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added the List Items by Loop or Iteration
add List of sum in a sigle value by this way -------------------------------
void main() {
List<double> itemPrice= [15.99, 18.75, 21.40, 53.09];
double sum=0;
double totalPrice=0;
var numbers=> value).reduce((previous,present)=>previous+present); // we can use also fold() function
// for (double item in itemPrice) {
// sum+=item;
// totalPrice= sum * 1.05; // eta 5% vat soho
// }
print(numbers); // output 109.23
void main() {
List<double> itemPrice= [15.99, 18.75, 21.40, 53.09];
double addedPrice=itemPrice.fold(0,(previous,current)=>previous+current);
double totalPrice= addedPrice * 1.05;
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