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Created September 3, 2024 20:38
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Demonstrates how to visualize a knowledge graph generated using GraphRAG with UMAP embeddings. The script loads entity and relationship data from parquet files and then visualizes the graph using networkx and matplotlib.
import pandas as pd
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import graspologic as gc
# Load environment variables
from dotenv import load_dotenv
_ = load_dotenv()
# Define paths
FOLDER = "20240903-194043"
INPUT_DIR = f"../bin/output/{FOLDER}/artifacts"
OUTPUT_DIR = f"../bin/output/{FOLDER}/artifacts"
ENTITY_TABLE = "create_final_nodes"
RELATIONSHIP_TABLE = "create_final_relationships"
# Function to add color column to entities based on community
def add_color_column_to_entities(entity_df: pd.DataFrame, community_column: str = "community") -> pd.DataFrame:
Adds a 'color' column to the entity_df DataFrame based on unique community values.
# Ensure the community column exists in the dataframe
if community_column not in entity_df.columns:
raise ValueError(f"The specified community column '{community_column}' does not exist in the DataFrame.")
# Get unique communities
unique_communities = entity_df[community_column].unique()
# Generate a color map for the unique communities
color_map = gc.layouts.categorical_colors({str(community): community for community in unique_communities})
# Map each community to its corresponding color
entity_df['color'] = entity_df[community_column].map(lambda community: color_map[str(community)])
return entity_df
# Convert entities to dictionaries for easier processing
def convert_entities_to_dicts(df):
"""Convert the entities dataframe to a list of dicts for yfiles-jupyter-graphs."""
nodes_dict = {}
df.drop(columns=["size"], inplace=True)
# Make sure x and y are float and nor NaN
df["x"] = df["x"].astype(float)
df["y"] = df["y"].astype(float)
df = df[~df["x"].isna()]
df = df[~df["y"].isna()]
for _, row in df.iterrows():
node_id = row["title"] # Use 'title' as the unique identifier
if node_id not in nodes_dict:
nodes_dict[node_id] = {
"id": node_id,
"properties": row.to_dict(),
return list(nodes_dict.values())
# Convert relationships to dictionaries
def convert_relationships_to_dicts(df):
"""Convert the relationships dataframe to a list of dicts for yfiles-jupyter-graphs."""
relationships = []
for _, row in df.iterrows():
"start": row["source"],
"end": row["target"],
"properties": row.to_dict(),
return relationships
# Load the dataframes from parquet files
entity_df = pd.read_parquet(f"{OUTPUT_DIR}/{ENTITY_TABLE}.parquet")
# Filter by "level" column to avoid "id" duplicates
entity_df = entity_df[entity_df["level"] == 0]
relationship_df = pd.read_parquet(f"{OUTPUT_DIR}/{RELATIONSHIP_TABLE}.parquet")
# Add color to each node based on the community
entity_df = add_color_column_to_entities(entity_df)
# Convert dataframes to required formats
nodes = convert_entities_to_dicts(entity_df)
edges = convert_relationships_to_dicts(relationship_df)
# Initialize a directed graph
G = nx.DiGraph()
# Add nodes and their attributes to the graph
for node in nodes:
node_id = node["id"]
properties = node["properties"]
pos=(properties["x"], properties["y"]),
label=properties["title"], # Add the title as a label
# Check if all nodes referenced by edges have positions
missing_nodes = set()
filtered_edges = []
# Filter edges and add them to the graph
for edge in edges:
source = edge["start"]
target = edge["end"]
# Ensure both source and target nodes exist in the graph
if source not in G.nodes or target not in G.nodes:
missing_nodes.update([source, target])
edge_properties = edge["properties"]
filtered_edges.append((source, target, edge_properties))
G.add_edge(source, target, **edge_properties)
# Debugging: Print any missing nodes
if missing_nodes:
print(f"Missing nodes detected: {missing_nodes}")
print("Some edges will not be drawn due to missing node positions.")
# Prepare node position, size, and color for visualization
node_position_dict = {node["id"]: (node["properties"]["x"], node["properties"]["y"]) for node in nodes}
node_sizes = [node["properties"]["degree"] * 10 for node in nodes] # Scale sizes for better visibility
node_colors = [node["properties"]["color"] for node in nodes] # Get color from the node properties
assert len(node_position_dict) == len(node_sizes) == len(node_colors), f"Lengths of node attributes do not match ({len(node_position_dict)}, {len(node_sizes)}, {len(node_colors)})"
# Prepare node labels for visualization
node_labels = {node["id"]: node["properties"]["title"] for node in nodes}
# Plot the graph
figure = plt.gcf()
ax = plt.gca()
figure.set_size_inches(20, 10)
# Draw nodes with networkx
# Draw edges only for nodes with defined positions
nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos=node_position_dict, edgelist=filtered_edges, ax=ax, alpha=0.5)
# Draw node labels
nx.draw_networkx_labels(G, pos=node_position_dict, labels=node_labels, ax=ax, font_size=2)
# Display the plot
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