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//Change error message of AJAX submitted form.
add_filter( 'caldera_forms_render_notices', function( $notices ){
//Will NOT be set (during AJAX return) if there is no error
if( isset( $notices[ 'error' ], $notices[ 'error' ][ 'note' ] ) ){
$notices[ 'error' ][ 'note' ] = 'Form could not be submitted, please correct erorrs or give us a call.';
return $notices;
//Change error message of AJAX submitted form.
add_filter( 'caldera_forms_render_notices', function( $notices ){
//Will ONLY be set (during AJAX return) if there is no error
if( isset( $notices[ 'error' ], $notices[ 'error' ][ 'sucess' ] ) ){
$notices[ 'error' ][ 'sucess' ] = 'That was awesome!';
return $notices;
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SzaZo74 commented Sep 14, 2018


This filter does not work at all.. Has no effect. Do you have any idea how I can change the success message dynamically?


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misfist commented Oct 2, 2018

I believe, there are typos. This worked for me:

add_filter( 'caldera_forms_render_notices', function( $notices ) {
	if( isset( $notices[ 'success' ], $notices[ 'success' ][ 'note' ] ) ) {
		$notices[ 'success' ][ 'note' ] = 'That was awesome!';
	return $notices;

Note: success (not "sucess") and the success text is accessed at $notices[ 'success' ][ 'note' ] ( "$notices[ 'error' ][ 'sucess' ]" )

Ref: should be updated.

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