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Created January 15, 2016 12:53
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A simpe JSONObject in swift to wrap around objective c return objects.
import Foundation
/// Class for handling errors related to the parent class.
enum JSONValidationErrors: ErrorType, CustomDebugStringConvertible, CustomStringConvertible {
case ExpectedDictionary
case ExpectedArray
case MissingKey(String)
case MissingIndex(Int)
case ConversionFailed(String)
case DateConversionFailed(String)
func localizedFailureReason() -> String {
switch self {
case .ExpectedDictionary:
return NSLocalizedString("Expected to find Dictionary in JSON response.", comment: "Error message to show when reading from a JSON object and a expected dictionary is not found.")
case .ExpectedArray:
return NSLocalizedString("Expected to find Array in JSON response.", comment: "Error message to show when reading from a JSON object and a expected array is not found.")
case MissingKey(let key):
return NSString(format:NSLocalizedString("Missing \"%@\" element in JSON response.", comment: "Error message to show when parsing a JSON dictionary and a expected key is not found."),
"\(key)") as String
case ConversionFailed(let key):
return NSString(format:NSLocalizedString("Failed to convert object to %@ type.", comment: "Error message to show when converstion to a expected type failed."),
"\(key)") as String
case DateConversionFailed(let key):
return NSString(format:NSLocalizedString("Failed to convert %@ to date.", comment: "Error message to show when parsing a JSON dictionary field where a date was expected but the parsing failed."),
"\(key)") as String
case MissingIndex(let index):
return NSString(format:NSLocalizedString("Missing \"%i\" element in response array.", comment:"Error message to show when parsing a JSON array and an expected index is not found."),
index) as String
func convertToNSError() -> NSError {
let userInfo = [NSLocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey: self.localizedFailureReason()]
return NSError(domain: "JSONValidationErrors", code: self._code, userInfo: userInfo)
var description:String{ get { return localizedFailureReason() }}
var debugDescription:String{ get { return localizedFailureReason() }}
class JSONObject {
let json: AnyObject?
init(json: AnyObject?){
self.json = json
func dictionary() throws -> [String: AnyObject] {
guard let dictionary = json as? [String: AnyObject] else {
throw JSONValidationErrors.ExpectedDictionary
return dictionary;
func array() throws -> [AnyObject] {
guard let array = json as? [AnyObject] else {
throw JSONValidationErrors.ExpectedArray
return array;
func string() throws -> String {
guard let result = json as? String else {
throw JSONValidationErrors.ConversionFailed("String")
return result;
func double() throws -> Double {
guard let result = json as? Double else {
throw JSONValidationErrors.ConversionFailed("Double")
return result;
func bool() throws -> Bool {
guard let result = json as? Bool else {
throw JSONValidationErrors.ConversionFailed("Bool")
return result;
func objectAtKey(key: String) throws -> JSONObject {
guard let dictionary = json as? [String: AnyObject] else {
throw JSONValidationErrors.ExpectedDictionary
guard let obj = dictionary[key] else {
throw JSONValidationErrors.MissingKey(key)
return JSONObject(json: obj)
func objectAtIndex(index: Int) throws -> JSONObject {
guard let array = json as? [AnyObject] else {
throw JSONValidationErrors.ExpectedArray
guard (index >= 0) && (index < array.count) else {
throw JSONValidationErrors.MissingIndex(index)
let obj = array[index]
return JSONObject(json: obj)
func dateWithFormatter(dateFormatter:NSDateFormatter) throws -> NSDate {
let dateString = try self.string() as String
guard let date = dateFormatter.dateFromString(dateString) else {
throw JSONValidationErrors.DateConversionFailed("")
return date
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