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Last active September 30, 2018 02:10
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Save Shadows-of-Fire/8f164e07d63ec9b7f43a804137455025 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Recipes in 1.12
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.item.crafting.IRecipe;
import net.minecraft.item.crafting.Ingredient;
import net.minecraft.item.crafting.ShapedRecipes;
import net.minecraft.item.crafting.ShapelessRecipes;
import net.minecraft.util.NonNullList;
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;
import net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper;
import net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.ShapedPrimer;
import net.minecraftforge.oredict.OreIngredient;
public class RecipeHelper {
private static int j = 0;
private static final String MODID = Mod.MODID;
private static final String MODNAME = Mod.MODNAME;
* This needs to be looped through and passed in a RegistryEvent.Register<IRecipe>, it should also be populated during that event.
public static final List<IRecipe> RECIPES = new ArrayList<IRecipe>();
* This adds the recipe to the list of crafting recipes. Since who cares about names, it adds it as recipesX, where X is the current recipe you are adding.
public static void addRecipe(int j, IRecipe rec) {
if (rec.getRegistryName() == null)
RECIPES.add(rec.setRegistryName(new ResourceLocation(MODID, "recipes" + j)));
* This adds the recipe to the list of crafting recipes. Cares about names.
public static void addRecipe(String name, IRecipe rec) {
if (rec.getRegistryName() == null)
RECIPES.add(rec.setRegistryName(new ResourceLocation(MODID, name)));
* Adds a shapeless recipe with X output using an array of inputs. Use Strings for OreDictionary support. This array is not ordered.
public static void addShapeless(ItemStack output, Object... inputs) {
addRecipe(j++, new ShapelessRecipes(MODID + ":" + j, output, createInput(inputs)));
public static void addShapeless(Item output, Object... inputs) {
addShapeless(new ItemStack(output), inputs);
public static void addShapeless(Block output, Object... inputs) {
addShapeless(new ItemStack(output), inputs);
* Adds a shapeless recipe with X output using an array of inputs. Use Strings for OreDictionary support. This array is not ordered. This has a custom group.
public static void addShapeless(String group, ItemStack output, Object... inputs) {
addRecipe(j++, new ShapelessRecipes(MODID + ":" + group, output, createInput(inputs)));
public static void addShapeless(String group, Item output, Object... inputs) {
addShapeless(group, new ItemStack(output), inputs);
public static void addShapeless(String group, Block output, Object... inputs) {
addShapeless(group, new ItemStack(output), inputs);
* Adds a shapeless recipe with X output on a crafting grid that is W x H, using an array of inputs. Use null for nothing, use Strings for OreDictionary support, this array must have a length of width * height.
* This array is ordered, and items must follow from left to right, top to bottom of the crafting grid.
public static void addShaped(ItemStack output, int width, int height, Object... input) {
addRecipe(j++, genShaped(output, width, height, input));
public static void addShaped(Item output, int width, int height, Object... input) {
addShaped(new ItemStack(output), width, height, input);
public static void addShaped(Block output, int width, int height, Object... input) {
addShaped(new ItemStack(output), width, height, input);
* Adds a shapeless recipe with X output on a crafting grid that is W x H, using an array of inputs. Use null for nothing, use Strings for OreDictionary support, this array must have a length of width * height.
* This array is ordered, and items must follow from left to right, top to bottom of the crafting grid. This has a custom group.
public static void addShaped(String group, ItemStack output, int width, int height, Object... input) {
addRecipe(j++, genShaped(MODID + ":" + group, output, width, height, input));
public static void addShaped(String group, Item output, int width, int height, Object... input) {
addShaped(group, new ItemStack(output), width, height, input);
public static void addShaped(String group, Block output, int width, int height, Object... input) {
addShaped(group, new ItemStack(output), width, height, input);
public static ShapedRecipes genShaped(ItemStack output, int l, int w, Object[] input) {
return genShaped(MODID + ":" + j, output, l, w, input);
public static ShapedRecipes genShaped(String group, ItemStack output, int l, int w, Object[] input) {
if (input[0] instanceof List)
input = ((List<?>) input[0]).toArray();
else if (input[0] instanceof Object[])
input = (Object[]) input[0];
if (l * w != input.length)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"Attempted to add invalid shaped recipe. Complain to the author of " + MODNAME);
NonNullList<Ingredient> inputL = NonNullList.create();
for (int i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
Object k = input[i];
if (k instanceof String) {
inputL.add(i, new OreIngredient((String) k));
} else if (k instanceof ItemStack && !((ItemStack) k).isEmpty()) {
inputL.add(i, Ingredient.fromStacks((ItemStack) k));
} else if (k instanceof Item) {
inputL.add(i, Ingredient.fromStacks(new ItemStack((Item) k)));
} else if (k instanceof Block) {
inputL.add(i, Ingredient.fromStacks(new ItemStack((Block) k)));
} else {
inputL.add(i, Ingredient.EMPTY);
return new ShapedRecipes(group, l, w, inputL, output);
public static NonNullList<Ingredient> createInput(Object[] input) {
if (input[0] instanceof List)
input = ((List<?>) input[0]).toArray();
else if (input[0] instanceof Object[])
input = (Object[]) input[0];
NonNullList<Ingredient> inputL = NonNullList.create();
for (int i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
Object k = input[i];
if (k instanceof String) {
inputL.add(i, new OreIngredient((String) k));
} else if (k instanceof ItemStack) {
inputL.add(i, Ingredient.fromStacks((ItemStack) k));
} else if (k instanceof Item) {
inputL.add(i, Ingredient.fromStacks(new ItemStack((Item) k)));
} else if (k instanceof Block) {
inputL.add(i, Ingredient.fromStacks(new ItemStack((Block) k)));
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"Attempted to add invalid shapeless recipe. Complain to the author of " + MODNAME);
return inputL;
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Any chance you know how to REMOVE recipes added this way? I've been using the addShapeless() methods here but now can't seem to REMOVE them from my mod?

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