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Created June 11, 2015 14:57
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Umbraco 7.3 - Enable DatabaseServerMessenger
public class LoadBalancingConfigurationEventHandler : ApplicationEventHandler
protected override void ApplicationStarting(UmbracoApplicationBase umbracoApplication, ApplicationContext applicationContext)
//Replace the server messenger:
ServerMessengerResolver.Current.SetServerMessenger(new BatchedDatabaseServerMessenger(
//You can customize some options by setting the options parameters here:
new DatabaseServerMessengerOptions
//These callbacks will be executed if the server has not been synced
// (i.e. it is a new server or the lastsynced.txt file has been removed)
InitializingCallbacks = new Action[]
//rebuild the xml cache file if the server is not synced
() => global::umbraco.content.Instance.RefreshContentFromDatabase(),
//rebuild indexes if the server is not synced
// NOTE: This will rebuild ALL indexes including the members, if developers want to target specific
// indexes then they can adjust this logic themselves.
() => Examine.ExamineManager.Instance.RebuildIndex()
//Replace the server registrar (this is optional but allows you to track active servers participating
// in your load balanced environment):
ServerRegistrarResolver.Current.SetServerRegistrar(new DatabaseServerRegistrar(
new Lazy<ServerRegistrationService>(() => applicationContext.Services.ServerRegistrationService),
//You can customize some options by setting the options parameters here:
new DatabaseServerRegistrarOptions()));
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