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abstract class on Accountability an Bank Account
abstract class Account{
int accountNumber;
double accountBalance;
void deposit(double amount)=> accountBalance += amount;
void withdraw(double amount);
class SavingAccount extends Account{
double interestRate;
SavingAccount(int accountNumber, double accountBalance,this.interestRate):super(accountNumber,accountBalance);
void withdraw(double amount) {
accountBalance -= amount;
accountBalance += (accountBalance * interestRate);
print('withdraw $amount tk , & New balance: $accountBalance');
class CurrentAccount extends Account{
double overDraftLimit;
CurrentAccount(super.accountNumber, super.accountBalance,this.overDraftLimit);
void withdraw(double amount) {
if(amount <= overDraftLimit){
accountBalance -= amount;
print('New Account balance: ${accountBalance.toStringAsPrecision(9)}');
print('insufficient funds ,Your current balance is ${accountBalance.toStringAsPrecision(9)}');
void main() {
SavingAccount savingAccount=SavingAccount(32165165161, 500000.458, 0.07);
CurrentAccount currentAccount=CurrentAccount(32165165161, 150000.336, 60000);
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