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Last active September 5, 2020 08:59
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A Mathematica script to calculate the matrix representation of quantum gate.
depth = 3;
gate[func_] := Table[Flatten[func @@ IntegerDigits[l, 2, depth]], {l, 0, 2^depth - 1}];
v[i_] := If[EvenQ[i], {1, 0}, {0, 1}];
h[i_] := 1/Sqrt[2] (v[0] + (1 - 2 i) v[1]);
t[i_] := If[EvenQ[i], v[0], E^(I \[Pi]/4) v[1]];
tc[i_] := If[EvenQ[i], v[0], E^(-I \[Pi]/4) v[1]];
s[i_] := If[EvenQ[i], v[0], I v[1]];
gates = {
gate[TensorProduct[v[#1], v[#2], h[#3]] &],
gate[TensorProduct[v[#1], v[#2], v[#2 + #3]] &],
gate[TensorProduct[v[#1], v[#2], tc[#3]] &],
gate[TensorProduct[v[#1], v[#2], v[#1 + #3]] &],
gate[TensorProduct[v[#1], v[#2], t[#3]] &],
gate[TensorProduct[v[#1], v[#2], v[#2 + #3]] &],
gate[TensorProduct[v[#1], v[#2], tc[#3]] &],
gate[TensorProduct[v[#1], v[#2], v[#1 + #3]] &],
gate[TensorProduct[v[#1], tc[#2], t[#3]] &],
gate[TensorProduct[v[#1], v[#1 + #2], v[#3]] &],
gate[TensorProduct[v[#1], tc[#2], v[#3]] &],
gate[TensorProduct[v[#1], v[#1 + #2], v[#3]] &],
gate[TensorProduct[t[#1], s[#2], h[#3]] &]
Fold[Dot, IdentityMatrix[2^depth], gates] // MatrixForm
gate[TensorProduct[v[#1], v[#2], v[#3 + #1 #2]] &] // MatrixForm
TeXForm /@ gates
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