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Happy investigating and coding

Shawn ShawnHuang

Happy investigating and coding
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royshil / SimpleVideoStabilizer.cpp
Last active May 8, 2024 05:49
A simple video stabilizer in OpenCV, based on goodFeaturesToTrack, calcOpticalFlowPyrLK and estimateRigidTransform.
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/features2d/features2d.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
#include <opencv2/video/video.hpp>
#include <iostream>
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
yi / gist:01e3ab762838d567e65d
Created July 24, 2014 18:52
lua hex <= => string
function string.fromhex(str)
return (str:gsub('..', function (cc)
return string.char(tonumber(cc, 16))
function string.tohex(str)
return (str:gsub('.', function (c)
return string.format('%02X', string.byte(c))
suxue /
Created March 16, 2014 11:52
simple WebSocket Server make use of netcat
typeset port=$((RANDOM % 60000))
while ((port < 30000)); do
port=$((RANDOM % 60000))
typeset pipe=`mktemp -u`
mkfifo $pipe
trap "rm -f $pipe" INT
rmcgibbo / Install Intel-CPU OpenCL on
Last active November 6, 2021 10:00
Installing Intel CPU OpenCL on Ubuntu 12.04

Open Computing Language (OpenCL) is a language and framework for writing computationally intensive kernels that run accross heterogenious platforms, including GPUs, CPUs, and perhaps other more esoteric devices.

Intel provides an OpenCL implementation for Intel CPUs, but there's not a lot of instructions on how to get it set up. Here's what I did.

Installing Intel CPU OpenCL on Ubuntu (12.04)

  1. Download the Intel® SDK for OpenCL* Applications XE 2013 from the Intel website, here The download is a tarball -- the one I got is called intel_sdk_for_ocl_applications_2013_xe_sdk_3.0.67279_x64.tgz
  2. Unpack the tarball and cd into the new directory
PaulCapestany / oh-my-zsh prompt
Created February 8, 2013 03:07
oh-my-zsh prompt with continuously updated timestamp for every executed command ☺ (useful for troubleshooting server requests/responses when comparing against their logs, for example)
# oh-my-zsh prompt
PROMPT='%{$fg[white]%}%* ◀ %U%(0?.%{$fg_bold[magenta]%}.%{$fg_bold[red]%})%c%u %{$fg[white]%}▶ %{$reset_color%}'
PROMPT2=' %{$fg_bold[magenta]%}%c %{$fg_bold[white]%}… %_ %{$fg[white]%}▶ %{$reset_color%}'
# continuously updated timestamp for every executed command ☺
schedprompt() {
emulate -L zsh
zmodload -i zsh/sched
integer i=${"${(@)zsh_scheduled_events#*:*:}"[(I)schedprompt]}
(( i )) && sched -$i
mattratleph /
Last active September 19, 2024 18:35 — forked from roothybrid7/
vimdiff cheat sheet

vimdiff cheat sheet

##git mergetool

In the middle file (future merged file), you can navigate between conflicts with ]c and [c.

Choose which version you want to keep with :diffget //2 or :diffget //3 (the //2 and //3 are unique identifiers for the target/master copy and the merge/branch copy file names).

:diffupdate (to remove leftover spacing issues)

:only (once you’re done reviewing all conflicts, this shows only the middle/merged file)

function ex1 ()
coroutine.yield "HELLO!"
coroutine.yield "HELLO AGAIN!!"
return "SEE YOU!"
local ex1_co = coroutine.wrap (ex1)
print (ex1_co ()) -- => HELLO!
print (ex1_co ()) -- => HELLO AGAIN!!