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Last active January 7, 2024 13:26
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Download all Features from all layers of a WFS Service and save as separate shapefile per layer, with iteration (BfN example)

Example to retrieve all WFS Features and store as shapefile with pandas and geopandas.


conda create -n wfs_env -c conda-forge
conda activate wfs_env
conda install owslib geopandas requests

First, check capabilities in browser :

or with:


Select your layer, check count.

Edit, update count=1000 and startIndex=ix*1000 - 1000 is an example, update with the maximum number of items to retrieve per iteration, based on the capabilities.

  • optionally adapt the WFS format format='GML' (you can also try removing this parameter for automatic matching) Then run:

This will loop through all WFS features:

.. and concat df's and finally store. The CRS is not modified and should match the WFS layer's projection.

Or run:

This will loop through all layers and retrieve all features and store them in separate shapefiles.

from owslib.wfs import WebFeatureService
# also check count in browser:
# <ows:DefaultValue>1000</ows:DefaultValue>
# URL for WFS backend
url = ""
# Initialize
wfs = WebFeatureService(url=url)
# Service provider
# Get WFS version
# Available methods
print([ for operation in wfs.operations])
# Available data layers
# Print all metadata of all layers
for layer, meta in wfs.items():
from requests import Request
from owslib.wfs import WebFeatureService
import geopandas as gpd
import pandas as pd
# URL for WFS backend
url = ""
# Initialize
wfs = WebFeatureService(url=url)
# Fetch the last available layer (as an example); compara list from capabilities
layer_name = list(wfs.contents)[-1]
# Specify the parameters for fetching the data
# Count: specificies amount of rows to return per iteration (e.g. 10000 or 100); check capabilities in browser first
# startIndex: specifies at which offset to start returning rows
df = None
cnt = 0
for ix in range(100):
params = dict(service='WFS', version="2.0.0", request='GetFeature',
typeName=layer_name, count=1000, startIndex=ix*1000)
# Parse the URL with parameters
wfs_request_url = Request('GET', url, params=params).prepare().url
df_new = gpd.read_file(wfs_request_url, format='GML')
new_cnt = len(df_new)
if new_cnt == 0:
# empty result
# all rows fetched?
cnt += new_cnt
print (f"Round {ix}, retrieved {cnt} features", end="\r")
if df is None:
df = df_new
df = pd.concat([df, df_new])
"""Fetch all features all layers of a WFS service
and store as a single shapefile per layer.
__version__ = '2024-01-07'
__author__ = 'Alexander Dunkel'
from requests import Request
from owslib.wfs import WebFeatureService
import geopandas as gp
import pandas as pd
# URL for WFS backend
url = ""
# Initialize
wfs = WebFeatureService(url=url)
layers = list(wfs.contents)
def fetch_features(layer_name, fetch_cnt: int, ix: int) -> gp.GeoDataFrame:
"""Fetch features and return as GeoDataFrame"""
params = dict(service='WFS', version="2.0.0", request='GetFeature',
typeName=layer_name, count=fetch_cnt, startIndex=ix*fetch_cnt)
# Parse the URL with parameters
wfs_request_url = Request('GET', url, params=params).prepare().url
# df = gp.read_file(wfs_request_url)
df_new = gp.read_file(wfs_request_url, format='GML')
except ValueError:
return df_new
def loop_layer(
layer_name, max_loops: int = 100, item_fetch_cnt: int = 1000) -> gp.GeoDataFrame:
"""Specify the parameters for fetching the data
max_loops: how many iterations per layer max
item_fetch_cnt: specificies amount of rows to return per iteration
(e.g. 10000 or 100); check capabilities in browser first
startIndex: specifies at which offset to start returning rows
df = None
cnt = 0
for ix in range(100):
df_new = fetch_features(layer_name, item_fetch_cnt, ix)
if df_new is None:
print("Empty received, aborting..")
new_cnt = len(df_new)
if new_cnt == 0:
# empty result
# all rows fetched?
cnt += new_cnt
print (f"Round {ix}, retrieved {cnt} features", end="\r")
if df is None:
df = df_new
df = pd.concat([df, df_new])
if new_cnt < item_fetch_cnt:
return df
for layer_name in layers:
# Fetch all features for all layers
print(f'Fetching layer {layer_name}')
df = loop_layer(layer_name=layer_name)
# sanitize layername
layer_name_fine = "".join(x for x in layer_name if x.isalnum())
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