectSummonType (this=0x7fff70dfb500, effIndex=EFFECT_0) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/SpellEffects.cpp:3214
count = 0
radius = 0
amount = 1
y = -96.4246826
x = 4.59163468e-41
z = 4.59163468e-41
spell = 3267418528
faction = 32767
duration = -1
entry = 38068
properties = 0x7fffec811048
pos = {m_positionX = 4287.85693, m_positionY = 2483.40723, m_positionZ = 365.726837, m_orientation = 3.13428426}
summon = 0x0
#108 0x00000000010330e8 in Spell::HandleEffects (this=0x7fff70dfb500, pUnitTarget=0x7fffafcb9000, pItemTarget=0x0, pGOTarget=0x0, i=0) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/Spell.cpp:4672
eff = 28 '\034'
preventDefault = false
#109 0x000000000102ede7 in Spell::_handle_immediate_phase (this=0x7fff70dfb500) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/Spell.cpp:3478
j = 0
oldEffMask = 0 '\000'
#110 0x000000000102e73e in Spell::handle_immediate (this=0x7fff70dfb500) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/Spell.cpp:3347
No locals.
#111 0x000000000102e440 in Spell::cast (this=0x7fff70dfb500, skipCheck=true) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/Spell.cpp:3301
targetTriggers = @0x7fff70e16b68
#112 0x000000000102d2ee in Spell::prepare (this=0x7fff70dfb500, targets=0x7fffc2c0dcd0, triggeredByAura=0x0) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/Spell.cpp:3010
Event = 0x7fff70e18250
result = SPELL_CAST_OK
#113 0x0000000000de6af0 in Unit::CastSpell (this=0x7fff70e16000, Victim=0x7fff70e16000, spellInfo=0x7fffe90327e8, triggered=false, castItem=0x0, triggeredByAura=0x0, originalCaster=17379391597342611061) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Entities/Unit/Unit.cpp:866
targets = {m_srcTransGUID = 0, m_srcTransOffset = {m_positionX = 0, m_positionY = 0, m_positionZ = 0, m_orientation = 0}, m_srcPos = {m_positionX = 0, m_positionY = 0, m_positionZ = 0, m_orientation = 0}, m_dstTransGUID = 0, m_dstTransOffset = {m_positionX = 0, m_positionY = 0, m_positionZ = 0, m_orientation = 0}, m_dstPos = {<Position> = {m_positionX = 0, m_positionY = 0, m_positionZ = 0, m_orientation = 0}, m_mapId = 4294967295}, m_elevation = 0, m_speed = 0, m_strTarget = {static npos = 18446744073709551615, _M_dataplus = {<std::allocator<char>> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char>> = {<No data fields>}, <No data fields>}, _M_p = 0x7ffff6949138 ""}}, m_targetMask = 2, m_unitTarget = 0x7fff70e16000, m_GOTarget = 0x0, m_itemTarget = 0x0, m_unitTargetGUID = 17379391600698074154, m_GOTargetGUID = 0, m_CorpseTargetGUID = 0, m_itemTargetGUID = 0, m_itemTargetEntry = 0}
spell = 0x7fff70dfb500
#114 0x0000000000de68a8 in Unit::CastSpell (this=0x7fff70e16000, Victim=0x7fff70e16000, spellId=71741, triggered=false, castItem=0x0, triggeredByAura=0x0, originalCaster=17379391597342611061) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Entities/Unit/Unit.cpp:839
spellInfo = 0x7fffe90327e8
#115 0x000000000115652f in TriggerAI::IsSummonedBy (this=0x7fff70e01be0, summoner=0x7fffafcb9000) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/AI/CoreAI/PassiveAI.cpp:78
No locals.
#116 0x0000000000e6335a in TempSummon::InitSummon (this=0x7fff70e16000) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Entities/Creature/TemporarySummon.cpp:218
owner = 0x7fffafcb9000
#117 0x0000000000e44e49 in Map::SummonCreature (this=0x7fffafb07000, entry=38068, pos=..., properties=0x0, duration=4294967295, summoner=0x7fffafcb9000, spellId=0, vehId=0) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Entities/Object/Object.cpp:2222
mask = 1
phase = 1
team = 0
summon = 0x7fff70e16000
#118 0x0000000000e44f70 in WorldObject::SummonCreature (this=0x7fffafcb9000, entry=38068, pos=..., spwtype=TEMPSUMMON_TIMED_DESPAWN, duration=4294967295) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Entities/Object/Object.cpp:2244
summon = 0x7fffafcb9000
map = 0x7fffafb07000
#119 0x000000000108627d in Spell::EffectSummonType (this=0x7fff70dfac00, effIndex=EFFECT_0) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/SpellEffects.cpp:3214
count = 0
radius = 0
amount = 1
y = -96.4377441
x = 4.59163468e-41
z = 4.59163468e-41
spell = 3267420240
faction = 32767
duration = -1
entry = 38068
properties = 0x7fffec811048
pos = {m_positionX = 4287.85693, m_positionY = 2483.40723, m_positionZ = 365.726837, m_orientation = 3.13428426}
summon = 0x0
#120 0x00000000010330e8 in Spell::HandleEffects (this=0x7fff70dfac00, pUnitTarget=0x7fffafcb9000, pItemTarget=0x0, pGOTarget=0x0, i=0) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/Spell.cpp:4672
eff = 28 '\034'
preventDefault = false
#121 0x000000000102ede7 in Spell::_handle_immediate_phase (this=0x7fff70dfac00) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/Spell.cpp:3478
j = 0
oldEffMask = 0 '\000'
#122 0x000000000102e73e in Spell::handle_immediate (this=0x7fff70dfac00) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/Spell.cpp:3347
No locals.
#123 0x000000000102e440 in Spell::cast (this=0x7fff70dfac00, skipCheck=true) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/Spell.cpp:3301
targetTriggers = @0x7fff70e14b68
#124 0x000000000102d2ee in Spell::prepare (this=0x7fff70dfac00, targets=0x7fffc2c0e380, triggeredByAura=0x0) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/Spell.cpp:3010
Event = 0x7fff70e0de80
result = SPELL_CAST_OK
#125 0x0000000000de6af0 in Unit::CastSpell (this=0x7fff70e14000, Victim=0x7fff70e14000, spellInfo=0x7fffe90327e8, triggered=false, castItem=0x0, triggeredByAura=0x0, originalCaster=17379391597342611061) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Entities/Unit/Unit.cpp:866
targets = {m_srcTransGUID = 0, m_srcTransOffset = {m_positionX = 0, m_positionY = 0, m_positionZ = 0, m_orientation = 0}, m_srcPos = {m_positionX = 0, m_positionY = 0, m_positionZ = 0, m_orientation = 0}, m_dstTransGUID = 0, m_dstTransOffset = {m_positionX = 0, m_positionY = 0, m_positionZ = 0, m_orientation = 0}, m_dstPos = {<Position> = {m_positionX = 0, m_positionY = 0, m_positionZ = 0, m_orientation = 0}, m_mapId = 4294967295}, m_elevation = 0, m_speed = 0, m_strTarget = {static npos = 18446744073709551615, _M_dataplus = {<std::allocator<char>> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char>> = {<No data fields>}, <No data fields>}, _M_p = 0x7ffff6949138 ""}}, m_targetMask = 2, m_unitTarget = 0x7fff70e14000, m_GOTarget = 0x0, m_itemTarget = 0x0, m_unitTargetGUID = 17379391600698074153, m_GOTargetGUID = 0, m_CorpseTargetGUID = 0, m_itemTargetGUID = 0, m_itemTargetEntry = 0}
spell = 0x7fff70dfac00
#126 0x0000000000de68a8 in Unit::CastSpell (this=0x7fff70e14000, Victim=0x7fff70e14000, spellId=71741, triggered=false, castItem=0x0, triggeredByAura=0x0, originalCaster=17379391597342611061) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Entities/Unit/Unit.cpp:839
spellInfo = 0x7fffe90327e8
#127 0x000000000115652f in TriggerAI::IsSummonedBy (this=0x7fff70e01ac0, summoner=0x7fffafcb9000) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/AI/CoreAI/PassiveAI.cpp:78
No locals.
#128 0x0000000000e6335a in TempSummon::InitSummon (this=0x7fff70e14000) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Entities/Creature/TemporarySummon.cpp:218
owner = 0x7fffafcb9000
#129 0x0000000000e44e49 in Map::SummonCreature (this=0x7fffafb07000, entry=38068, pos=..., properties=0x0, duration=4294967295, summoner=0x7fffafcb9000, spellId=0, vehId=0) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Entities/Object/Object.cpp:2222
mask = 1
phase = 1
team = 0
summon = 0x7fff70e14000
#130 0x0000000000e44f70 in WorldObject::SummonCreature (this=0x7fffafcb9000, entry=38068, pos=..., spwtype=TEMPSUMMON_TIMED_DESPAWN, duration=4294967295) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Entities/Object/Object.cpp:2244
summon = 0x7fffafcb9000
map = 0x7fffafb07000
#131 0x000000000108627d in Spell::EffectSummonType (this=0x7fff70dfa300, effIndex=EFFECT_0) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/SpellEffects.cpp:3214
count = 0
radius = 0
amount = 1
y = -96.4508057
x = 4.59163468e-41
z = 4.59163468e-41
spell = 3267421952
faction = 32767
duration = -1
entry = 38068
properties = 0x7fffec811048
pos = {m_positionX = 4287.85693, m_positionY = 2483.40723, m_positionZ = 365.726837, m_orientation = 3.13428426}
summon = 0x0
#132 0x00000000010330e8 in Spell::HandleEffects (this=0x7fff70dfa300, pUnitTarget=0x7fffafcb9000, pItemTarget=0x0, pGOTarget=0x0, i=0) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/Spell.cpp:4672
eff = 28 '\034'
preventDefault = false
#133 0x000000000102ede7 in Spell::_handle_immediate_phase (this=0x7fff70dfa300) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/Spell.cpp:3478
j = 0
oldEffMask = 0 '\000'
#134 0x000000000102e73e in Spell::handle_immediate (this=0x7fff70dfa300) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/Spell.cpp:3347
No locals.
#135 0x000000000102e440 in Spell::cast (this=0x7fff70dfa300, skipCheck=true) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/Spell.cpp:3301
targetTriggers = @0x7fff70e12b68
#136 0x000000000102d2ee in Spell::prepare (this=0x7fff70dfa300, targets=0x7fffc2c0ea30, triggeredByAura=0x0) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/Spell.cpp:3010
Event = 0x7fff70e0daf0
result = SPELL_CAST_OK
#137 0x0000000000de6af0 in Unit::CastSpell (this=0x7fff70e12000, Victim=0x7fff70e12000, spellInfo=0x7fffe90327e8, triggered=false, castItem=0x0, triggeredByAura=0x0, originalCaster=17379391597342611061) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Entities/Unit/Unit.cpp:866
targets = {m_srcTransGUID = 0, m_srcTransOffset = {m_positionX = 0, m_positionY = 0, m_positionZ = 0, m_orientation = 0}, m_srcPos = {m_positionX = 0, m_positionY = 0, m_positionZ = 0, m_orientation = 0}, m_dstTransGUID = 0, m_dstTransOffset = {m_positionX = 0, m_positionY = 0, m_positionZ = 0, m_orientation = 0}, m_dstPos = {<Position> = {m_positionX = 0, m_positionY = 0, m_positionZ = 0, m_orientation = 0}, m_mapId = 4294967295}, m_elevation = 0, m_speed = 0, m_strTarget = {static npos = 18446744073709551615, _M_dataplus = {<std::allocator<char>> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char>> = {<No data fields>}, <No data fields>}, _M_p = 0x7ffff6949138 ""}}, m_targetMask = 2, m_unitTarget = 0x7fff70e12000, m_GOTarget = 0x0, m_itemTarget = 0x0, m_unitTargetGUID = 17379391600698074152, m_GOTargetGUID = 0, m_CorpseTargetGUID = 0, m_itemTargetGUID = 0, m_itemTargetEntry = 0}
spell = 0x7fff70dfa300
#138 0x0000000000de68a8 in Unit::CastSpell (this=0x7fff70e12000, Victim=0x7fff70e12000, spellId=71741, triggered=false, castItem=0x0, triggeredByAura=0x0, originalCaster=17379391597342611061) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Entities/Unit/Unit.cpp:839
spellInfo = 0x7fffe90327e8
#139 0x000000000115652f in TriggerAI::IsSummonedBy (this=0x7fff70e019a0, summoner=0x7fffafcb9000) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/AI/CoreAI/PassiveAI.cpp:78
No locals.
#140 0x0000000000e6335a in TempSummon::InitSummon (this=0x7fff70e12000) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Entities/Creature/TemporarySummon.cpp:218
owner = 0x7fffafcb9000
#141 0x0000000000e44e49 in Map::SummonCreature (this=0x7fffafb07000, entry=38068, pos=..., properties=0x0, duration=4294967295, summoner=0x7fffafcb9000, spellId=0, vehId=0) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Entities/Object/Object.cpp:2222
mask = 1
phase = 1
team = 0
summon = 0x7fff70e12000
#142 0x0000000000e44f70 in WorldObject::SummonCreature (this=0x7fffafcb9000, entry=38068, pos=..., spwtype=TEMPSUMMON_TIMED_DESPAWN, duration=4294967295) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Entities/Object/Object.cpp:2244
summon = 0x7fffafcb9000
map = 0x7fffafb07000
#143 0x000000000108627d in Spell::EffectSummonType (this=0x7fff70df9a00, effIndex=EFFECT_0) at /data/FaceCore/src/server/game/Spells/SpellEffects.cpp:3214
count = 0
radius = 0
amount = 1
y = -96.4638672
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