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Created April 18, 2017 18:11
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<h1>Hello {{name}}</h1>
import PerfectLib
import PerfectHTTP
import PerfectHTTPServer
import PerfectMustache
struct MustacheHelper: MustachePageHandler {
var values: MustacheEvaluationContext.MapType
func extendValuesForResponse(context contxt: MustacheWebEvaluationContext, collector: MustacheEvaluationOutputCollector) {
contxt.extendValues(with: values)
do {
try contxt.requestCompleted(withCollector: collector)
} catch {
contxt.webResponse.appendBody(string: "\(error)").completed(status: .internalServerError)
func helloMustache(request: HTTPRequest, response: HTTPResponse) {
var values = MustacheEvaluationContext.MapType()
values["users"] = [
["name": "Bill"],
["name": "John"],
["name": "Tom"]
mustacheRequest(request: request, response: response, handler: MustacheHelper(values: values), templatePath: request.documentRoot + "/index2.mustache")
let server = HTTPServer()
server.serverPort = 8080
server.documentRoot = "webroot"
var routes = Routes()
routes.add(method: .get, uri: "", handler: helloMustache)
do {
try server.start()
} catch PerfectError.networkError(let error, let message) {
print("Error: \(error), Message: \(message)")
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