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Created September 20, 2023 20:49
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Data Analysis Project Plan

Project Name: [Your Project Name] Project Lead: [Your Name] Project Start Date: [Start Date] Project End Date: [End Date]

1. Project Overview

1.1 Objective

[Clearly state the main objective of the project]

1.2 Scope

[List the specific areas or topics that will be covered in this analysis]

2. Data Sources

2.1 Source 1

  • Description: [Description of the first data source]
  • Format: [e.g., CSV, Excel, Database]
  • Location: [File path or database connection]
  • Key Variables: [Primary keys or unique identifiers]

2.2 Source 2

  • Description: [Description of the second data source]
  • Format: [e.g., CSV, Excel, Database]
  • Location: [File path or database connection]
  • Key Variables: [Primary keys or unique identifiers]

[Continue for additional data sources]

3. Data Source Assessment

3.1 Data Quality Check

  • [List quality checks performed on each data source]

3.2 Data Privacy and Compliance

  • [Explain any privacy or compliance considerations]

4. Data Dictionary

4.1 [Variable Name]

  • Description: [Description of the variable]
  • Type: [Data type]
  • Unit: [Unit of measurement]
  • Source: [Source of the variable]
  • Transformations: [Any applied transformations]

[Continue for additional variables]

5. Data Cleaning and Preprocessing

5.1 Missing Values

  • [Description of how missing values will be handled]

5.2 Outliers

  • [Description of how outliers will be addressed]

5.3 Data Transformations

  • [List of transformations applied]

6. Data Integration and Merging

6.1 Key Variables

  • [List the common keys used for merging]

6.2 Join Type

  • [Specify the type of join used]

7. Data Relationships

  • [Describe the relationships between datasets]

8. Data Storage and Version Control

  • [Explain where and how data will be stored]

9. Project Timeline

9.1 Milestones and Tasks

Task Description Start Date End Date Lead
[Task 1] [Start Date] [End Date] [Name]
[Task 2] [Start Date] [End Date] [Name]
[Task 3] [Start Date] [End Date] [Name]

10. Analysis Methods and Tools

10.1 Techniques

  • [List the analytical techniques to be used]

10.2 Tools

  • [Specify the software or tools for analysis]

11. Backup and Recovery Plan

  • [Describe the backup and recovery procedures]

12. Data Validation and Sanity Checks

  • [Explain how data validation will be performed]

13. Documentation and Reporting

  • [Detail the documentation and reporting process]

14. Data Integrity Maintenance

  • [Outline how data integrity will be maintained]

15. Iterative Analysis and Feedback

  • [Explain the process for revisiting and adjusting the analysis]
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