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Nov 2018 - PowerShell script to download all NuGet packages
$indexClient = new-object
$jsonIndex=$indexClient.DownloadString("") | ConvertFrom-Json
for ($h=0; $h -lt $jsonIndex.items.Length; $h++) {
$web_client = new-object
$jsonObj=$web_client.DownloadString($jsonIndex.items[$h].'@id') | ConvertFrom-Json
for ($i=0; $i -lt $jsonObj.items.Length; $i++) {
$package = $jsonObj.items[$i]."nuget:id" + "/" + $jsonObj.items[$i]."nuget:version"
$web_client.DownloadFile("" + $package, ("C:\Nuget\" + $jsonObj.items[$i]."nuget:id" + "." + $jsonObj.items[$i]."nuget:version" + ".nupkg"))
"Processing: " + ($h + 1) + " of " + $jsonIndex.count + " ---- " + ($i + 1) + " of " + $jsonObj.count + " - " + $jsonObj.items[$i]."nuget:id" + "." + $jsonObj.items[$i]."nuget:version"
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